You Mean All the World to Me有谁懂得这首歌的歌词?

请注意啊,是you mean ALL the world to me,不是 you mean the world to me

  You Mean The World To Me 你是我的整个世界

  If you could give me one good reason 如果你可以给我一个好的理由
  Why I should believe you 为什么我应该相信你
  Believe in all the thing that you tell 相信你告诉我的所有事情
  I would sure like to believe you 我很确定我将会相信你
  My heart wants to receive you 我的心想相信你
  Just make me know that you are sincere 只用让我知道你是真心的
  You know I'd love for you to lead me 你知道我心甘情愿让你来为我的人生导航
  And follow thur completely 全心全意地跟随你得脚步
  So won't you give me all I ask for 所以你满足我所有的请求么
  And if you give your very best 如果你给我最好的你
  To bring me happiness 带给我幸福快乐
  I'll show you just how much I adore you 我将会告诉你你将成为我的崇拜

  Cause you mean the world to me 因为你是我的整个世界
  You are my every thing 你是我的全部
  I swear the only thing that matters 我发誓这是我的唯一
  Matter to me
  Oh baby, baby, baby, baby 哦,宝贝宝贝......

  Now it's gonna take some workin' 现在我将会为你出努力
  But I believe you're worth it 但我知道你值得我为你付出
  Long as your intention are good 就像你的善良一样好
  So good
  There is just one way to show it 只有一种方法来表示
  And boy I hope you know it 男孩儿,我希望你知道
  That no one could love you like I could 没有人爱你像我一样
  Lord knows I want to trust you 上帝知道我想信任你
  And always how I'd love you 就像知道我又多爱你一样
  I'm not sure if love is enough 我并不确定我们的爱情到底怎样
  And I will not be forsaken
  And I hope there's no mistakin' 我希望这不会出错
  So tell me that you'll always be true 所以告诉我你永远会真实地面对我

  Cause you mean the world to me 因为你是我的整个世界
  You are my every thing 你是我的全部
  I swear the only thing that matters 我发誓这是我的唯一
  Matter to me
  Oh baby, baby, baby, baby 哦,宝贝宝贝......

  There's a feeling in my heart 在我的心中有种感觉
  That I know I can't escape 我知道我讨不出去
  So please don't let me fall 所以请不要让我深陷
  Don't let it be too late 不要让这种感觉拖的太久
  There's a time when words are good 当语言干刚刚好时
  And they just get in the way 他们会诉说我的全部感觉
  So show me how you feel 所以,让我知道你得感觉
  Baby I'm for real 宝贝,我是真的所以告诉我你的感觉
  Oh baby, baby, baby, baby, baby 哦,宝贝宝贝......

  Cause you mean the world to me 因为你是我的整个世界
  You are my every thing 你是我的全部
  I swear the only thing that matters 我发誓这是我的唯一
  Matter to me
  Oh baby, baby, baby, baby 哦,宝贝宝贝......

  Baby, cause you mean so much宝贝,因为你对我是如此的重要
  To me
第1个回答  2008-08-27



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