
A young aspiring Muslim student from Azamgarh, A.M. Khan by name, stood nervously before the Principal of Hindu College. "Sir, I should very much like to be admitted to the B.Sc. course in your college." The reaction was sharp. "The admissions are closed. How do you expect to be admitted in the month of October when you are already several months late with your applications." Unforeseen circumstances had prevented young Khan from applying sooner, but he simply said, "It would be extremely kind of you if you would help me." Then he added hesitatingly, "One whole year will be wasted for me if I am not granted admission." The Principal’s reply was stern. "There is just no question of further admissions."

The principal talked in such an offhand manner that it should have been obvious that there was no point in persisting. Even so the student was determined to try his luck, although all he really expected was to be asked to leave the room immediately. On seeing the insistence of the student, the principal finally asked him rather drily what his marks had been in the previous examinations, because he felt certain that he must have failed to get admission elsewhere due to his low marks. If this were the case, the principal would have had good grounds for rejecting his application. But the student’s reply was just the opposite of what he expected. He said, "Eighty five percent, sir."

These words worked like a miracle. The principal’s mood changed all of a sudden, and he asked the student to sit down and show him his certificates. When he had seen them and was satisfied that the student’s claim was true, he told him to write out an ante-dated application.

位年轻的穆斯林学生有志从Azamgarh ,调幅汗的名字,站在面前的紧张校长印度教学院。 “主席先生,我非常想被接纳为学士课程,您的大学。 ”反应敏捷。 “招生被关闭。你怎么指望被接纳在10月份时,你已经数月下旬与您的应用。 ”不可预见的情况下阻碍了年轻的汗从申请越早,但他只是说: “这将是极为谢谢你,如果你会帮助我。 ”然后他补充说犹豫, “整整一年将浪费如果我不给予承认。 ”校长的答复是严峻的。 “目前仅仅是毫无疑问的进一步承认。 ”

主要谈论这样一个顺手,它本来应该是很明显,没有一点坚持。即使这样,学生被设法确定他的运气,但他真正预期是被要求离开房间立即。看到坚持的学生,校长终于问他什么,而他冷冷地标志了在过去的考试,因为他觉得,他一定要有没能接纳其他地方,因为他低的痕迹。如果是这样的情况下,主要将有很好的理由拒绝他的申请。但是,学生的回答是正好相反的是,他预期。他说, “ 80百分之五,先生。 ”

第1个回答  2008-12-11


第2个回答  2008-12-11
一位年轻的穆斯林学生有志从Azamgarh ,调幅汗的名字,站在面前的紧张校长印度教学院。 “主席先生,我非常想被接纳为学士课程,您的大学。 ”反应敏捷。 “招生被关闭。你怎么指望被接纳在10月份时,你已经数月下旬与您的应用。 ”不可预见的情况下阻碍了年轻的汗从申请越早,但他只是说: “这将是极为谢谢你,如果你会帮助我。 ”然后他补充说犹豫, “整整一年将浪费如果我不给予承认。 ”校长的答复是严峻的。 “目前仅仅是毫无疑问的进一步承认。 ”




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