ought to的用法及否定形式和should有什么区别


  一:ought to:应该。用法如下:

  The government really ought to do more about inflation.
  2. ought to表示建议或劝告。意为“应该”。如:
  You ought to see the new play. 你应该看看这部新戏剧。
  3. ought to表示推断。意为“应该”、“可能”。如:
  Chapter 1 describes how the information society ought to function.
  ought to 表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常指的是一种合乎逻辑的可能性(与should表推断时相似),有时可译为“准是”(但语气比must要弱)。如:
  That ought to [should] be Janet coming upstairs now. 正在上楼的准是珍妮特。
  4. ought to后接动词所用形式。根据不同情况ought to后可接不同的动词形式。如:
  (1) 接动词原形,用于谈论现在或将来的情况。
  (2) 接进行式,用于谈论正在进行的事。如:
  You oughtn’t to be talking so much,Annie. 你不宜讲这么多话,安妮。
  It isn’t what I ought to be doing. 这不是我现在应该做的事。
  I ought to be going. 我该走了。
  We ought to be hearing from him soon. 我们不久应当会接到他的信。
  (3) 接完成式,用于过去的情况,可指过去已经发生的情况,也可接本该发生而实际上未发生的情况。如:
  They ought to have arrived by now. 他们现在应该已经到了。
  I ought to have helped her,but I never could. 我本该帮助她的,却从未能这样做。
  I don’t think you ought to have done that. 我想你不应该这样做的。
  二:ought to的否定形式:
  (1) 在否定式中用ought not 或oughtn’t,在疑问中将ought提到主语之前。如:
  He ought to go now, oughtn’t he? 他现在该走了,是吗?
  (2) 在美国英语中,ought to用于否定句和疑问句时可将to省略(但在肯定句中to不宜省)。另外,在省略句中也可以省去to。如:
  Ought we (to) have done it? 我们本该做此事吗?
  “Ought I to go?” “Yes, you ought (to).” “我该去吗?”“对,你该去。”
   三:ought to 和 should 都表示义务,意思为:应该,本该。但 ought to 强调道义、法律所规定的职责;表示客观上的应该。而 should 一般是表示说话者的一种主观看法。如:
  We ought to respect our teachers and parents. 我们应该尊敬老师和父母亲。
  We should work hard. 我们应该努力工作。
第1个回答  推荐于2018-02-21
ought to只有一种形式:肯定式ought to;否定式ought not to 缩写否定式oughtn't to
1,表义务,用于各种句式2,ought to用以指将来,指现在时用于进行时.3在间接引语中过去时形式不变.助动词should可用于构成各种将来和过去将来时态,用于第一人称 ought to是应该;应当.should是应该.ought to用在进行时,过去时中.should用于各种将来和过去将来时态,用于第一人称本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-03-30

1、ought to +动词原形


例:You ought to(=should)obey your parents.你应该听你父母的话。

We ought to(=should)love others as ourselves.我们应该爱人如己。


例:He ought to(=should)be able to speak English after studying it so long.他在学习这么久之后,照道理讲应该会说英语。

If he started at nine,he ought to(=should)be here by four.既然他是九点钟动身的,最迟到四点钟就应该到达这里。

2、ought to +的进行时,肯定句中表示主语没有做他该做的事;否定句中表示主语正在做他不该做的事。

例:He ought to be studying for his exam.He shouldn't be spending all his time on the beach.他应该正在为他的考试作准备。他不应该把时间都消磨在海滩上。

I ought not to(=shouldn't)telling you this.It's supposed to bea secret.我不应该告诉你。这应该是个秘密。

3、ought to +不定式的,肯定句中表示主语过去该做而未做的事,否定句中表示主语过去做了不该做的事情。

例:You ought to(=should)have been more careful(but you were not careful enough).你应该更小心的。

You oughtn't to(=shouldn't)have crossed the road when the lights were red.红灯亮的时候,你就不应该穿越马路。

否定形式为:ought not to 


1. 用于疑问句,表征询意见。如:

Should I open the window? 


2. should表义务,可用于各种句式,通常指将来。如:

You should do what your parents tell you.  


He should do somework, but he doesn’t want to.


也可指现在。如:You shouldn’t feel so unhappy over such trifles.


You shouldn’t be sitting in the sun.


3. should表推测,暗含很大的可能。如:

It’s 4:30. They should be in New York by now.


