

  英文: xinwjhdmhjnjh,hjbgsugbvdyfgbvh.hdjsbcuyge,sdefgr.dfdsff,sdfdsfcv.
  字:昨天,从下午开始,我就守侯在电视机前收看直播。随着电视机屏幕上的倒计时提示不断变化,我的心情也越来越激动了。终于,19点48分,直播开始。开场时的击缶表演多么气势磅礴、震撼人心!尤其是击缶倒数,当画面上的“30”与电视机屏幕右上角的时钟显示完全吻合的时候,那种和谐的变化同时又精确无误的场景让我心潮澎湃!在高亢鼓乐和震天欢呼声中,北京奥运会开幕式拉开帷幕。热情友好的中华儿女诚邀四海宾朋,我们欢迎你!在《历史的足迹》一幕中,象征奥运历史足迹的29个“巨人脚印”,用焰火接力的造形,沿着古老北京的中轴路,一步步走向鸟巢。当“足迹”出现在“鸟巢”上空时,现场观众沸腾了,我也心跳加快了,非常兴奋,非常激动!接着,文艺表演正式开始。当清新和谐的画卷展开,泱泱中华五千年的文化积淀足以叫人叹服!精致优雅的舞蹈同时也在描绘着一幅彩绘,形的美与意的美相互交融,相得益彰,堪称完美。在接下来的表演中,我们也随时能够真切地感受到中国源远流长的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。当蓝色星球从地下升入高空时,我又一次感动了!变幻着色彩和图案的“地球”太漂亮了,那是我们共同的家!美丽的场景寓意着万物和谐共生,不同国家、不同种族的人民和睦相处,这是充满友谊和温暖的大家庭!多么美好的意境啊……后来是各国运动员入场,在这一部分中,我们看到了多元文化和谐并存,真的是“和而不同”!当中国队入场时,全场又一次沸腾了!“中国,加油!”的口号响彻云霄,现场欢声雷动,自豪之情通过电视屏幕汇入场外观众的血液,让每一个华夏儿女都充满力量!今日零点四分,奥林匹克的圣火终于在国家体育场“鸟巢” 熊熊燃起!同一个世界,同一个梦想。此时此刻,中华民族终于圆了百年奥运之梦!
第1个回答  2008-08-23
The people who gets up , is unwilling to act as a slave, builds our flesh and blood becoming our new Great Wall, ,'' PRC national anthem makes a sound having got up , make people not be so same as to have remembered upcoming Beijing in 2008 Olympiad , also same have remembered you. Athens Olympiad in 2004 sage fire is extinguished juat now, Olympic Games five rings flags rise soon in Chinese Beijing in 2008! The sky looking back upon previous term or session Olympic Games history , Beijing is a scene of jubilation, that raising the head and looking being Chinese because of innumerable hopes that and cries out; Athenian sky so-called sky blue, that is the infection because of soaring fighting spirit. The Olympic Games contend is fierce and cruel as well, the success or failure sometimes depends on a thread between, the Chinese athlete selected for a sports meet exceeds oneself with matchless being confident with courage , the field triumphing over the opponent , conquering match, let the Five-Starred Red Flag rise time in Australia , let March of the Volunteers play a bang time at the whole world Chinese's heart. All Chinese are proud , all all people of Chinese descent are uppish! The sage gets angry , five is encircled by , China prints, ... In 2008 Beijing Olympiad is Yue Lai Yue close to us. Cheer for a saltation in places in China , uncounted teenager children , raise the head and look looking forward to Beijing Olympiad in 2008. And not only, the Olympic Games good athlete , all strong and healthy , have stout physique, be full of confidence. Though they come from Hungary , New Zealand , USA , Taiwan, ... But, have the common target and common movement spurts towards the champion. Finish having as the saying goes: "In the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those before , strolls in the front according to arriving at, ,'' I believe in at my heart extremely wonderful , be just like Heaven in my eye. The Green Olympics is being confident by person , successful, give person new enjoyment; The athlete defeats oneself , exceeds oneself on the arena, struggling being that Olympic Games overcomes motion is vigorous. Beijing Olympic Games develops "high , quicker " purpose of Olympics , become the most sacred moment. Beijing Olympic Games has promoted "peace , friendship , progressive " target , has reached the eternal subject that human being runs after. Lu Xun had once spoken: "The winner is no doubt respectable, but those fall behind but still run to continuous destination athletics person, the sum has seen such athletics person but the respectful block of wood has laughed at to look at a visitor, be indeed to exactly be Chinese backbone with the future". This exactly is the spirit constantly striving to become stronger , I hope that every people who one cares for Olympic Games needs to have this spirit. In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to open to the outside world , unite. Successful Beijing bid for hosting Olympic Games one aspect explains that the world