



Comparative Thought

Chinese parents intend to compare their children in a horizontal way, in other words, they like comparing their children with others’. Some parents even compare their children’s demerits with others’ merits. As a result, children can be motivated to learn modestly from others while they can be frustrated in terms of their self-esteem and confidence.

Parents may learn to compare their children in a vertical way like what the parents in western countries do: to compare their children today’s performance with yesterdays’ to see what progress children have made. Thus, filling with the encouragement from parents, children can move forward with their own positive factors. Relatively, western parents encourage and compliment their children more than they criticize and punish them, whereas Chinese parents often criticize their children by focusing on children’s’ demerits. Some of the Chinese parents even beat and scold their children believing that physical punishment can benefit children more. In fact, not only can children be frustrated easily, but also have converse feeling toward what they are told. In summary, it is necessary for Chinese parents to learn from western parents to educate children with encouragement and inspiration.
第1个回答  2007-04-28
第2个回答  2007-04-28
In china,most parents compare their children with other people's. Moreover,they often use the advantages of other people's children that compares the shortcoming of their children. Although this teaching mode will promote the children study harder, it is easy to hurt children's pride and self-confidence. So we could learn the teaching method about western parents. Western parents often attention on children's progress of today, and the children will depend on their ability to acquire better achievement that have been encouraged by their parents. Obviously, the western parents often encourage and prise their children, but the most chinese parents usually just attention on children's shortcoming and mistakes, furthermore, they will beat their children when they think the children make something wrong.However, this teaching method not only will damage children's enterprise, but also it will promote the children come into being oppose emotion and rebelled mentality.Therefore, the chinese parents should to learn the western teaching method and encourage education.




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