

1. It was Bird flu ____ killed ____ eight-year-old girl in April, 2006.
A. which; the [正确B]. that; an C. which; an [我想选D]. that; the .

2. Why did you use my cell phone ____ you had your own one? To save your money?
[我想选A]. as B. where C. while [正确D]. when .

3. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _____ you did it a month ago?
A. in which [我想选B]. that [正确C]. where D. when .

4. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview ____the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.
A. that [我想选B]. when C. whom [正确D]. where .

5. In that company only Allan ____ objections in the meeting
[我想选A]. dare to raise B. dares raise [正确C]. dared raise D. dare not to raise .

6. My pleasure, sir. ____ person could do that way; I just did the same.
A. Any B. Every [正确C]. Any other [我想选D]. Every other .

7. You can not teach a man ____; you can only help him find it within himself.
[我想选A]. everything [正确B]. anything C. something D. nothing .

8. I’d like to enjoy my spare time by reading ____ newspaper or listening to ____ music.
A. a; the [我想选B]. /; / [正确C]. a; / D. /; the .

9. Sorry I’m late, for my car ____ on the half way.
A. broke up B. broke off [我想选C]. broke down [正确D]. broke away .

10. The best chance to reach customers is to ____ to their emotions.
A. stick [正确B]. appeal [我想选C]. reflect D. contribute .

11. At the gates of some factories, we usually can see a notice saying “____”.
A. keep away [正确B]. keep out [我想选C]. keep off D. keep up .

12. By now, Einstein’s theories ____ right.
A. are proved [正确B]. have been proved [我想选C]. have proved D. will prove .
The suggestion that the meeting be put off proved right.推迟会议的建议证明是正确得。(同位语从句)

13. The police always take advantage of dogs’ ____ sense of smell to search for something.
[我想选A]. sensitive [正确B]. sharp C. practical D. fluent .

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just _____ way.
A. another B. other [正确C]. the other D. some other .

1. It was Bird flu ____ killed ____ eight-year-old girl in April, 2006.
A. which; the [正确B]. that; an C. which; an [我想选D]. that; the .
定冠词the 和不定冠词an一个很重要的区别在于前者为特指,一般至少是第二次提到或者双方都十分明确的.2006年四月一位女孩感染此病死去.范围太广,前面也没有关于这个女孩的说明.后面的时间是对这一起事件的交代,不应看做是对女孩的修饰.如果要用,可以是这样的:the girl who was killed in April ,2006 by Bird flu was just eight years old.

2. Why did you use my cell phone ____ you had your own one? To save your money?
[我想选A]. as B. where C. while [正确D]. when .
when 在这里是在...的时候(情况下)的意思,很符合需求.用as 不是很好,虽然其也有表示同时的意思,一般是用来说明两个一起进行着的动作,而且往往这两个动作没有什么矛盾冲突性.而该句前后其实是有转折性的.如果要用as 推荐why didn't you use yours as you already had your own? 这里所用到的 as 就用到表原因的用法了."既然"

3. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _____ you did it a month ago?
A. in which [我想选B]. that [正确C]. where D. when .
关键是看修饰mistake 的从句是you did it a month ago. 动词did后已经有了宾语成分it , 空格里的关联词是要在从句中充当一定语法成分的.既然后面有了宾语,它就不能再是宾语了. where 在此就很好地平衡了句子结构,使本句成为一个状语从句. "你在同一个地方又犯了错"

4. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview ____the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.
A. that [我想选B]. when C. whom [正确D]. where .
用when 的话就强调时间性更多,而且它的用法一般是其后接表示时间的部分,比如 i liked fishing when i was very young. 而这里后面接的却是在这个时间里发生的动作,有违.当然when 也有可接动作的时候,意思为"在这个时候"如the ring stopped ringing when i started to open my eye. 一时间想不到什么好的例子,但是要强调的是when的前后都是动作,而且往往是不相干的两个类型,时间上其实是一先一后,跟中文同,而不同于"同时"

5. In that company only Allan ____ objections in the meeting
[我想选A]. dare to raise B. dares raise [正确C]. dared raise D. dare not to raise .
dare 有两种用法若加to do 则是实意义动词的用法, 在表示第三人的时候是要用单三式的,即应为dares to raise. 而不加to 的时候则是类似情态动词的用法,只有现在式dare, 过去式dared, 没有单三式,所以只能选c.

