

carve:v. 雕刻,切开,开拓 词形变化 时 态:carved, carv·ing, carves 常用短语 carve up 瓜分、划分 参考例句:Wood carving are a specialty of this village.
雕刻木器是这个村子的特产。 Please carve me another slice.
请再给我切一片. Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife.
托尼用刀子把他的名字刻在树上。 Jewelry,vases and carved pieces are ornaments.
珠宝、花瓶和雕刻品是装饰品。 To make into or like a gem or shell carved in relief.
制成或使之象一块用去除材料法镂刻的宝石或贝壳. A carved figure on the prow of a ship.
第1个回答  2013-10-19
carve 英[kɑ:v] 美[kɑrv] 过去式: carved 过去分词: carved 现在分词: carving vt. & vi. 1. 切, 切碎2. 雕刻vt. 1. 艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业、名声等)及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.切, 切碎 At the dinnertable, father's job is to carve the meat. 吃饭时, 爸爸的工作是切肉。2.雕刻 Does he carve? 他雕刻吗?及物动词 vt. 1.艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业、名声等) 收起词典例句 常用词组 be carved on tablets of stone 1. 见 stone carve something out 1. 切开,切下 Carving out a 5 per cent share of the overall vote.
在所有选票中分得5%的份额。 2. 开辟;开创 He managed to carve out a successful photographic career for himself.
他终于为自己开辟了成功的摄影事业。 carve someone up informal 非正式 1. (用刀等锐器)砍伤某人 2. 急速超车,强行超车 carve something up 1. 分割,瓜分 West Africa was carved up by the Europeans.
西非曾被欧洲人瓜分。 译
第2个回答  2013-10-19
/ kɑ�0�9v; kɑrv/ v
(a) [I, Ipr, Tn,] ~ (in sth); ~ sth (out of/from/of/in sth) form (sth) by cutting away material from wood or stone 雕刻; 雕刻成(某物): Michelangelo carved in marble. 米开朗琪罗在大理石上雕刻. * The statue was carved (out of stone). 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的. (b) [Tn,] ~ sth (into sth) cut or chip (solid material) in order to form sth 切, 削, 凿或刻(成某物): carve wood 削木头.
[Tn,] inscribe (sth) by cutting on a surface 刻记(某事物): carve one's initials on a tree trunk 在树干上刻自己名字的缩写字母.
[I, Tn, Dn.n,] ~ sth (for sb) cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating 把(熟肉)切成片供食用: Would you like to carve? 你喜欢切片吃吗? * carve a joint, turkey, leg of mutton, etc 切肉﹑ 火鸡﹑ 羊腿等 * Please carve me another slice. 请再给我切一片.
(phr v) carve sth out (for oneself) build (one's career, reputation, etc) by hard work 靠勤奋创(业)或树(名声)等: She carved out a name for herself as a reporter. 她靠苦干而成了有名的记者. carve sth up (infml 口) divide sth into parts or slices 将某物分割成份或片; 瓜分: The territory was carved up by the occupying powers. 领土被侵占者瓜分.本回答被网友采纳



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