
1 an eye finds more truth than two ears
2 he that travels far knows much
3 variety is the spicy of life
4 work while you work;play while you play;this is the way to be cheerful and gay
5 an apply a day,keep doctors away
6 faith will move mountains
7 good things come in small packages
8 doubt is the beginning of wisdom
9 great starts make great finishes
10 you're never too old to learn
11 a young idler,an old beggar
12 health is better than wealth
13 te remembrance of the past is the teather of the future
14 as a man sows,so he shall reap
15 never judge a book by its cover
1楼的= =不要用翻译器翻
3楼,不带这样骗积分的= =

1."an eye finds more truth than two ears" means that by our eyes we can get nearer to the truth than by our ears.When we see something, we can know what right it is,but what we hear maybe rumors,which may be changed when it's spread.

4.This sentence is about time arrangement.It suggest us to focus on what we should do at the right time and by this we can be efficient no matter at work or after work.Moreover,we will have a joyful and pleasant life.

6.This sentence is emphasizing the importance of confidence and belief.It is faith that we need to have as an foundation to overcome any difficulties.

8.This sentence tells us that doubt can lead to wisdom.That means that if we think more about everything around us and always ask why,we will be intelligent.

9.A good start is half of the success.So if we have a good beginning at any tasks we meet,we can finish them seccessfully.

10.Learning is never unnecessary.No matter how old you are,you should learn and you are able to learn.

11.This sentence criticize the people who is lazy.A lazy people won't make big progress and all his life he should depend on others,such as a beggar.

12.This sentence states that health is more important than wealth.Because a health person can earn money,but a wealth person can not buy health.

14.This sentence tells us a person should be diligent.Once you worked hard,you will receive success.

15.This sentence tells us do not judge things by its appearance.Judging person is the same.We should judge a person by his characters rather than his face.

At last, I want to say that those all above are only my opnion, not the correct answer.
第1个回答  2007-06-24
1 一个眼睛找的事实比二只耳朵多2个走得远,懂得多3个多样性是生活的辛辣者4 工作当你工作的时候;游戏当你玩的时候;这是方式去是快活和欢迎的5 一应用一天,使医生远离6 信心将会移动山7件好事物进来小的包裹8 怀疑是智能的开始9个棒的开始作棒的完成10 你从不是太旧而无法获悉11 一个年轻的懒惰者,一个老乞丐12个健康胜于财富13 te 过去的回想是未来的 teather14 当一个男人播种,因此他将收获15 不要判断它的掩护的一本书
第2个回答  2007-06-24
1."an eye finds more truth than two ears" means that by our eyes we can get nearer to the truth than by our ears.When we see something, we can know what right it is,but what we hear maybe rumors,which may be changed when it's spread.

4.This sentence is about time arrangement.It suggest us to focus on what we should do at the right time and by this we can be efficient no matter at work or after work.Moreover,we will have a joyful and pleasant life.

6.This sentence is emphasizing the importance of confidence and belief.It is faith that we need to have as an foundation to overcome any difficulties.

8.This sentence tells us that doubt can lead to wisdom.That means that if we think more about everything around us and always ask why,we will be intelligent.

9.A good start is half of the success.So if we have a good beginning at any tasks we meet,we can finish them seccessfully.

10.Learning is never unnecessary.No matter how old you are,you should learn and you are able to learn.

11.This sentence criticize the people who is lazy.A lazy people won't make big progress and all his life he should depend on others,such as a beggar.

12.This sentence states that health is more important than wealth.Because a health person can earn money,but a wealth person can not buy health.

14.This sentence tells us a person should be diligent.Once you worked hard,you will receive success.

15.This sentence tells us do not judge things by its appearance.Judging person is the same.We should judge a person by his characters rather than his face.



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