Microsoft Excel英文释义


Excel, commonly pronounced as [ik'sel], is a versatile term that can be both a verb and the name of a software program. As a verb, it signifies superiority or being better than others in a particular field.

In the context of computer software, Excel refers to the popular Microsoft Office application known for its powerful spreadsheet capabilities. It is widely used for data analysis, calculations, and creating various types of charts and graphs.

The verb 'excel' can be used in various tenses: it has a past participle 'excelled', past tense 'excelled', present participle 'excelling', and the third-person singular form 'excels'. Here are some example sentences illustrating its usage:

    He excelled all other composers of his period, showcasing his outstanding talent.
    Her painting skills are exceptional; she excels in expressing her creativity through art.
    In their relationship, his wife strategically outperforms him, contributing to their balanced dynamics.
    Each of them stands out in their respective fields, demonstrating their exceptional abilities.

Another interpretation of the verb 'excel' is to distinguish oneself, or to surpass others in a way that sets one apart. Synonyms for this meaning include 'stand out' and 'surpass'.


Excel单词是擅长的意思。Microsoft Excel是微软公司的办公软件Microsoft office的组件之一,是由Microsoft为Windows和Apple Macintosh操作系统的电脑而编写和运行的一款试算表软件。直观的界面、出色的计算功能和图表工具,再加上成功的市场营销,使Excel成为最流行的微机数据处理软件。在1993年,作为Microsoft Office的组件发布了5.0版之后,Excel就开始成为所适用操作平台上的电子制表软件的霸主。




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