
姓名:尼古拉。哥白尼 国籍:波兰 生卒年份:1473——1543 主要经历:出生于富裕家庭,10岁丧父,18岁上大学;1496年到意大利,此后10年在多所大学学习法律、医学等。1506年回国,后来一直在教堂工作。 重要成就:虽然生活在“地心说”的时代,但经过常年的观察和计算,完成了被视为现代天文学起点的著作《天体运行论》,提出“日心说”的理论。

我来试试,用机器翻译出来的错误很多,我还是自己来,第二段难些,花了点时间。 Name: Nicholas Copernicus
Nationality: Poland
Birth year: 1473——1543Main experience:He was born in a rich family , and his father died when he was 10.He went to college at his age of 18. He came to Italy in 1496 and studied law , medical science , etc ,in different colleges . In 1506, he returned to Poland and worked in the church .主要经历:出生于富裕家庭,10岁丧父,18岁上大学;1496年到意大利,此后10年在多所大学学习法律、医学等。1506年回国,后来一直在教堂工作。 Important achievement : Even though he lived in the era of geocentric theory, but, through observing and calculating all the year round , he finished the work which was regared as the starting point of astronomy the Theroy of Celestial Body Movement , and put forward heliocentric theory重要成就:虽然生活在“地心说”的时代,但经过常年的观察和计算,完成了被视为现代天文学起点的著作《天体运行论》,提出“日心说”的理论。 大概就这样。楼主可以参考一下!
第1个回答  2013-10-12
Name: Nicholas. Copernicus,
Nationality: Poland
Birth year: 1473-1543Experience: born in rich family, 10, 18 or college, In Italy, then 1496 10 years in many universities study law, medicine, etc. In return, then have been 1506 in church.Important: although the life in the era of "geocentrism", but after a year of observation and computing, complete is regarded as the starting point of modern astronomy, celestial circulate book "heliocentrism" theory.



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