afford to do sth 与 afford doing sth 有什么区别


我以前也遇到过这两个短语✧(^_-✿ ,下面我就讲讲区别。afford to do sth表示有经济能力或时间能力去做某事,强调能够承担得起某种费用或代价。afford doing sth表示有机会或条件去做某事,强调有足够的资源或环境来支持某种行为。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先: 

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ


afford to do sth表示有经济能力或时间能力去做某事,强调能够承担得起某种费用或代价。afford doing sth表示有机会或条件去做某事,强调有足够的资源或环境来支持某种行为。


① I can afford to buy a new car.我有能力买一辆新车。

② He can't afford buying a new car right now.他现在买不起一辆新车。


afford to do sth后接动词不定式,表示具体的行为。afford doing sth后接动名词,表示一种状态或行为。


① She can afford to go on vacation.她有能力去度假。

② He can't afford wasting time on unnecessary things.他不能浪费时间在不必要的事情上。


afford to do sth更强调能够承担得起某种费用或代价,强调经济或时间上的能力。afford doing sth更强调有机会或条件去做某事,强调资源或环境上的支持。


① They can afford to buy a big house.他们有能力买一栋大房子。

② The company can afford hiring more employees.公司有条件雇佣更多员工。

第1个回答  推荐于2019-11-05

没有afford doing sth这个搭配用法的,只有afford to do sth和afford sth这两种用法。

afford to do sth :支付得起去做某事。

afford sth :支付得起某物。

afford sb sth :给某人某物。




Today, the typical indian middle-class household can only afford a motorcycle.


These industries are luxuries that only wealth and high production efficiency can afford.


All of the extra training did afford me plenty of time to myself for reflection and contemplation.


Can you afford an expensive gift for your spouse in this economy?


And it will become ubiquitous; immortality won't be a privilege only the wealthy can afford, he says.


第2个回答  2023-07-23

"afford to do sth"表示有能力做某事,指拥有足够的财务、时间或其他资源来做某事。而"afford doing sth"表示负担得起做某事,指拥有经济或心理能力来承担或忍受某种行为或情况。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

 "afford to do sth"表示有经济或时间上的能力去做某事。

 "afford doing sth"表示能够承担或容忍某种行为或状态。


I can afford to buy a new car. (我有经济能力买辆新车)

She can't afford to waste her time. (她没有时间浪费)

2. 用法区别:

 "afford to do sth"常用于表示人们的经济能力和财务状况。

 "afford doing sth"常用于表示承担某种行为或状态的能力。


We can't afford to go on vacation this year. (我们今年经济没法去度假)

He can't afford being lazy if he wants to succeed. (如果他想成功,他不能做懒惰的事情)

3. 使用环境区别:

 "afford to do sth"通常用于正式和非正式的语境,可用于口语和书面语。

 "afford doing sth"通常用于口语,多用于非正式的语境。


I can't afford to buy that expensive bag. (我买不起那个昂贵的包)

He can't afford wasting money on unnecessary things. (他花不起冤枉钱在不必要的东西上)

4. 影响范围区别:

 "afford to do sth"更加侧重于经济和时间上的能力,表示是否有足够的资源去完成某事。

 "afford doing sth"更侧重于承担或容忍某种行为或状态,涉及到个人的意愿和心理承受能力。


They can't afford to buy a bigger house at the moment. (他们目前买不起更大的房子)

I can't afford having any more arguments with him. (我受够了跟他吵架)

5. 形象区别:

 "afford to do sth"更加强调经济能力和资源的储备,具有实际性和理性的形象。

 "afford doing sth"则更加强调个人意愿和情感的容纳,具有主观性和情感的形象。


They can't afford to ignore the new market trends. (他们不能忽视新的市场趋势)

He can't afford forgiving her after what she did. (在她所做的事情之后,他无法容忍原谅她)

第3个回答  2023-07-26

首先我们来看下afford to do sth和afford doing sth的大致意思:

afford to do sth:词性为短语,其中的to do sth是不定式短语,表示要去做某个动作。

afford doing sth:词性为短语,其中的doing sth是动名词短语,表示正在进行的动作。

通过下面的表格我们了解下afford to do sth和afford doing sth的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下afford to do sth和afford doing sth的用法区别:

1.语法结构:afford to do sth使用不定式短语,表示要去做某个动作;afford doing sth使用动名词短语,表示正在进行的动作。


- I can afford to travel.


