什么词后面加doing 或 to do 或 原型


第1个回答  2020-11-26


第2个回答  2020-11-12
接动名bai词du:1.enjoy doing 2.risk doing ­3.avoid doing 4.keep doing ­5.practise doing ­6.suggest doing / sb.'s doing / that sb.(should) do ­7.miss doing 8. finish doing ­9. allow / permit doing 10. delay doing ­11.resist doing 12. consider doing ­13. mind doing / sb.'s doing / if sb. do ­14. imagine doing 15. keep on doing ­16. go on doing 17. insist on doing ­18. be busy doing 19. set about doing ­20. give up doing 21. feel like doing ­22. can't help doing ­23. spend/save/waste/kill/time (in) doing ­24. It is no use/good doing ­25. prefer doing to doing ­26. look forward to doing ­27. succeed in doing ­28. be afraid of doing ­29. have trouble/difficulty (in) doing ­30 There is trouble / difficulty (in) doing ­31. prevent / keep /stop sb. from doing ­32. thank you for doing ­33. praise sb. for doing ­34. punish sb. for doing ­35. excuse sb. for doing / sb.'s doing ­36. apologize for doing ­37. be (well) worth doing / be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done ­38. want / need / require doing ­39. do some reading/washing/cleaning/shopping/cooking/more speaking ­40. go swimming/dancing/shopping/skating/boating/sightseeing/skiing­接zhito do的:offer, decide, hope, promise, agree, plan, manage, refuse, wish, pretend, learn, want等。dao



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