

例如I get up early every day,我每天都起床很早。
2、疑问句,其中又包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反义疑问句四种。是对自己所不知道的情况进行提问的句型。例如,Do you finish your homework?你写完作业了吗?
例如,What a nice day!多好的天气呀!
第1个回答  2013-10-20
1、 Feel well/bad
2、 Wake up (somebody)—fall asleep
3、 As soon as
4、 Be busy doing/with something
5、 Stop doing/to do/somebody from doing6、 Go down
7、 Have something to do
8、 Sleeping pills
9、 Be awake—be asleep
10、 Light music
11、 In the band
12、 Try something/doing something
13、 Try to do something
14、 A piece of music
15、 Again and again
16、 系动词:be/sound look seem smell taste feel/get turn become
17、 Look nice on
18、 Be/keep quiet
19、 Instead of something/doing
20、 Make trouble
21、 enough+名词/形容词或副词+enough
22、 Be thin/fat
23、 Nothing much wrong/nothing serious
24、 Look over
25、 At the weekend
26、 have been to+地点
27、 Land on
28、 Pull something out of/up from
29、 Keep something cool
30、 All by oneself=alone
31、 Perhaps=maybe
32、 No longer=no more=not any longer=not any more
33、 Get back/get something back
34、 Sooner or later
35、 Drop something
36、 Run after
37、 Run away
38、 Eat up
39、 On the bank
40、 A few--few
41、 A little--little
42、 A little=a bit
43、 Pass something to somebody=pass somebody something
44、 Help oneself to
45、 Hot food
46、 Seem to do/that
47、 Fast food
48、 Be popular with
49、 Enjoy/enjoy oneself
50、 Enjoy something/doing
51、 Have a taste/taste like
52、 In the city of
53、 Both of/both And B
54、 Either or/either of
55、 Neither nor/neither of
56、 Agree with/to
57、 With—with out
58、 Take away—home cooking
59、 Take a seat
60、 By the window
61、 Take one’s order
62、 Go/walk alone/up/down
63、 Go on
64、 Cross=go across
65、 Take the first crossing on the right=turn right at the first crossing
66、 At/in the corner
67、 Be sick/ill
68、 In hospital
69、 In the hospital
70、 Arrive at/in / get to / reach
71、 At the end of
72、 Feel like doing
73、 Look over
74、 Wake somebody up
75、 It takes somebody + time + to do



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