requires that China , China need the world. Another aspect has also demonstrated our national power big and powerful. The people feeling of loving self's country , dream of the powerful country and sports are not always secretly detachable. By flexible the whole people bid for hosting Olympic Games carrying out,I have known Olympic Games , have known Olympic Games. One gun rings since Los Angeles Games on July 29 , 1984 , Xu Haifeng , breaks the Chinese Olympic Games gold medal already getting through 20 since "zero"'s notes. This is to reform and open in 20, in 20, under the leadership of the Party, national power of our country has strengthened , sports cause has also been developed vigorously , has become the universally accepted sports power of international. Beijing Olympiad will arrive at the whole world people coacervation in 2008 together, will reinforce our country and the world further other country's association, let more people know China , love China heartily. In 2008 Beijing Olympiad , your general are to be full of sapiential , green's. After Olympiad will bring image to image the whole world people opening birthday gift package in 2008, that is pleasantly surprised. The International Olympic Commi appraises what committee says exactly as , the Beijing Olympiad will be that China and world athletic sports leave unique inheritance in 2008. I am deeply convinced , our motion good athlete is able to use wisdom and courage to sweep away Olympiad surpassing field, let the Five-Starred Red Flag rise time in Beijing. Be till looking at Beijing in the distance , in a flash in 2008, I have been full of scheduled time at heart hope that. I look forward to the contribution being able to be that Beijing Olympic Games makes self out in 2008 , I am looked forward to can watch Olympiad in 2008 to Beijing, I look forward to self become a pillar of the state soon. Your job is take a heavy burden and embark on a long road , great but arduous, spirit based on Olympics in the athlete who is symbolizing that light, unites , friendship , peace , justice are hit by every country spares no effort to make progress, faster , higher , stronger, exactly as, the most important thing is not victory, but is in life fight with, be not conquering , but sparing no effort to go all out! Five is encircled by blue , black , red , yellow , green composition Olympic Games , it represents the Olympic Games good athletes who come from all corners of the country , is meets by chance together in Beijing Olympiad in 2008 , is meets by chance together under Olympic Games banner. Oh! Beijing! I hope that Beijing Olympiad becomes the most outstanding Olympiad since the beginning of history from the bottom of self's heart , become one very splendid grand gathering. Oh! Beijing you are motherland's hope, future being a motherland. Chinese People almost all entrusts all hope to the care of you on one's body, therefore saying , you must make great efforts to go all out , be a credit to motherland. Oh! Beijing! Pray for you gain bigger gains and wonderful bar in 2008 that you gain bigger gains and wonderful bar in 2008! Be looking forward to this a day early arrival! ! !
第2个回答  2008-08-24
I think hosting the Olympic games 2008 will have a positive effect on the Chinese economy.
First, there will be millions of foreigners come to China to see the Olympic Games, these foreginers will consume during their staying in China, for example, they eat foods in restaurants, live in hotels, they are like those travellers who visits China.
Second, the Olympic games creates more job opportunities for local workers. Olympic games ususlly requires a standard of the gymnasiums for the sport games, so there will be more building needed.
Third, the past data show most countries' economies improved after hosting an Olypmic games.



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