

给我一篇写去动物园的英文作文 2012-1-3 11:31 提问者: 好渺小的我 | 浏览次数:642次 我来帮他解答 输入内容已经达到长度限制还能输入 9999 字插入图片删除图片插入地图删除地图插入视频视频地图不登录也可以回答参考资料:提交回答取消 2012-1-3 11:32 满意回答 One Day at the Zoo On my visit to the Zoo their were many interesting animals that grabbed my attention. The first animal was the Black Necked Swan which is also known by its scientific name Cygnus Melan Coryphus. This bird appeared to be very comfortable in its new environment at the Zoo. Their were two of these magnificent birds for me to observe. Both of them had snow white bottoms, with dark black necks and a red orange colored bill. The male swan is known as a cob and the female a pen, the males are usually a bit larger than the females. The areas of origin are in open lakes and marsh lands in the Southern parts of South America, including Chile, Argentina, and Falkland Islands. The black necked swan feeds on Aquatic plants in the zoo, and as wild swan they typically feed on vegetation, insects, and fish spawn. The black necked swan is not in any danger of being extinct. The swans seem to some how stay close to each other and their behavior was calm. I find the black neck on the swan to be very interesting, I had never known of a black necked swan until my recent visit to the zoo. The swan's neck was very long it seems at times to wrap around the bottom of its body, as it dives its head into the pond.




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