各位大侠,还有知道英文儿歌 hello friend 的翻译?求助,感谢!


Hello friend 朋友你好
Hello friend, hello friend, it's nice to see you again. Can you come over today, after school and we can play? Build a town with my brocks, or paint while wearing smocks. We can run around ouside, climb a tree or take a ride. On a scooter or on a bike, we'll go anywhere you like. To the park, to the zoo. You know what? There's so much we can do. (Come on.) 朋友你好,朋友你好,很高兴再次见到你。今天放学后你能过来和我一起玩吗?用我的积木建造一座小城,或穿着罩衫上油漆。我们能在外面到处跑,爬树或骑自行车。骑上滑板车或自行车,我们会去任何你喜欢的地方。去公园,去动物园。你知道吗?有很多我们可以做的事情。(快来。)
Hello friend, hello friend, let's walk home hand in hand. My mom said it's okey, if you come and stay the day. Maybe we can make a fort, play restaurant and supermart. I'll share all my toys with you, even all the stuff that's new. You want to play a video game? (Sure.) I'll even help you type in your name. I know how to wait my turn, we're gonna to have so much fun. (Come on, let's go.) 朋友你好,朋友你好,我们手牵手走回家吧。我妈妈说你可以来玩一天。也许我们可以做一个堡垒,玩餐厅和超市游戏。我会和你分享我所有的玩具,甚至所有的东西都是新的。你想玩电子游戏吗?(当然。)我还会帮你输入你的名字。我知道如何等待轮到我,我们会玩得很开心。(来吧,我们一起玩。)
Hello friend, hello friend, our play dates has come to an end. Let's pick up our toys off the floor. I'll walk you to the front door. Before you go, I want to say, thanks for playing with me today. Next time I'll come to your place. I'll bring my cars, we'll have a race. Let's get together real soon. How about tomorrow afternoon? Goodbye friend, goodbye friend, goodbye till we meet again. (I'll see you tomorrow. Bye! Bye!) 朋友你好,朋友你好,我们的游玩的一天就要结束了。我们把玩具从地板上捡起来吧。我送你到门口。在你走之前,我想说,谢谢你今天和我一起玩。下次我会去你家。我会带上我的车,我们进行有一场比赛。我们很快又能见面了。明天下午怎么样?再见了,朋友,再见了,朋友,再见,直到我们再次相见。(明天见,拜拜!拜拜!)



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