
First of all, 里根总统好学的品质真是这位当代英雄最值得我学习的地方。在他的传记理我找到了这么一段话“他常常工作到深夜,还不忘阅读一些关于经济学的著作,他知道他的使命是让美国经济复兴,让世界经济觉醒”这段话深深地打动了我,身为美国总统,他自然而然会比普通人辛苦百倍甚至是千倍,可他并没有为为此抱怨过,反而更加努力的去探索一些他所未能涉及的知识。他的这种精神和毅力不正是我所缺少的么?对月我来说每天并不是很操劳,却非常的懒惰。有时做也会拖的很久,甚至在一些时候会懒得去学习。里根总统的事迹让我内疚不已,在他的传记中我读到他在当选总统以前对经济学并不精通,可是美国前总统老布什还是这样评价了他:“他对经济或许是一窍不通的,但他对美国经济的复苏的贡献却是最大的。”在里根总统的带领下,美国在经历了1979到1981年的经济衰退,经济出现了跳跃式的增长,人均GDP普遍提高,后这一切的一切都和里根总统好学的品质是分不开的。 In short,一个人的的成功与否完全取决于他对求学的态度,这是里根总统留给我和世界人民最宝贵的精神财富。

First of all, President Reagan's intellectual curiosity is the modern hero's most inspiring trait for me. According to his biography, "He often worked until very late into the night, often reading books on economics, as he knew it was his duty to rejuvenate the American economy, to awaken the economy of the world." These words touched me deeply: as President of the United States, he was natural a hundred, even a thousand times busier than the normal person, yet he never complained, but sought even harder to explore knowledge that he had not seen before. Isn't this spirit and perseverance exactly what I lack? For me, the days are not tiring, yet I am quite lazy. Sometimes I wait until the last minute to do my homework, and I sometimes am too lazy to even study at all. The actions of President Reagan have made me quite ashamed. In the biography, I read that he had not mastered economics before becoming president, yet former president George Bush said of him, "He may not know anything about economics, but he made the single greatest contribution to the recovery of the American economy." Under President Reagan's guidance, after experiencing the economic recession of 1979-1981, the American economy grew exponentially, and GDP per capita rose significantly. All of this is inseparable with President Reagan's desire to learn. In short, success has everything to do with one's attitude toward learning. That is the most precious intellectual treasure Reagan has left for me and the world.


第1个回答  2011-04-22




第2个回答  2011-04-22
First of all, President Reagan studious quality is really the most contemporary hero deserves my place of study. In his biography of Richard I found such a passage "he often work deep into the night, also don't forget to read some books on economics, he knew his mission is to let American economic revival, let the world economic awakening this passage impressed me deeply, as President, he naturally more than ordinary hard hundredfold even thousands of times, but he didn't for complained, but more efforts to explore some what he failed to involve knowledge. His this kind of spirit and perseverance not what I lack? Every day for months me isn't very toil, but they are very lazy. Sometimes will also make for a long time, even in dragging will not bother to learn some time. President Reagan deeds of guilt, let me in his biography I read him before being elected to economics is not proficient in, but former U.S. President bush senior or so the evaluation he: "he know nothing of economy may to the United States, but his economic recovery is the biggest contribution." In President Reagan, led the United States experienced in the 1979 to 1981 recession, the growth of economic appeared jumps, per capita GDP, after all this generally improved everything and President Reagan studious quality are inseparable. In a person without the, the success of the totally depends on his attitude, this study is President Reagan left me and the world's most valuable spiritual wealth.



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