
1 双皮奶系列
2 爽滑凉粉
3 特色糕点
4 清凉果爽
5 黑色情怀
6 滋补炖品
7 冰沁饮品
8 养颜西米露
9 秘方龟苓膏

潮州甜品Chiu Chow Dessert
1 双皮奶系列Steamed Milk In 2 Films
招牌双皮奶 Special Steamed Milk In 2 Films
顺德双皮奶 Shunde Steamed Milk In 2 Films
红豆双皮奶Steamed Milk In 2 Films With Red Bean
椰汁双皮奶Coconut Steamed Milk In 2 Films
芒果双皮奶Steamed Milk In 2 Films With Mango
白雪双皮奶Steamed Milk In 2 Films With Ice
2 爽滑凉粉Grass Jelly
招牌凉粉 Special Grass Jelly
芒果爽滑凉粉 Mango Grass Jelly
芦荟凉粉Aloe Vera Grass Jelly
椰汁凉粉 Coconut Grass Jelly
3 特色糕点 Dessert
芒果布丁 Mango Pudding
双色红豆糕Duet Of Red Bean Jelly
4 清凉果爽Jelly Juice
粒粒芒果爽 Mango Delight
芒椰芦荟爽Coconut & Mango Aloe Delight
椰汁芦荟爽Coconut Aloe Delight
椰汁芒果爽Coconut Mango Delight
木椰芦荟爽Papaya & Coconut Aloe Delight
5 黑色情怀Black Food
传统红豆沙Traditional Red Bean Paste
鲜奶黑糯米Black Glutinous Rice In Milk
椰汁黑糯米Black Glutinous Rice In Coconut Juice
红豆黑糯米Black Glutinous Rice With Red Bean
白雪黑糯米Black Glutinous Rice With Ice
芒果白雪黑糯米Black Glutinous Rice With Mango & Ice
6 滋补炖品 Steamed Dishes
冰糖炖木瓜Steamed Papaya With Rock Sugar
椰汁炖木瓜Steamed Papaya In Coconut Juice
鲜奶炖木瓜Steamed Papaya In Fresh Milk
冰糖炖雪梨Steamed Pear With Rock Sugar
鲜奶炖雪梨Steamed Pear In Fresh Milk
椰汁炖雪梨Steamed Pear In Coconut Juice
7 冰沁饮品 Drinks
芒果汁 Mango Juice
芒果椰奶Mango Juice With Coconut Milk
木瓜汁 Papaya Juice
木瓜椰奶Papaya Juice With Coconut Milk
热带椰奶 Tropical Coconut Milk
冻椰汁红豆冰Cold Coconut Red Bean Ice
冻芒汁芒果冰Cold Mango Ice With Mango Juice
8 养颜西米露 Sago
杨枝甘露Mango Pomelo Dessert
椰汁西米露Coconut Sago
红豆西米露 Red Bean Sago
椰汁芒果西米露Mango Sago With Coconut Milk
芦荟西米露 Aloe Vera Sago
芒果西米捞Mango Sago Mix
什果芒汁西米捞Mixed Fruit Sago With Mango Juice
9 秘方龟苓膏Homemade Gui Ling Gao(Tortoise/Herb Jelly)
传统龟苓膏 Traditional Gui Ling Gao
炼奶龟苓膏Gui Ling Gao With Condensed Milk
蜂蜜龟苓膏Gui Ling Gao With Honeydew
什果龟苓膏Gui Ling Gao With Mixed Fruit
芦荟龟苓膏Gui Ling Gao With Aloe Vera
椰汁龟苓膏Gui Ling Gao In Coconut Milk


第1个回答  2008-09-05
Chaozhou Desserts
1、A Series of Double-Skin Milk(雅思里的双皮奶说法)
Characteristic Double-Skin Milk(在这里把招牌意译了一下,因为招牌的意思即特色)
Shunde Double-Skin Milk(不知道顺德是什么意义,是地名吗,按地名的说法用拼音翻译的)
Ormosia Double-Skin Milk
Coconut Juice Double-Skin Milk
Mango Double-Skin Milk
Baixue Double-Skin Milk(我不知道白雪是什么,所以只能用拼音,而且不能翻译成White Snow)
2、Bean Jelly Feeling Well
Characteristic Bean Jelly
Mango Bean Jelly(这个爽滑没有翻译,我觉得为了上下一致不用翻译)
Aloe Bean Jelly
Coconut Juice Bean Jelly
3、Characteristic Pastry
Mango Puddings
Double-Color Orsomia Puddings

