

This subject starts from the development of the courtyard to have a basic information about the background and culture of the Chinese courtyard. Through the in-depth analysis of the Chinese courtyard, and the bold use of the elements and skills of the courtyard, the article tries the traditional Chinese style in courtyard designing. The author tends to understand the function of certain spaces in the courtyard, the methods of dividing spaces, the pattern of plants arrangement and the skills of selecting landscapes , by means of the application of dividing spaces, plants arrangement, landscape and other elements, in order to present a view of traditional Chinese design with reasonable space dividing, accurate style positioning, and unique individual thoughts. As a result, in this way can the author raise the understanding and skills of courtyard designing.

花了点心思帮你翻译了,希望对你有帮助,祝你毕业顺利! have a nice day
第1个回答  2011-04-27
The research of this article is starting from the courtyard, aiming to know the background and understanding of Chinese culture of courtyard, Chinese garden through in-depth analysis of the elements in the garden and gardening practices, a bold application of the traditional Chinese-style garden was designed to try to . Of the traditional courtyard design attempts to divide the space, plant configuration, landscape sketches and other elements and practices used to understand the function of the local space empty courtyard and space partitioning methods, plant and landscape sketches the configuration of the choice of law skills, representation of space division Reasonable, style, orientation and accurate will of the Chinese courtyard with individual design. It can improve the understanding of the design for the garden design skills and proficiency.
第2个回答  2011-04-27
This thesis is proceeded with development of courtyard, to comprehend background and inside information of Chinese style countyard. Through deep analysis of Chinese courtyard, by broadly applicaiton of structure elements and garden techniques, attempt of traditional Chinese courtyard was performed. By employing elements and ploy of traditional design of space division, regulations of plant display and decoration, author attempted to understand the relative skills and redivivus design of Chinese courtyard which has rational space divition, exquisite style, and individual purpose. Therefore the realization and design skill of author to courtyard are improved.



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