

like doing sth(习惯) like to do sth(具体)
love doing st(习惯) love to do sth(具体)
hate doing sth (习惯) hate to do sth(具体)
afraid to do sth(习惯)  afraid to dosth(具体)
stop doing sth(停止正做的事) stop to do sth(停止,做另一件事)
forget/ remember doing sth(已做) forget/ remember to do sth(未做)
mean to do(打算做某事)  meam doing (意味着做某事)
try doing sth (试做) try to do sth(努力做)
go on doing sth (继续做原事) go on to do sth(继续做另一件事)
begin/start doing sth begin/start to do sth(用法较复杂http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/23180387去该网站看看吧)
continue doing sth (继续做原事) continue to do sth(继续做另一件事)
finish doing sth (完成正做的事) finish to do sth(完成,做另一件事)
regret doing sth(已做) regret to do sth(未做)
cease doing sth (停止正做的事) cease to do sth(停止,做另一件事)
sb be seen/watched/noticed/heard...to do sth (某人被看到/注意/听到...经常做某事)
sb be seen/watched/noticed/heard...doing sth (某人被看到/注意/听到...正在做某事)以上两者为被动
第1个回答  2011-07-24
1 stop to do     stop doing   
  2 forget to do     forget doing
  3 remember to do   remember doing     
  4 regret to do     regret doing
  5 cease to do     cease doing       
  6 try to do      try doing
  7 go on to do     go on doing       
  8 afraid to do     afraid doing
  9 interested to do  interested doing 
 10 mean to do      mean doing
 11 begin/ start to do  begin/ start doing
第2个回答  2011-07-26
stop begin start remember forget like love



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