
早上准时到场迟到扣分处罚 2 所有员工必须每时每刻提高自己的高级服务质量以及保持卫生。3 互相合作,积极沟通,相互支持,共同进步。4 按照公司的操作规程,准确及时完成各项工作。5 工作必须认真,待客热情,说话和气,谦虚谨慎,举止稳重。6 对待客人的投诉和批评必须冷静倾听,耐心解释,任何情况下都不得和客人发生争吵,解决不了的问题及时上报经理。7上班时间禁止窜岗,闲聊,吃零食,严重禁止做
本职业无关的事。8 树立良好的职业道德,尊重领导,服从分配,热诚友好,文明服务,爱护公务,自觉维护公司名誉。9 各管理人员不准利用职权给亲朋好友各种特殊待遇10 所有员工在工作时间未经上级批准不得擅自离开岗位11 工作期间保持安静,严禁在客人周围大声喧哗12 保持个人卫生以及服装整洁,工作期间禁止使用手机

您好,朋友,我是用网络词典认真的给您查找翻译的,希望能够帮助到您,当然其中如果还有不足之处,也希望您能指出来。1.Morning on time point-deduction to be late.2.All employees must be yould improve their senior service quality and keep health.3.Mutual cooperation and actively communication, mutual support and common progress.4.According to the company's operational procedures, accurate to finish the work in time.5.Work must be carefully, entertains enthusiasm, soft-spoken, modest and prudent, the manner is sedate .6.Treat guests complaints and criticisms must be calm to listen, patient explanation, any circumstances be allowed and guest quarrelling, can not solve the problems in time report to the manager.
7.Go to work time banned channeling chatty, hillock, snacks, serious prohibit to do this career matters.8.Setting up good professional morals, respect leadership, obey distribution, warm and friendly, civilized services, care for the public, the determination maintain company reputation.
9.Each management personnel must be not using their authority to friends and family all sorts of special treatment .10.All employees without approval in working hours without permission to leave post superiors .11.During the work to keep quiet, forbidden in the guest loud around.12.Personal hygiene and clothing neat, work banned during cell phone use .
第1个回答  2013-10-26
Late morning and arrive on time penalty 2 points every time all staff must improve their service quality and maintain high health. 3 mutual cooperation, positive communication, mutual support and common progress. 4 according to the company's operating procedures, accurate and timely completion of the work. 5 must be careful, warm hospitality, speaking kind, modest, prudent manner. 6 to treat the guests to listen to complaints and criticism must be calm, patient explanation, not under any circumstances and guests have an argument, can not solve the problem of timely reporting manager. 7 working hours against channeling Kong, chatting, eating snacks, a forbidden to do this occupational nothing to do.
8 establish a good work ethic, respect for leadership, subject to distribution, dedication and friendly service in a civilized and caring public, and consciously safeguard the company's reputation. 9 terms of the management team are not allowed to use a variety of special treatment to friends and family of 10 working hours of all employees must not leave without the approval of their superior position during 11 quiet, loud noises are prohibited in around 12 guests to maintain personal hygiene and clothing clean, prohibit the use of mobile phones during
第2个回答  2013-10-26
Morning on time point-deduction to be late2 all employees must be yould improve their senior service quality and keep health.3 mutual cooperation and actively communication, mutual support and common progress.4 in accordance with company operating rules, accurate to finish the work in time.5 work must be carefully, entertains enthusiasm, soft-spoken, modest and prudent, the manner is sedate.6 treat guests complaints and criticisms must be calm to listen, patient explanation, any circumstances be allowed and guest quarrelling, can not solve the problems in time report to the manager.7 go to work time prohibited hillock, chatting, leap, serious forbade snacks
This career matters.8 setting up good professional morals, respect leadership, obey distribution, warm and friendly, civilized services ?



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