
一定要造句短小精炼 句意简单明确

1:enjoy doing sth. 2:practise doing sth. 3:avoid doing sth. 4:finish doing sth,5:like doing sth. 6:keep doing sth. 造句:1:I enjoy climbing mountain.我喜欢爬山 Do you enjoy sunning?你喜欢跑步吗? 2:I’m practising singing.我正在练习唱歌。I willpractise playing football tomorrow.我 明天将会练习踢足球。 3:You should avoid playing on the road.你应该避免在马路上玩。 4:Do you finish doing your homework?你做完了你的家庭作业了吗?Do you finish cleaning the room?你扫完这间屋子吗? 5:I like skating.我喜欢滑冰。I like sleeping.我喜欢睡觉。 6:Keep trying.继续努力。Please keep doing your homework.请继续做你的功课。
第1个回答  2013-10-17
有 like doing sth 、spend sometime (in) doing sth、prefer doing sth to doing sth(宁愿做某事也不做某事)、see sb doing sth、be good at doing sth............For example :1。I like eating bananas. I Iike fishing(钓鱼). 2。I spent(spend的过去式)2 hours in doing my homework. Some years ago,I spent 4 minutes in running1000 kilometters. 3。I prefer playing soccer to playing ping-pong. I prefer eating apples to eating orange. 4。Yesterday ,I saw(see的过去式) Jack going to the teachers’office. Tow weeks ago,I saw Ms.black going to the park 5。I am good at studying. He is good at playing computer.



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