- I can afford keeping a pet.


2.意义区别:afford to do sth表示能力上有能力去做某事;afford doing sth表示经济上有负担能力去做某事。


- I can afford to go for a run.


- I can afford buying a new car.


3.时态区别:afford to do sth可以用于各种时态;afford doing sth通常用于现在进行时态。


- They can afford to watch TV.


- I can afford exercising now.


4.动词搭配:afford to do sth可以与其他动词搭配使用;afford doing sth通常独立使用。


- He can afford to solve this problem.


- I can't afford buying a new car.


第4个回答  2023-07-27

这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 afford to do sth 与 afford doing sth 的区别:

    "Afford to do sth" 强调个人有足够的经济能力去做某事,后面的动词是不定式形式;"afford doing sth" 强调某事情本身所带来的负担是可以被承受的,后面的动词是动名词形式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 afford to do sth 与 afford doing sth 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 afford to do sth 与 afford doing sth 的具体区别🤞:

区别1: 结构和动词形式

    "afford to do sth" 结构中,"to do sth" 表示动词不定式形式,即 "to" 后接动词原形。

    "afford doing sth" 结构中,"doing sth" 表示动名词形式,即动词的 -ing 形式。

afford to do sth例子:

1. She can afford to buy a new car. (她有能力买一辆新车。)

2. He couldn't afford to go on vacation this year. (他今年没能力去度假。)

afford doing sth例子:

1. They can't afford buying a new house right now. (他们现在买不起新房子。)

2. Affording going out to eat every night is not practical on a tight budget. (每天外出吃饭在紧张的预算下是不切实际的。)

区别2: 语气和强调

    "afford to do sth" 更直接和常见,用于一般陈述或描述某人的经济能力。

    "afford doing sth" 带有一定的暗示或强调,可能强调经济上的拮据或特定情况下的困难。

afford to do sth例子:

1. We can afford to go on a vacation this summer. (今年夏天我们有能力去度假。)

2. They can't afford to miss this opportunity. (他们不能错过这个机会。)

afford doing sth例子:

1. She's struggling financially and can't afford taking time off from work. (她在经济上有困难,无法请假。)

2. Affording sending all three kids to college at the same time is a challenge for the family. (让三个孩子同时上大学对这个家庭来说是一个挑战。)

区别3: 用途和常见搭配

    "afford to do sth" 通常用于描述一般的经济能力,可以用于各种场合。

    "afford doing sth" 更常见于口语或非正式场合,也用于描述经济能力,但可能略带情感色彩。

afford to do sth例子:

1. He can afford to buy a new phone with his savings. (他用积蓄买得起一部新手机。)

2. She couldn't afford to waste any more time on this project. (她再也不能浪费时间在这个项目上了。)

afford doing sth例子:

1. They can't afford buying expensive gifts for everyone. (他们买不起给每个人都送昂贵的礼物。)

2. I couldn't afford going on a luxury cruise this year. (今年我负担不起豪华邮轮之旅。)

区别4: 语法要求

    "afford to do sth" 后面通常接动词不定式,形式正确。

    "afford doing sth" 后面通常接动名词形式,也可接代词宾格。

afford to do sth例子:

1. She can afford to buy a new dress. (她有能力买一件新裙子。)

2. He can't afford to waste time on this project. (他不能在这个项目上浪费时间。)

afford doing sth例子:

1. They can't afford buying expensive gifts for everyone. (他们买不起给每个人都送昂贵的礼物。)

2. I couldn't afford him going to a dangerous place alone. (我不能让他独自去一个危险的地方。)



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