6. My pleasure, sir. ____ person could do that way; I just did the same.
A. Any B. Every [正确C]. Any other [我想选D]. Every other .
这里首先要确定的是"other"在此使用的意义,因为后面是i did the same... 说者把自己单独提出来讲了.若将整句变构则为i did the same with _other. every 与any 的区别在于前者强调整体,后者强调个体.既然后面有个对比的概念在里面the same with 前面又是"i"还是个体对个体好些

7. You can not teach a man ____; you can only help him find it within himself.
[我想选A]. everything [正确B]. anything C. something D. nothing
everything 通常用于肯定句 , anything 用于否定和疑问.当然也不绝对,比如说到上面的any 和every. 除了用一般的原则进行判定之外,还要正确理解这句话.后句为你只能帮助他,要他自己学习而得. 若是every 则前面的意义为你不能去教他所有的事情(能教会几件是最好,就够了), 若用any 则为你不能去教他任何事. 显然后者意义与后面这句更吻合.既 你不能灌输知识 而是要帮助让其通过自己的努力 自我发现

8. I’d like to enjoy my spare time by reading ____ newspaper or listening to ____ music.
A. a; the [我想选B]. /; / [正确C]. a; / D. /; the .
你是对的.newspaper music 都是不可数的,一般很少加不定冠词的. 定冠词the到是没有语法错误.但是由于没有特指,所以不加the 更好

9. Sorry I’m late, for my car ____ on the half way.
A. broke up B. broke off [我想选C]. broke down [正确D]. broke away .
c 对,表出故障.

10. The best chance to reach customers is to ____ to their emotions.
A. stick [正确B]. appeal [我想选C]. reflect D. contribute .
我想你心中的大概是respond to 吧 reflect 有反射反省的意思 但是及物动词,再加"to"这一点上就错了,意思也不好. 有appeal to 的用法,表吸引.勉强意思说得过去.只能说相对好,是本题的最佳选择.

11. At the gates of some factories, we usually can see a notice saying “____”.
A. keep away [正确B]. keep out [我想选C]. keep off D. keep up .

12. By now, Einstein’s theories ____ right.
A. are proved [正确B]. have been proved [我想选C]. have proved D. will prove .
The suggestion that the meeting be put off proved right.推迟会议的建议证明是正确得。(同位语从句)
用主被动都可以表达被证明了是正确的含义. 但是主动prove right 既然是动词的独立使用,该动词不是一个持续性的,通常只能是已过去如你举的"proved right".这里要用的话可以是这样的:have been proving right. 这样就给它赋予了持续的含义,从...到现在为止.
而用被动时,时态的变化就集中在前面的be了 成了been

13. The police always take advantage of dogs’ ____ sense of smell to search for something.
[我想选A]. sensitive [正确B]. sharp C. practical D. fluent .
sharp 非常的地道和形象,是很好的选择. sensitive其实是由sense 而来, 对什么有感觉即而引为敏感. 不如用dog's sensitivity in smelling. 在哪一方面敏感.

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just _____ way.
A. another B. other [正确C]. the other D. some other .
--------------------------------他原以为去比回容易, 但结果却恰恰相反.
第1个回答  2006-05-27
1.既然后半句说的是eight years old则显然前文没有提到,所以应该是an.
4.where = in which,你用进去试试,这个最合适。
10.appeal to 是取决于的意思。
11.keep out是不得进入意,而keep off有主观的避开,躲开,不沾染意,此处应强势禁止,应取keep out。
第2个回答  2006-05-27
4.the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions. 这句修饰interview
6. Any other指其他人
Every other 好象没有这种说法
第3个回答  2006-05-28
It was Bird flu ____ killed ____ eight-year-old girl in April, 2006.
A. which; the [正确B]. that; an C. which; an [我想选D]. that; the .

2. Why did you use my cell phone ____ you had your own one? To save your money?
[我想选A]. as B. where C. while [正确D]. when .

3. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _____ you did it a month ago?
A. in which [我想选B]. that [正确C]. where D. when .

4. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview ____the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.
A. that [我想选B]. when C. whom [正确D]. where .

5. In that company only Allan ____ objections in the meeting
[我想选A]. dare to raise B. dares raise [正确C]. dared raise D. dare not to raise .

6. My pleasure, sir. ____ person could do that way; I just did the same.
A. Any B. Every [正确C]. Any other [我想选D]. Every other .
第4个回答  2006-05-28
第一题是个强调句型it be 。。。。that。。。
选B,an表示泛指一个人,而the用在这表示特指,前文应该提到那个eight-year-old girl才会用the,这只有一个句子,前文没有eight-year-old girl,所以用an 。
第2题,选D表示一个延续过程,既从用我的call phone到现在讲话的时候你都有,而as表一个伴随状态,既现在不一顶是过去的状态。
第3题 where做状语,修饰have made a mistake,that没这个功能。
第5个回答  2006-05-28
1. It was Bird flu ____ killed ____ eight-year-old girl in April, 2006.
A. which; the [正确B]. that; an C. which; an [我想选D]. that; the .
定冠词the 和不定冠词an一个很重要的区别在于前者为特指,一般至少是第二次提到或者双方都十分明确的.2006年四月一位女孩感染此病死去.范围太广,前面也没有关于这个女孩的说明.后面的时间是对这一起事件的交代,不应看做是对女孩的修饰.如果要用,可以是这样的:the girl who was killed in April ,2006 by Bird flu was just eight years old.

