


    [rɪˈsɜrtʃ]:这是比较常见的英式英语发音,重音在第一个音节上。其中,"re" 读作短元音 /ɪ/,"search" 读作长元音 /ɜː/。这个发音在英国、澳大利亚和其他一些英语使用国家较为普遍。

    [riˈsɝtʃ]:这是比较常见的美式英语发音,重音在第二个音节上。其中,"re" 读作短元音 /i/,"search" 读作短元音 /ɝ/。这个发音在美国以及一些其他英语使用国家较为常见。


    He conducted extensive research on climate change before writing his thesis. (他在撰写论文之前进行了对气候变化的广泛研究。)

    The company allocated a significant budget for market research to better understand consumer preferences. (公司拨款了一大笔预算用于市场调研,以更好地了解消费者偏好。)

    The professor published his research findings in a prestigious scientific journal. (教授将他的研究成果发表在一本享有盛誉的科学期刊上。)

    The research team is collaborating with international scholars to explore new approaches to cancer treatment. (研究团队正在与国际学者合作,探索癌症治疗的新方法。)

    Their research project aims to investigate the impact of social media on mental health. (他们的研究项目旨在调查社交媒体对心理健康的影响。)

    She received a research grant to support her study on renewable energy technologies. (她获得了一项研究经费,以支持她对可再生能源技术的研究。)

    The research team conducted interviews and surveys to collect data for their study. (研究团队进行了访谈和调查,以收集研究所需的数据。)

    The research findings suggest a possible link between stress and cardiovascular diseases. (研究结果暗示了压力和心血管疾病之间可能存在的联系。)

    The government invested heavily in scientific research to promote technological innovation. (政府大力投资科学研究,促进技术创新。)

    The research paper provides valuable insights into the cultural impact of globalization. (这篇研究论文为全球化对文化的影响提供了有价值的见解。)

第1个回答  2023-07-31


    [rɪˈsɜrtʃ]:这是比较常见的英式英语发音,重音在第一个音节上。其中,"re" 读作短元音 /ɪ/,"search" 读作长元音 /ɜː/。这个发音在英国、澳大利亚和其他一些英语使用国家较为普遍。

    [riˈsɝtʃ]:这是比较常见的美式英语发音,重音在第二个音节上。其中,"re" 读作短元音 /i/,"search" 读作短元音 /ɝ/。这个发音在美国以及一些其他英语使用国家较为常见。


    He conducted extensive research on climate change before writing his thesis. (他在撰写论文之前进行了对气候变化的广泛研究。)

    The company allocated a significant budget for market research to better understand consumer preferences. (公司拨款了一大笔预算用于市场调研,以更好地了解消费者偏好。)

    The professor published his research findings in a prestigious scientific journal. (教授将他的研究成果发表在一本享有盛誉的科学期刊上。)

    The research team is collaborating with international scholars to explore new approaches to cancer treatment. (研究团队正在与国际学者合作,探索癌症治疗的新方法。)

    Their research project aims to investigate the impact of social media on mental health. (他们的研究项目旨在调查社交媒体对心理健康的影响。)

    She received a research grant to support her study on renewable energy technologies. (她获得了一项研究经费,以支持她对可再生能源技术的研究。)

    The research team conducted interviews and surveys to collect data for their study. (研究团队进行了访谈和调查,以收集研究所需的数据。)


    The research findings suggest a possible link between stress and cardiovascular diseases. (研究结果暗示了压力和心血管疾病之间可能存在的联系。)

    The government invested heavily in scientific research to promote technological innovation. (政府大力投资科学研究,促进技术创新。)

    The research paper provides valuable insights into the cultural impact of globalization. (这篇研究论文为全球化对文化的影响提供了有价值的见解。)



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