Three weeks should suffice.  


4. should可在某些中,表。如:

I suggest that you should stay here as if nothing had happened. 


5. should表感情色彩,常用在以why, how开头的疑问句中。如:

Why shouldn’t you invite him?


I don’t see why we shouldn’t make friends.


第3个回答  2016-11-08
1.Ought to 后接动词原形,表义务,但不及must 那样具有信心,如:
You don’t look well. You ought to go to see the doctor.

2.Ought to 用于否定句,其否定形式可缩略为oughtn’t ,如:
You oughtn’t to smoke so much. 你不应该抽这么多烟。

Ought you to smoke so much?你应该抽这样多烟吗?

4.Ought to 在间接引语中表过去时形式不变,如:
He said you ought to tell the police.

5. ought to表示责任和义务,意为“应该”,语气比 should强;还可表推测。
You ought to finish your work before you go home.
You ought to obey your parents when they are right.
You have practiced for a long time. There ought to be no difficulty for you.

6.ought to have done sth, should have done sth
You ought to (should) have been more careful in this experiment.
He ought not to have thrown the old clothes away.(事实上已扔了。)
ought to 在语气上比should 要强。

7.needn't have done sth 本没必要做某事
I dressed very warmly for the trip, but I needn't have done so. The weather was hot.

8.would like to have done sth 本打算做某事
I would like to have read the article, but I was very busy then.

He should work harder. 他应该更加努力。
You should help your mother with the housework. 你应该帮你母亲做家务。
Crime should be punished. 犯罪应受惩罚。
Should I wear a coat?我要穿大衣吗?
■表示“可能,该(=will probably) ”
He should arrive soon他可能很快就到了。
The train should have already left. 火车大概已经走了。
If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me. 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。
It’s strange that he should be late. 真奇怪,他竟会迟到。
—What time does the film start? 电影什么时候开始?
—How should I know? 我怎么知道?
—Ann’s very unhappy. 安非常不高兴。
—Why should I care? 这管我什么事?
—Could your wife help us in the office tomorrow? 你妻子明天能到办公室来帮帮我们吗?
—Why should she? She doesn’t work for you. 她为什么就该去? 她又不是为你们工作的。
■should加完成式:should have done表示“本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做”;shouldn’t have done表示“本不该做某事,但事实上却做了”。如:
You should have got up earlier. 你本应该早点起的。
第4个回答  2016-05-24
一、ought to的用法:
1. (表示义务、责任等) 应当, 应该
You ought to work harder than that.
2. (表示劝告、建议等) 应该, 该
You don't look well. You ought to go to see the doctor.
3. (表示猜测、期望) 总应该,理应
It ought to be a fine day tomorrow morning.
4. “ought to + have + 过去分词”表示过去应做某事而实际未做
You ought to have told me that (but you didn't).
这时ought to和should可以互换使用。
二、ought to的否定式和疑问式
1. ought to的否定形式是ought后直接加not构成,其否定形式可缩写为oughtn't。
One ought not (oughtn't) to cross the street against the red light.
2. ought to的疑问式是将ought提到句首构成。
—Ought we to do it at once? —Yes, you ought to.
He ought to be here now, shouldn't (oughtn't) he?
三、should和ought to的区别:大体上两者的意思是相同的,通常可以互相转换。

1、ought to比should 语气强

(1)should 表示主观看法,一些建议,劝说时,译作“应当”。
ought to,直接接动词原形,更多反映客观情况,“有义务”或“必要”做某事,译为“应当,应该”
(2)ought to的否定就表示做某事一定是错误的而should的否定就表示某动作不一定要做
(3)should可以用于虚拟语态, 而ought to 不能,ought to 是唯一一个可加to的情态动词。
2、ought to的否定就表示做某事一定是错误,而should的否定就表示某动作不一定要做,表示应该。责备时区别不大,但是should可以在名词从句中表示虚拟如在suggest,advise,等从句中。在lest,for fear that, in case等的状语从句中也只用should,另外should有表示惊讶之意。
3、ought to与should意思接近,大多数情况下二者可以互换,但是should谈的是自己的主观看法,ought to则更多反映客观情况,在谈到法律、义务和规定时使用。
We should/ought to help each other and learn from each other in our work.
She is your mother, so you ought to support her.
We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will.



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