

In the classic animated series "Tom and Jerry," the cat is named Tom, and the mouse is named Jerry. The series, created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, premiered on May 8, 1939. It is characterized by its slapstick humor and depicts the ongoing rivalry between the two protagonists, Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. Tom frequently employs cunning tactics to catch Jerry, but the mouse often manages to escape and exact revenge using the holes in Tom's plans.
Tom, the cat, always seems to have an opportunistic gleam in his eyes, crouching in wait for a chance to strike at Jerry. In the cartoons, he has a persistent desire to capture the elusive mouse who shares his living space, but he inevitably fails.
Jerry, the mouse, often looks at the camera with a mischievous glint, tauntingly playing with Tom. He frequently outwits Tom and enjoys the chaos he creates, although sometimes he too falls victim to Tom's pranks. In the midst of his torment, Jerry also occasionally experiences moments of warmth and concern from Tom.
Mrs. Two Shoes, the human character, is an overweight middle-aged African American woman who is Tom's owner in most episodes. She is known for her violent reactions to the chaos caused by Tom and Jerry, often resorting to physical force to restore order.



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