the different duck翻译


the different duck怪鸭子
 A duck is sitting on five eggs.Then the eggs break and five baby ducks come out.The mother duck looks at her babies.She has four beatutiful baby ducks.But one is different.It is big and brown.Its legs are very long.She doesn’t like this baby duck.   一只鸭子孵在五枚蛋上,不久蛋壳破了,五只鸭宝宝出生了。鸭妈妈瞅了瞅她的宝宝们,有四只漂亮的宝宝,但一只有点怪。它个头大,又是棕色的,腿很长。她不喜欢这只鸭宝宝。   “Go away,”she says to the different duck. “You are not my baby.”   “走开!”她对那只怪鸭子说,“你不是我的宝宝。”   The different duck says goodbye to its brothers and sisters and goes away.It is sad.   那只怪鸭子给它的兄弟姐妹们说了声再见,就走开了,它很伤心。   Then it sees a pig with its baby pigs.   后来,它看见一只猪带着它的猪宝宝。   “Are you my mother?”it asks.   “你是我的妈妈吗?”怪鸭子问。   “No,” says the pig. “You are not my baby.Go away.”   “不,”猪说,“你不是我的宝宝,走开!”   So the different duck goes away.Soon it sees a fox.   于是,怪鸭子走开了。不久它又看见了一只狐狸。   “Mother, am I your baby?”the different duck ask the fox.   “妈妈,我是你的宝宝吗?”怪鸭子问狐狸。   “No, I am not your mother,” says the fox. “But I like you.I can eat you for dinner.”   “不,我不是你的妈妈,”狐狸说,“但是我喜欢你,我会把你当晚餐吃的。”   The different duck runs away.It is very sad.It wants its mother.   怪鸭子跑开了,它非常伤心,它想跟它的妈妈在一起。   Then it hears another animal.It is talking to the different duck.   后来,怪鸭子听见另一只动物对自己说话。   “You are very beautiful,”it says. “I am your mother.”   “你非常漂亮,”它说,“我是你的妈妈。”   The different duck looks at the animal.It is a big white bird.It has a long neck.   怪鸭子看了看那只动物,是一只又大又白的鸟,脖子长长的。   “Yes,” says the white bird. “I am a swan.And you are a baby swan.”The different duck is happy now.   “是的,”白色的鸟说,“我是一只天鹅,你是天鹅宝宝。”怪鸭子现在很高兴了。   “And here are your brothers and sisters,” says the swan.   “这是你的兄弟姐妹们。”那只天鹅说。 
第1个回答  2013-12-01
第2个回答  2013-12-01
不同的鸭子,或是 小鸭子
第3个回答  2013-12-01
第4个回答  2013-12-01



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