
George Spilich at Washington College in Chestertown ,Maryland ,decided to find out whether ,as many smokers say ,smoking helps them to “think and fix their attention on their work ." Spilich put young non-smokers , active smokers and smokers deprived of cigarettes through a series of tests .
In the first test ,each subject sat before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a certain letter among a group a of 96 . In this simple test ,smokers,deprived smokers and nonsmokers performed equally well .The next test was more difficult ,requiring all to scan groups of 20 letters and find the one of the letters changed into a different one .Non-smokers were faster ,but under the stimulation of nicotine ,active smokers were faster than deprived smokers .In the third test of short-term memory ,non-smokers made the fewest mistakes ,but deprived smokers made fewer mistakes than active smokers .The fourth test required people to read a passage ,then answer question about it .Non-smokers remembered 19 percent more of the most important information than active smokers ,and deprived smokers did better than those who had a cigarette just before testing . Active smokers were likely not only to havepoorer memories but also had trouble separating important information from unimportant details .
"As our tests becane more difficult ,"says Spilich , ‘non-smokers performed better than smokers by far ."He says , "Smokers might perform adequately at many jobs until they got very difficult .A smoking airline pilot could fly adequately if no problems arose ,but if something went wrong ,smoking might damage his mental capacity."

在马里兰城里的Chester镇中就读华盛顿大学的George Spilich, 决定去调查是否像许多吸烟者认为的那样,吸烟可以帮助他们在工作中集中他们的注意力。Spilich在年轻的非吸烟者,积极吸烟者和剥夺了烟的吸烟者在身上进行了一系列的测试。在第一次测试,每个主题都坐在电脑屏幕前,被要求在看到他们认识的96个字母中的任何一个字母出现时, 尽快按下一个指定的键。在这个简单的测试中,吸烟者,剥夺吸烟者和非吸烟者表现得同样出色。下测试比较困难,要求他们在20个字母的一堆文章中,找出一个与别的字母不同的字母。 非吸烟者的速度是最快的,但在尼古丁的刺激,积极吸烟者比剥夺吸烟者还要快。第三次测试的是短期记忆,非吸烟者犯了最少的错误,但剥夺吸烟者犯了比吸烟者更少的犯错误。第四次测试是需要的人阅读文章,然后回答问题。非吸烟者比吸烟者记多百分之十九以上的最重要信息,而剥夺吸烟者比测试前刚吸过烟的考得好。吸烟者不仅会有比较坏的记忆力而且还会有无法分别重要信息和不重要的信息的麻烦。“当我们的测试变得越来越困难时,”Spilich说,“非吸烟者的表现远远好过吸烟者。” 他说,“吸烟可能在某些工作中显得表现良好, 直到工作变困难时。一个抽烟的飞行员在没有问题发生时, 可能飞得不错, 但一旦发生了错误, 抽烟可能会影响他的精神集中力。”
第1个回答  2008-12-09
Spilich乔治华盛顿大学Chestertown ,马里兰,决定是否找到了,因为许多吸烟者认为,吸烟可以帮助他们“想和修复其注意对他们的工作。 ” Spilich把年轻的非吸烟者,积极吸烟者和吸烟者的香烟被剥夺通过一系列的测试。
在第一次测试,每个主题之前,坐在电脑屏幕和压力的一个关键尽早他或她认识到了一定的信中A组的96 。在这个简单的测试,吸烟者,剥夺吸烟者和非吸烟者表现同样出色。下测试是比较困难,要求所有扫描群体的20封信,并找到一个字母变为不同。非吸烟者的速度,但根据尼古丁的刺激,积极吸烟者比吸烟者被剥夺。在第三次试验的短期记忆,非吸烟者作出最少的错误,但被剥夺了吸烟者少犯错误比主动吸烟的青少年患。第四次测试需要的人阅读通过,然后回答问题了。非吸烟者记住百分之十九以上的最重要的信息不是积极吸烟者,吸烟者也被剥夺优于谁了卷烟前的测试。主动吸烟有可能不仅havepoorer的回忆,但也遇到了麻烦分离的重要信息不重要的细节。
“作为我们的测试更加困难becane说, ” Spilich , '非吸烟者的表现好于吸烟者远远。 “他说, ”吸烟可能充分履行在许多就业机会,直到他们有非常困难的。吸烟飞行员能飞,如果没有足够的出现问题,但如果发生了错误,吸烟会损害他的精神能力。 “



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