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摘 要

关键词: 钧瓷 文化产业
产品链问题 产品系统设计

In the spirit of the CPC put forward under the guidance of henan province, big province of cultural resources "culturally strong province across goal. The 2008 henan government will yu established as one of the eight cultural reform testing in henan province, aiming to develop cultural industry porcelains. But the current porcelains industrialization are faced with many problems, including product innovation ascending the problem is limit drops culture industry development important bottleneck, and how to implement the jun porcelain product innovation to ascend, make culture strong province truly "strong" rise will face a major issue.
Aiming at the jun porcelain culture industry product problems of cultural reform investigation by questionnaire, interview experimental methods such as collect first-hand information. Analyze the jun porcelain culture industry problems in accord: first, product production caused a lot of resource waste, pollution is serious. Second, product innovation design ability, modelling old behind single structure. Third, product fire craft level is low, primitive conditions. Fourth, product packaging design is not perfect. Fifth, product marketing weakness.
According to the problems, the first modern product system works will be introduced to the design theory and method of traditional cultural industry, porcelains porcelains products organic into the big drops culture industry research and analysis system, establish the system reform and innovation of product countermeasures and Suggestions, let the jun porcelain culture industry on system design, and promote the revitalization of road of sustainable development of cultural industry porcelains.
Jun porcelain culture industry product system design in the revitalization of modern products aimed at road for security system design, through its way onto a porcelains culture industry guide the development of innovation ascension path, and the concrete measures divided into the following several parts: in raw material acquisition phase: optimize the allocation of resources and the implementation of ecological design. In product design phase: strengthen product design and development, innovation product structure. In product production stages: ascension technique level, innovation craft porcelains inheritance. In the packaging design phase: ascending packaging design ability, innovation product packaging. In product marketing promotion stage: implementing stereo marketing, expand product brand effect. Through the above measures for the implementation of the cultural industry, product innovation ascension porcelains offers security, speed up the jun porcelain culture the upgrading of the industrial structure, accelerate by cultural resources in henan province in culturally strong province.



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