第2个回答  2008-09-05
Chaozhou dessert
1 Shuangpi Nai Series
Signs Shuangpi Nai
Shunde Shuangpi Nai
Red beans Shuangpi Nai
Coconut milk Shuangpi Nai
Mango Shuangpi Nai
Snow Shuangpi Nai
2 Shuanghua jelly
Signs jelly
Shuanghua mango jelly
Aloe jelly
Coconut milk jelly
3 Features cakes
Mango pudding
Two-color red beans cake
Guo Shuang 4 cool
Li Li Shuang mango
Mans coconut aloe Shuang
Aloe cool coconut milk
Shuang mango coconut milk
Coconut wood aloe Shuang
5 black sentiments
Traditional red sand
Black glutinous rice milk
Coconut milk and rice
Red beans and rice
Snow black glutinous rice
Mango snow black glutinous rice
6 nourishing Dunpin
Bingtang Don papaya
Coconut milk stew papaya
Don papaya milk
Bingtang Don Sydney
Fresh milk stew Sydney
Coconut milk stew Sydney
7 Qin ice drinks
Mango juice
Mango coconut milk
Mu Guazhi
Papaya coconut milk
Tropical coconut milk
Red beans ice cold coconut milk
Frozen mango juice Mangguo Bing
8 Lu Yang Yan Simi
YANG Zhi Mannan
Lu coconut milk Simi
Red beans Simi Lu
Lu mango coconut milk Simi
Aloe Lu Simi
Mango Sago fishing
Even fruit juice Simi fishing Mans
9 secret Guiling Gao
Traditional Guiling Gao
Guiling Gao condensed milk
Guiling Gao honey
Even fruit Guiling Gao
Aloe Guiling Gao
Coconut milk Guiling Gao
第3个回答  2008-09-06
Chaozhou dessert
1 Shuangpi Nai Series
Signs Shuangpi Nai
Shunde Shuangpi Nai
Red beans Shuangpi Nai
Coconut milk Shuangpi Nai
Mango Shuangpi Nai
Snow Shuangpi Nai
2 Shuanghua jelly
Signs jelly
Shuanghua mango jelly
Aloe jelly
Coconut milk jelly
3 Features cakes
Mango pudding
Two-color red beans cake
Guo Shuang 4 cool
Li Li Shuang mango
Mans coconut aloe Shuang
Aloe cool coconut milk
Shuang mango coconut milk
Coconut wood aloe Shuang
5 black sentiments
Traditional red sand
Black glutinous rice milk
Coconut milk and rice
Red beans and rice
Snow black glutinous rice
Mango snow black glutinous rice
6 nourishing Dunpin
Bingtang Don papaya
Coconut milk stew papaya
Don papaya milk
Bingtang Don Sydney
Fresh milk stew Sydney
Coconut milk stew Sydney
7 Qin ice drinks
Mango juice
Mango coconut milk
Mu Guazhi
Papaya coconut milk
Tropical coconut milk
Red beans ice cold coconut milk
Frozen mango juice Mangguo Bing
8 Lu Yang Yan Simi
YANG Zhi Mannan
Lu coconut milk Simi
Red beans Simi Lu
Lu mango coconut milk Simi
Aloe Lu Simi
Mango Sago fishing
Even fruit juice Simi fishing Mans
9 secret Guiling Gao
Traditional Guiling Gao
Guiling Gao condensed milk
Guiling Gao honey
Even fruit Guiling Gao
Aloe Guiling Gao
Coconut milk Guiling Gao

第4个回答  2008-09-05
1双皮奶系列 Shuang Pinai Series
招牌双皮奶 Signs Shuangpi Nai
顺德双皮奶 Shunde Shuangpi Nai
红豆双皮奶 Red beans Shuangpi Nai
椰汁双皮奶 Coconut milk Shuangpi Nai
芒果双皮奶 Mango Shuangpi Nai
白雪双皮奶 Snow Shuangpi Nai

2爽滑凉粉 Shuanghua jelly
招牌凉粉 Signs jelly
芒果爽滑凉粉 Shuanghua mango jelly
芦荟凉粉 Aloe jelly
椰汁凉粉 Coconut milk jelly

