我写4篇英语日记, 拜托帮我翻译下!


第二篇:今天我与初中的同学还有班主任聚在一起出去聚聚。上午我们去了茶室,几个人凑在一起打扑克,还有些人在和班主任谈天,另些则为我们去拿零食。可怜的家伙。 我们的上午就在茶室消磨。
下午,大伙去了KTV。 整整唱了4个小时的歌, 期间,还去4楼玩电动。

第三篇:初中同学会后,第二天马上又是小学同学会。小学同学与小学班主任一起去了小学。看见旧违的学校与同学。心中很激动很开心。 后来又到老师家, 老师热情得招待了我们。 在老师家吃午饭时,大家开始拼酒。 我喝了2瓶啤酒。 虽然不会喝。 后来头也痛死,在老师家睡了一下午。

第4篇: 今天是暑假最后一天了。发现好有好多作业没写好。于是开始狂写。 写不出来的狂抄。 总算,直到晚上10.00才把所有作业做完了!
喂。 不要机译的。 因为语法上往往错误很多, 要不就中式英语。 哪个英语特棒的给我翻译下, 你可以改动我的句子词语,因为我发现有些地方自己读着也很别扭。 只要不改变原意就OK了。

First()第一篇: Today is the summer vacation first day, does not have any special.Stays watches the television in the home, the surfer, eats the between-meal snack.Very bored.
Second(第二篇): Today I also have the teacher in charge with junior middle school's schoolmate to gather exit in the same place gather.We have gone to the teahouse in the morning, several people crowd together play the playing cards, but also has a person in to chat with the teacher in charge, in addition take the between-meal snack for us.Pitiful fellow. We on wear down in the morning in the teahouse. In the afternoon, everybody have gone to KTV. Fully sang 4 hour songs, the period, but also goes to 4 buildings to play electrically operated. To the evening, has continuously bought 5 KFC entire family barrel.Eats very much happily. Today plays extremely happily. extremely happily.
Third(第三篇): After the junior middle school fellow student association, on the second white fox also is the elementary school fellow student association.Elementary school schoolmate and the elementary school teachers in charge has gone to the elementary school together.Sees school and schoolmate which disobeys old.In the heart is very excited very happy. Afterwards arrived teacher the family, teacher is warm has entertained us. The family has the lunch when teacher, everybody starts to put together the liquor. I have drunk 2 bottles of beer. Although cannot drink. The latter background also pain dies, the family has rested for an afternoon in teacher. One gets down, plays extremely is happy all day.
4th(第四篇): Today is the summer vacation last day.Discovered has many works not to write.Therefore starts to write crazily. Cannot write copies crazily. Finally, 10.00 only then completed until the evening all works! (你如果懂英语的话看看里面有没有错了的[翻译成过去形式的])
第1个回答  2008-07-29
第一篇:Today is the first day of summer vacation, there is nothing special. Stay at home watching television, Internet and eat snacks. Very boring
第二篇:Today, I and junior high school teacher who still get together from Juju. The morning we go to the teahouse, a few people playing poker Cou together, some people in the class teacher and chat, some of our other Quna snacks. The poor guy. We teahouse in the morning on the pass.
第三篇:Junior high school students, the second day of primary school students are also immediately be. Primary school students and primary school teacher went to primary school together. To see the old breach of the schools and students. The hearts of very excited very happy. Later to teachers, and teachers in honor of our enthusiasm. The teacher home for lunch, we began Pinjiu. I drank two bottles of beer. Although not drink. Later, the first also Tongsi, a teacher at home sleeping. One day down, fun or very happy.
第四篇:Today is the last day of the summer. Found a good many operations did not write. Mad began to write. Xie Buchu copied to the mad. After all, until 10.00 pm until all the operations done! Hey, tomorrow will be reported to schools, good looks forward to. Hope to adapt quickly to high school life, and new students, new teachers get along happily
第2个回答  2008-07-29
楼上你很辛苦么 ? 莫非机译也会辛苦 ?佩服 ...
第3个回答  2008-07-29



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