justin bieber经典语录


1.好斗并不是我的本性,但是,对于我所信仰的东西,我捍卫到底。(这一句出至B宝的书)2.因为错误从来都是无法避免的。但是,这就是生活。犯了错,你重新开始,继续前进就好。(同上)3.我追求完美主义,努力让一切完美。(同上)4.第一步成为现实后,才会有走向终点的可能。5.伟大的梦想终能够成为现实。(同上)6.如果不是第一那就是最差。(宝的座佑铭)7.16岁就该有16岁的样。我一辈子只有一次16岁,所以我必需要爱它。 "What is you most afraid of?” “The dark.” 你最还怕什么? 黑暗。 “Do you have allowance?” “I don’t really have allowance.i just like…I don’t know when I wanna get something . I just ask my mother.” “你有零花钱吗。”“实际上我没有零花钱,我不知道要什么的时候,我会问我的妈妈。” “What is your curfew?””usually.i ’d be home by 10’o clock(PM).My mother will take my computer away at 30 to eleven night.” “你的宵禁是多少点。”“通常我10点前会回家。不然我妈妈会在10点半拿走我的电脑的.” About carrer: “You know..acting.. I love to act. Now I am not really a big actor.But I will try to act.” “我喜欢演戏。现在我虽然不是出色的演员,不过我未来会尝试演戏。” “in 10 years,I maybe win a Grammy.” “10年后,我希望可以赢座格莱美奖。” “Coming fron rhe little town in Canada and just be ablo to have this opportunity.it is great!” “从一个加拿大小镇出来,能拥有这样的机会,一切都太奇妙了!” About reputation: “Sometimes it is tough.But if you get used to it,You will get used to it. “有时候做明星是很辛苦的。但适应了,你就会习惯了。 “I feel great!I am glad I can achieve my dream.And travling around the world is incredible.” “现在我觉得我很好。我很开心我可以实现我的梦想。环游世界实在太不可思议了。” About clothes; “I don’t really care about the brand as long as it is good..” “只要衣服质量好,我不介意牌子。” About dating “As long as girl’s happy,I am happy.” “As long as she has a good time,I have a good time.” “只要女孩开心,我就很开心。” “I'm single and ready to mingle, Haha” “我现在单身不过正打算谈恋爱,哈哈!” “I won’t get a man wife though she she is a beauty!” “即使她多漂亮我也不会与有夫之妇在一起的!”
第1个回答  2013-10-18
I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken. 我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说



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