

1.His ______ expression on his face showed that he is completely ______ the whole thing.
A.tiring;tired with B.tired;tired of
C.tiring;tiring with D.tired;tiring of

2.The doctor suggested that the patient ____ an operation without delay.
A.must have B.had to have C.had D.have

3.They had a pleasant chat ____ a cup of tea.
A.for B.with C.over D.during

4.How long has the fire _____?
A.been put out C.been out
答案C,我选了A,put out不是扑灭的意思吗?为什么不能选?been out 也可以解释为“被扑灭”吗?

5.We don't doubt ____ we will complete all the projects before the year 2008.
C.that D.whether

7.Of all ___ reasons for my decision to become a university professor,my father's advice was ___ most important one
C./;the D.the;the

8.The problem ____ many children have ______ out of school is getting more and more serious.
A.that;dropped B.which;got
C.of;falled D.as;run
答案A,我选了D,请主要区分一下后一空“drop/get/fall/run out of”的区别

9.____ of the village lie two small lakes.
A.The east D.East
答案D,我选了A,请问“To the east of the village”后的语序怎么接?


1.His ______ expression on his face showed that he is completely ______ the whole thing.
A.tiring;tired with B.tired;tired of
C.tiring;tiring with D.tired;tiring of

解析:这句话里面,tired expression是指疲惫的表情,当然,只能用tired来修饰expression,tired只能是在形容人的心情或其它情况时才用。比如He looks so tired.这里和这个题里就不能用tiring.而tired of是一个固定的短语,是sb be tired of sth.(sb=somebody sth=something)

2.The doctor suggested that the patient ____ an operation without delay.
A.must have B.had to have C.had D.have

解析:suggested 在这句话里是做“建议”的意思讲而不是表明的意思,所以后面的从句要用虚拟语气。而should have可以把should省略。

3.They had a pleasant chat ____ a cup of tea.
A.for B.with C.over D.during


4.How long has the fire _____?
A.been put out C.been out
答案C,我选了A,put out不是扑灭的意思吗?为什么不能选?been out 也可以解释为“被扑灭”吗?


5.We don't doubt ____ we will complete all the projects before the year 2008.
C.that D.whether

解析:这里doubt前面是don't,是否定,只能用doubt that,如果前面是do那么后面就用if|whether。

7.Of all ___ reasons for my decision to become a university professor,my father's advice was ___ most important one
C./;the D.the;the

解析:the reasons 表特指,the most important 是在最高级前加the,是基础语法。

8.The problem ____ many children have ______ out of school is getting more and more serious.
A.that;dropped B.which;got
C.of;falled D.as;run
答案A,我选了D,请主要区分一下后一空“drop/get/fall/run out of”的区别

解析:the problem is getting more and more serious.这是这个句子的主干,而后面的____ many children have ______ out of school 是同位语从句,所以第一个空只能用that,而drop out是退学的意思,这是因定搭配。drop/get/fall/run out of”的区别自己在网上找吧,这些短语都是最基础的了。

9.____ of the village lie two small lakes.
A.The east D.East
答案D,我选了A,请问“To the east of the village”后的语序怎么接?

解析:这个句子是倒装,two small lakes lie in the east of the village.而如果倒装以后,east是名词,表方位,不加the
第1个回答  2008-08-27
1; 修饰人用tired 修饰物用.tiring

be tired of 固定搭配 厌烦。。。

2 suggest等表示建议等的词后用虚拟语气 (should)+do

3 chat with sb 一般后接人 与某人聊天

4 一段时间,表状态, put out 表一个动作

5 donnot doubt that
doubt whether|if

6 reasons 后有定语修饰,特指
正常语序all of the reason也是固定语法

7 drop out of the school 缀学
run out of 将(贮存的...)用完 从...跑出
get out of 使说出

fall out of 放弃

8 方位名词一般不加冠词
第2个回答  2008-08-27
1. tired用于表示人对事物所作出的反应,tiring表示事物的性质。其他很多类似的动词的过去分词和现在分词也都是一样的。如:你可以说a surprised girl, a piece of surprising news。至于be tired of意思是厌倦了什么。
2. 这是虚拟语气,凡是看到suggest这个动词就要小心了,很有可能考虚拟语气。不过也不一定,如果suggest表示“显示出,暗示着”的意思,就不用虚拟语气,只有“建议”才用虚拟语气。
3. 这是一种比较生动的说法,两个人交谈,面前摆着茶,人在茶杯上面,所以用over。不是有句谚语么Don’t cry over the spilt milk。
4. put out也是把火扑灭的意思,但是指的是灭火的动作,这里需要的是火已经灭掉的状态。这个要仔细体会哦。
5. 这是你连中文意思都没搞清楚,英语注重逻辑严密。如果还在是与否之间,没有个定论,那还怀疑什么呀?既然不怀疑,就是要有明确的答案,那就是能够在2008年之前完成所有的项目。
7. reasons后面已经有定语for my decision to become a university professor,说明这是个指定的原因,既然是指定的,当然要定冠词啦。
8. drop out就是辍学。
9. 这是方位名词作地点状语开头,句子采用完全到装,就是这么个句式啊。“To the east of the village”后面也要到装。如:To the east of the village was a great mountain.



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