

How to promote college student’s creativity As we know,there are signs that college students are lack of creativity in China.This condition is caused by many reasons.Frist of all,in Chinese tradition”teaching by holding his hand”is the best way to develop skills,which makes students lose the ability of thinking deeply.Besides,solving problems with computers makes students very lazy,so much so that they lose the interest of creativity.What’s worse,quantities of students hold the view that creativity is useless. In my opinion,measures must be taken to promote college student’s creativity.There are many things that we can do.On the one hand,the government should issue some polices which are good at creativity.On the other hand,we should learn some useful experience from Western style,for example,paying more attention to originality and independence.What’s important is that we college students should set up the ideas that creativity create new world and we have potential to create new world.
In conclusion,only if we make concerted efforts we can own the sprirt of creativity.



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