Business report应该怎么写


目录(Tables and Appendixes)
主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释 (Footnotes)
参考书目(References or Bibliography)
A business information report endeavors to make the reader understand the business plan, business growth strategies and the goal of your business. Business report writing is meant for an audience that is internal as well as external. These audiences are either from technical background or non-technical background. Business report writing can be a tedious tasks for those who find it extremely difficult to organize and write a detailed report.
It is very important to follow a proper format when writing business reports. There are standard business report writing formats that are can be easily understood by anyone reading it. These sample business report formats also help reduce your time of preparing one as it helps you become more organized. These sample business report formats have been developed by professionals over the years. These well-written business writings also do not waste the time of the reader and do not allow them to skip the information that they should be reading. If you are wondering about how to write a business report, then read on further. The following business report example will help you understand how to write a business report.
Writing Business Reports
Business report writing involves use of logical steps that explains the information and data regarding the business related issues. The following sample business report will explain the major constituents of business information report.
Title Page: The title page includes the name of report, the author's name and date. You can also write the reason of report on the title page to inform the reader regarding the problems or solutions offered.
Letter of Transmittal: This is used to announce the release of the business report and give the reader the necessary background of the business information report.
Content Page: This page includes the table of contents of the major titles or heading mentioned in the report. You should include the letter or memo of transmittal in the table of contents. If there are sub headings in the report, try to include them too. You should mention the page number on which the main heading and sub heading lies. The page numbers should be written an inch from the bottom of the page.

List of Illustrations: This page is used to mention the illustrations included in your business report. When the business report includes only figures, title the page "List of Figures" or if it includes only tables then mention, "List of Tables".
Executive Summary: The executive summary is used to summarize the background of the report in one page for managers who do not have time to read your business report. The executive summary should include purpose and scope of the report and also the major conclusions and recommendations suggested. Mention only the information that is worth writing in the executive summary.
Methodology: Explain the methods followed in your research to come to a valid conclusion. You need to mention if you did a group survey or searched for information through the internet or library or involved an outside agency to carry out the research for you.
Report Body: This is the major chuck of business information report when writing business information. The headings and page numbers should match according to the table of contents. The report body should contain:
1)Introduction: The introduction will explain your audience why they are given this report to read and what is covered in the main body.
2)Main Body: The heart of your report lies within the main body. All your important data and information that needs to be mentioned while writing a business report need to be covered in the main body. You need to put forth your best writing skills when writing business reports.
3)Conclusion: The conclusion will analyze your result and bring your business report together. This is the answer to your business report, and will be read by everybody. Keep the conclusion short and to the point.
Recommendation: This will provide your reader the possible suggestions that will help address the issues mentioned in the business report. You should mention the recommendations using bullets and numbered points when writing a business report. You should be thoroughly sure about the recommendations made as they may be followed by the reader.
Appendix: You need to mention all the sources of research in detail. These details will prove helpful in supporting your recommendations.
This sample business report guidelines will help in writing business report that is concise and easy to digest. You should include all the relevant and important data in the start of the paragraph as people don't have time to read the entire page and hunt for information. Always keep a back-up of the data and research material as you may need it support your findings. You should make two copies of your report. Proof read the first copy and make appropriate changes and submit the second corrected copy of your business report. You can always search for business report examples on the Internet to help you format your business report. Business report can help make an impression on your audiences, thus, be very professional and precise when writing one. I hope these writing tips have solved your query how to write a business report.
第1个回答  2015-11-18

Better Minerals Aggregates Company(BMAC)--美国硅土公司之父公布了2001年公司收入增长和税前赢利情况:收入为三亿七百万美元,比2000年的二亿九千五百九十万美元增长了2.9%;,全年EBITDA与2000年的五千一百五十万美元相比增长了8.5%,达五千五百九十万美元;纯损失从2000年的九百五十万美元减少到四百万美元。
正如BMAC首席执行官Reeves所说的那样, 2001年是对公司业务充满挑战的一年,我对我们的业绩很满意。由于整个国内工业矿物产量的下降,去年大部分时间我们的产量也在下降,然而,由于我们实行成本控制,公司全年总体营业状况良好,我们在后两个季度得以继续获利。另外,BMAC实行的新的组织结构在2001年运营很好,我期望2002年公司生产效率能进一步提高。BMAC是玻璃、铸造、化工、娱乐及建筑工业用高质量石英砂和细晶岩,颜料、塑料、陶瓷工业用细磨石英和高岭土及铺路、混泥土预混和沥青处理工厂用碎石的主要生产厂商。该公司总部位于美国Berkeley Springs,拥有员工近1050人和27家分厂。

日前,威盛电子公布了其2002年3月份营业收入为近7000万美元,较二月份增长0.87%,一至三月累计营业收入金额为2.21亿美元。威盛表示,目前虽已进入淡季,但公司仍将持续产品线的扩展与各事业部的强化,为下半年的旺季需求积蓄力量。另外,从芯片组出货状况来看,三月正式推出的 VIA Apollo P4X333已经赢得了最终用户的青睐,并与P4X266A及P4M266等产品一道构成了威盛电子在P4兼容芯片组市场的完整解决方案。








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