3特色糕点 Characteristics cakes
芒果布丁 Mango pudding
双色红豆糕 Two-color red beans cake

4清凉果爽 Guo Shuang cool
粒粒芒果爽 Li Li Shuang mango
芒椰芦荟爽 Mans coconut aloe Shuang
椰汁芦荟爽 Aloe cool coconut milk
椰汁芒果爽 Shuang mango coconut milk
木椰芦荟爽 Coconut wood aloe Shuang

5黑色情怀 Black Feelings
传统红豆沙 Traditional red sand
鲜奶黑糯米 Black glutinous rice milk
椰汁黑糯米 Coconut milk and rice
红豆黑糯米 Red beans and rice
白雪黑糯米 Snow black glutinous rice
芒果白雪黑糯米Mango snow black glutinous rice

6滋补炖品 Nourishing Dunpin
冰糖炖木瓜 Bingtang Don papaya
椰汁炖木瓜 Coconut milk stew papaya
鲜奶炖木瓜 Don papaya milk
冰糖炖雪梨 Bingtang Don Sydney
鲜奶炖雪梨 Fresh milk stew Sydney
椰汁炖雪梨 Coconut milk stew Sydney

7 冰沁饮品 Qin ice drinks
芒果汁 Mango juice
芒果椰奶 Mango coconut milk
木瓜汁 Mu Guazhi
木瓜椰奶 Papaya coconut milk
热带椰奶 Tropical coconut milk
冻椰汁红豆冰 Red beans ice cold coconut milk
冻芒汁芒果冰 Frozen mango juice Mangguo Bing

8 养颜西米露 Lu Yang Yan Simi
杨枝甘露 YANG Zhi Mannan
椰汁西米露 Lu coconut milk Simi
红豆西米露 Red beans Simi Lu
椰汁芒果西米露Lu mango coconut milk Simi
芦荟西米露 Aloe Lu Simi
芒果西米捞 Mango Sago fishing
什果芒汁西米捞Even fruit juice Simi fishing Mans

9 秘方龟苓膏 Secret Guiling Gao
传统龟苓膏 Traditional Guiling Gao
炼奶龟苓膏 Guiling Gao condensed milk
蜂蜜龟苓膏 Guiling Gao honey
什果龟苓膏 Even fruit Guiling Gao
芦荟龟苓膏 Aloe Guiling Gao
椰汁龟苓膏 Coconut milk Guiling Gao
第5个回答  2008-09-05
OUR newly opened, the main dessert of Chaozhou in Guangdong, because of customers in more than a foreigner, is seeking master menu translation, due to be posted out, please be careful in charge, I would be grateful! ! ! Following is the translation:
Chaozhou dessert
1 Shuangpi Nai Series
Signs Shuangpi Nai
Shunde Shuangpi Nai
Red beans Shuangpi Nai
Coconut milk Shuangpi Nai
Mango Shuangpi Nai
Snow Shuangpi Nai
2 Shuanghua jelly
Signs jelly
Shuanghua mango jelly
Aloe jelly
Coconut milk jelly
3 Features cakes
Mango pudding
Two-color red beans cake
Guo Shuang 4 cool
Li Li Shuang mango
Mans coconut aloe Shuang
Aloe cool coconut milk
Shuang mango coconut milk
Coconut wood aloe Shuang
5 black sentiments
Traditional red sand
Black glutinous rice milk
Coconut milk and rice
Red beans and rice
Snow black glutinous rice
Mango snow black glutinous rice
6 nourishing Dunpin
Bingtang Don papaya
Coconut milk stew papaya
Don papaya milk
Bingtang Don Sydney
Fresh milk stew Sydney
Coconut milk stew Sydney
7 Qin ice drinks
Mango juice
Mango coconut milk
Mu Guazhi
Papaya coconut milk
Tropical coconut milk
Red beans ice cold coconut milk
Frozen mango juice Mangguo Bing
8 Lu Yang Yan Simi
YANG Zhi Mannan
Lu coconut milk Simi
Red beans Simi Lu
Lu mango coconut milk Simi
Aloe Lu Simi
Mango Sago fishing
Even fruit juice Simi fishing Mans
9 secret Guiling Gao
Traditional Guiling Gao
Guiling Gao condensed milk
Guiling Gao honey
Even fruit Guiling Gao
Aloe Guiling Gao
Coconut milk Guiling Gao



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