求一篇英语作文,题目Love is blind 100字左右,急用,在线等,悬赏高分,跪求给位大神

求一篇英语作文,题目Love is blind 100字左右,急用,在线等,悬赏高分,跪求给位大神了

Love is blind

Hidden in everyone's heart a secret, don't let people discover that you have, I have, he has.
When the sun slowly rises, and the other is changing the self, shuttle in the crowd, life sometimes can let a person become a bit.
So, love will be blind?
Ignorant girl from that day on, with whom he had quarreled seems doomed to fall in love with him,
But he did not know, in fact, headstrong quarrel, just want to get his attention.
On April 1, April fool's day that day, she dressed up for a moment, standing in the middle of the mirror and smiled. At that time the girl, is so beautiful and moving, full of looking forward to, when the time comes to give him a surprise.
Her early and stand in the agreed upon the old place waiting for him, for a long time for a long time, such as sun sun, from the east, up to the middle, after a while, pocket phone rings, she thought it was he, quickly opened the mobile phone, turned out to be a good friend.
Even want to let her friends she gave up her, but she still silly waiting for...
Finally, the boy appeared, he embarrassed to touch his head, said silly, some friends playing basketball, forget!
Girl quickly replied, that's ok, I've almost to, few words, you listen up, girls take a deep breath of relief, I like you! I love you!
Boys froze, air stopped at this moment, the boy caught a few words, girl's heart is broken, smiled, I was just joking with you. Happy April fool's day! Go and play!
It turns out that he has a girlfriend.
Boys are really thought she was joking, turn away.
He didn't know it, the girl turned around and that moment, his eyes misted over, and he doesn't know, she has been waiting here for a long time, he did not know, that sentence is not a joke. He don't know why, every time meet, she would quarrel with him?
These are all love him, although don't like her boyfriend on the society pay between warm, just simple.
Then she, as long as it is similar to that boy, every move, one eyebrow a smile, even the same hairstyle she will instantly fall in love with, but that is not love, but a kind of infatuation.
Hurt, pain,
Decided not to love.
Love, sometimes I wonder what?



第1个回答  2014-11-03
Love is blind
I always believe that love is blind. For example, many parents love their children too much that they think everything ther children doing is good and they try their best to satisfy thier children. There's a widespread awareness and concern about these little emperors and empresses as they're called . In my opinion,it is a right thing that parents care for their children but too much blind love would destory their children in return.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-11-03
Love Is Blind
—Appreciation of Shakespeare's Sonnet

This sonnet may be taken as a philosophic poem. It develops not through presentation of images but through reasoning. The poet reasons himself out step by step about Love. The poem begins from the poet's wrong judgment of love, goes on to describe his complicated psychological activity by posing a series of rhetorical questions to himself, and ends by a conclusion that "love is blind".
The idea of this sonnet is ingeniously conceived; the rhyme pattern and the thought divisions are closely related. In the first quatrain, the speaker sighs emotionally for what he judges does not agree with what he sees, hence he deducts that it must be either his eyes are not true or his judgment is wrong. In the second quatrain, the speaker, from a supposition of what his eyes see does not agree with what the world says, comes to a deduction that "Love's eye is not so true as all men's". In the third quatrain, the speaker gives an explanation of why the love's eye cannot be true: it is because love's eyes are so troubled with watching and tears, just like the sun shadowed by clouds. The couplet is a conclusion that Love is cunning, for it keeps the lover blind so that he cannot see its faults clearly.
In this sonnet Shakespeare is perhaps speaking of his mistress who is so cunning that makes him lose his head. But Shakespeare has also spoken out a universal truth that "Love's eye is not so true as all men's".
Morally, we may take this sonnet as a warning to the people in love: in choosing his or her love, one must keep sobre-minded and shun from blindness, one-sidedness, and impetuosity.本回答被提问者采纳



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