帮忙翻译一下 不胜感激 汉语翻译成英语

5.4 清洗和消毒工作
5.4.1 应制订有效的清洗及消毒方法和制度,以确保所有场所清洁卫生,防止污染食品。
5.4.2 使用清洗剂和消毒剂时,应采取适当措施,防止人身,食品受到污染。
5.5 除虫、灭害的管理
5.5.1 厂区应定期或在必要时进行除虫灭害工作,要采取有效措施防止鼠类、蚊、蝇、昆虫等的聚集和孳生。对已经发生的场所,应采取紧急措施加以控制和消灭,防止蔓延和对食品的污染。
5.5.2 使用各类杀虫剂或其他药剂前,应做好对人身、食品、设备工具的污染和中毒的预防措施,用药后将所有设备、工具彻底清洗,消除污染。
5.6 有毒有害物管理
5.6.1 清洗剂、消毒剂、杀虫剂以及其他有毒有害物品,均应有固定包装,并在明显处标示"有毒品"字样,贮存于专门库房或柜橱内,加锁并由专人负责保管,建立管理制度。
5.6.2 使用时应由经过培训的人员按照使用方法进行,防止污染和人身中毒。
5.6.3 除卫生和工艺需要,均不得在生产车间使用和存放可能污染食品的任何种类的药剂。
5.6.4 各种药剂的使用品种和范围,须经省(自治区、直辖市)卫生监督部门同意。
5.7 饲养动物的管理 GB 14881-94
5.7.1 厂内除供实验动物和待加工禽畜外,一律不得饲养家禽、家畜。
5.7.2 应加强对实验动物和待加工禽畜的管理,防止污染食品。

5.4 cleansing and disinfection
5.4.1 should work out effective cleaning and disinfection methods and systems to ensure that all places clean and prevent contamination of food.
5.4.2 the use of cleaning agents and disinfectants, they should take appropriate measures to prevent personal, food contamination.
5.5 insect management Miehai
5.5.1 plant should be on a regular basis or when necessary to carry out the work of debugging Miehai work, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent rodents, mosquitoes, flies, insects and so on the gathering and breeding. Have taken place on the premises, should take urgent measures to control and eradicate and prevent the spread of food and pollution.
5.5.2 the use of pesticides or other types of agents, should do a good job of personal, food, tools, equipment, pollution and poisoning prevention measures, will use all the equipment, tools, a thorough cleaning to remove pollution.
5.6 management of toxic and hazardous compounds
5.6.1 cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides and other toxic and harmful materials, packing should be fixed, and clearly marked Department "drug", stored in special treasury or cabinet, locked by the person responsible for the custody of Establish management systems.
5.6.2 used by trained personnel in accordance with the methods used to prevent pollution and physical poisoning.
5.6.3 In addition to the health and technology needs, are not allowed in the production and use of contaminated food may be stored in any kind of pharmaceutical.
The use of a variety 5.6.4 Pharmacy variety and scope, subject to the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) agree that health supervision department.
5.7 animal husbandry management GB 14881-94
5.7.1 In addition to the factory for laboratory animals and livestock to be processed, are prohibited from keeping poultry and livestock.
5.7.2 should be strengthened to be experimental animals and processing of livestock management, the prevention of food contamination.
第1个回答  2008-12-09
5.4.1 should work out effective cleaning and disinfection methods and systems to ensure that all places clean and prevent contamination of food.
5.4.2 the use of cleaning agents and disinfectants, they should take appropriate measures to prevent personal, food contamination.
5.5 insect management Miehai
5.5.1 plant should be on a regular basis or when necessary to carry out the work of debugging Miehai work, it is necessary to take effective measures to prevent rodents, mosquitoes, flies, insects and so on the gathering and breeding. Have taken place on the premises, should take urgent measures to control and eradicate and prevent the spread of food and pollution.
5.5.2 the use of pesticides or other types of agents, should do a good job of personal, food, tools, equipment, pollution and poisoning prevention measures, will use all the equipment, tools, a thorough cleaning to remove pollution.
5.6 management of toxic and hazardous compounds
5.6.1 cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides and other toxic and harmful materials, packing should be fixed, and clearly marked Department "drug", stored in special treasury or cabinet, locked by the person responsible for the custody of Establish management systems.
5.6.2 used by trained personnel in accordance with the methods used to prevent pollution and physical poisoning.
5.6.3 In addition to the health and technology needs, are not allowed in the production and use of contaminated food may be stored in any kind of pharmaceutical.
The use of a variety 5.6.4 Pharmacy variety and scope, subject to the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) agree that health supervision department.
5.7 animal husbandry management GB 14881-94
5.7.1 In addition to the factory for laboratory animals and livestock to be processed, are prohibited from keeping poultry and livestock.
5.7.2 should be strengthened to be experimental animals and processing of livestock management, the prevention of food contamination.
第2个回答  2008-12-08





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