2. Why did you use my cell phone ____ you had your own one? To save your money?
[我想选A]. as B. where C. while [正确D]. when .
when 在这里是在...的时候(情况下)的意思,很符合需求.用as 不是很好,虽然其也有表示同时的意思,一般是用来说明两个一起进行着的动作,而且往往这两个动作没有什么矛盾冲突性.而该句前后其实是有转折性的.如果要用as 推荐why didn't you use yours as you already had your own? 这里所用到的 as 就用到表原因的用法了."既然"

3. Paley, look at your paper. Why have you a second time made the same mistake _____ you did it a month ago?
A. in which [我想选B]. that [正确C]. where D. when .
关键是看修饰mistake 的从句是you did it a month ago. 动词did后已经有了宾语成分it , 空格里的关联词是要在从句中充当一定语法成分的.既然后面有了宾语,它就不能再是宾语了. where 在此就很好地平衡了句子结构,使本句成为一个状语从句. "你在同一个地方又犯了错"

4. Tomorrow he will participate in a job interview ____the interviewer is likely to ask some difficult questions.
A. that [我想选B]. when C. whom [正确D]. where .
用when 的话就强调时间性更多,而且它的用法一般是其后接表示时间的部分,比如 i liked fishing when i was very young. 而这里后面接的却是在这个时间里发生的动作,有违.当然when 也有可接动作的时候,意思为"在这个时候"如the ring stopped ringing when i started to open my eye. 一时间想不到什么好的例子,但是要强调的是when的前后都是动作,而且往往是不相干的两个类型,时间上其实是一先一后,跟中文同,而不同于"同时"

5. In that company only Allan ____ objections in the meeting
[我想选A]. dare to raise B. dares raise [正确C]. dared raise D. dare not to raise .
dare 有两种用法若加to do 则是实意义动词的用法, 在表示第三人的时候是要用单三式的,即应为dares to raise. 而不加to 的时候则是类似情态动词的用法,只有现在式dare, 过去式dared, 没有单三式,所以只能选c.

6. My pleasure, sir. ____ person could do that way; I just did the same.
A. Any B. Every [正确C]. Any other [我想选D]. Every other .
这里首先要确定的是"other"在此使用的意义,因为后面是i did the same... 说者把自己单独提出来讲了.若将整句变构则为i did the same with _other. every 与any 的区别在于前者强调整体,后者强调个体.既然后面有个对比的概念在里面the same with 前面又是"i"还是个体对个体好些

7. You can not teach a man ____; you can only help him find it within himself.
[我想选A]. everything [正确B]. anything C. something D. nothing
everything 通常用于肯定句 , anything 用于否定和疑问.当然也不绝对,比如说到上面的any 和every. 除了用一般的原则进行判定之外,还要正确理解这句话.后句为你只能帮助他,要他自己学习而得. 若是every 则前面的意义为你不能去教他所有的事情(能教会几件是最好,就够了), 若用any 则为你不能去教他任何事. 显然后者意义与后面这句更吻合.既 你不能灌输知识 而是要帮助让其通过自己的努力 自我发现

8. I’d like to enjoy my spare time by reading ____ newspaper or listening to ____ music.
A. a; the [我想选B]. /; / [正确C]. a; / D. /; the .
你是对的.newspaper music 都是不可数的,一般很少加不定冠词的. 定冠词the到是没有语法错误.但是由于没有特指,所以不加the 更好

9. Sorry I’m late, for my car ____ on the half way.
A. broke up B. broke off [我想选C]. broke down [正确D]. broke away .
c 对,表出故障.

10. The best chance to reach customers is to ____ to their emotions.
A. stick [正确B]. appeal [我想选C]. reflect D. contribute .
我想你心中的大概是respond to 吧 reflect 有反射反省的意思 但是及物动词,再加"to"这一点上就错了,意思也不好. 有appeal to 的用法,表吸引.勉强意思说得过去.只能说相对好,是本题的最佳选择.

11. At the gates of some factories, we usually can see a notice saying “____”.
A. keep away [正确B]. keep out [我想选C]. keep off D. keep up .

12. By now, Einstein’s theories ____ right.
A. are proved [正确B]. have been proved [我想选C]. have proved D. will prove .
The suggestion that the meeting be put off proved right.推迟会议的建议证明是正确得。(同位语从句)
用主被动都可以表达被证明了是正确的含义. 但是主动prove right 既然是动词的独立使用,该动词不是一个持续性的,通常只能是已过去如你举的"proved right".这里要用的话可以是这样的:have been proving right. 这样就给它赋予了持续的含义,从...到现在为止.
而用被动时,时态的变化就集中在前面的be了 成了been

13. The police always take advantage of dogs’ ____ sense of smell to search for something.
[我想选A]. sensitive [正确B]. sharp C. practical D. fluent .
sharp 非常的地道和形象,是很好的选择. sensitive其实是由sense 而来, 对什么有感觉即而引为敏感. 不如用dog's sensitivity in smelling. 在哪一方面敏感.

He thought it would be easier to go there than to come back, but it was just _____ way.
A. another B. other [正确C]. the other D. some other .
--------------------------------他原以为去比回容易, 但结果却恰恰相反.



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