求英语高手翻译一篇英语短文 高价悬赏

Hi, my name is Greg. Let’s start by looking at a sample magazine advertisement. Notice that the most importantthing in his ad. is the headline. It gets your attention.
Next is the copy. This is the written part of an advertisement.

Many ads. have a coupon: This is the removable part of an advertisement where the potential customer can either request more information or order the product or service .Usually this type of ad. will have one or more product pictures, like this.

If an ad. has color photos in it ,these pictures will need color separations. A color separation looks like this: notice there are several sheets of film. Each sheet corresponds to one of these 4 basic colors: blue, red, yellow, and black. The top sheet is the matching print. It shows the printer how the final picture should look.

When we talk about the way an ad. looks we refer to its layout: This is the plan how all the elements in an advertisement are going to look. For example, this advertisement has a simple layout. Notice the large headline, the eyecatching picture, and the use of only a few words of copy.

When a company gets a famous person or typical customer to talk about its product or service we call this a testimonial ad. Right now I’m working on this testimonial ad. Notice that I have one testimonial from a man and one from a woman. I also have a product picture and my copy here.

Here is another type of ad. I am working on. When it is run in the newspaper it will look very much like a regular newspaper article. This type of ad. is called an editorial style ad. The copy typically starts out like a regular article and then shifts to ad. copy somewhere near the middle or end of the ad.

You might be wondering which type of ad. is the most effective.Actually, nobody knows for sure because there are so many factors to consider in advertising. Sometimes we make comparisons of two different ads. by running them at the same time in the same publication. This is called a split run. Usually you have to key the ad. to know which ad. is getting your customers to respond. One way to do that is to put a special code on the coupon or if the customer is calling you then you can have him ask for a particular person. In this way, you can measure the effectiveness of the two ads. to see which one outpulls the other.

The terms outpull is used in advertising to indicate which ad. was more effective in terms of getting customers to respond.

Hi, my name is Greg. Let’s start by looking at a sample magazine advertisement. Notice that the most importantthing in his ad. is the headline. It gets your attention.
Next is the copy. This is the written part of an advertisement.

Many ads. have a coupon: This is the removable part of an advertisement where the potential customer can either request more information or order the product or service .Usually this type of ad. will have one or more product pictures, like this.

If an ad. has color photos in it ,these pictures will need color separations. A color separation looks like this: notice there are several sheets of film. Each sheet corresponds to one of these 4 basic colors: blue, red, yellow, and black. The top sheet is the matching print. It shows the printer how the final picture should look.

When we talk about the way an ad. looks we refer to its layout: This is the plan how all the elements in an advertisement are going to look. For example, this advertisement has a simple layout. Notice the large headline, the eyecatching picture, and the use of only a few words of copy.

When a company gets a famous person or typical customer to talk about its product or service we call this a testimonial ad. Right now I’m working on this testimonial ad. Notice that I have one testimonial from a man and one from a woman. I also have a product picture and my copy here.

Here is another type of ad. I am working on. When it is run in the newspaper it will look very much like a regular newspaper article. This type of ad. is called an editorial style ad. The copy typically starts out like a regular article and then shifts to ad. copy somewhere near the middle or end of the ad.

You might be wondering which type of ad. is the most effective. Actually, nobody knows for sure because there are so many factors to consider in advertising. Sometimes we make comparisons of two different ads. by running them at the same time in the same publication. This is called a split run. Usually you have to key the ad. to know which ad. is getting your customers to respond. One way to do that is to put a special code on the coupon or if the customer is calling you then you can have him ask for a particular person. In this way, you can measure the effectiveness of the two ads. to see which one out pulls the other.

The terms outpull is used in advertising to indicate which ad. was more effective in terms of getting customers to respond.

第1个回答  2008-12-14
嗨,我的名字是格雷格。 藉由看着一个样品杂志广告让我们开始。 他的广告最大多数的 importantthing。 大标题是吗。 它得到你的注意。
下一个是副本。 这是广告的书面部份。

许多广告。 有一个折扣券:这是广告的可移去的部份哪里潜在的客户罐子或请求较多的数据或命令产品或服务。通常广告的这一个类型。 将会有一或较多的产品照片,像这。

如果一个广告。 在它里面有彩色相片 ,这些照片将会彩色分离。 彩色分离看起来像这一样: 注意有一些张的电影。 每张符合这些 4 基本之一颜色: 蓝色的,红色的,黄色的,和黑色的。 最高的张是那个相配版。 它打印机最后的照片应该看如何。

当我们谈论方法一个广告的时候。 容貌我们提及它的地面区划: 这是计划一个广告的元素是多么的所有去看。 举例来说,这一个广告有一个简单的地面区划。 大的大标题, eyecatching 照片和副本的只有一些字的使用。

当一家公司争取一个出名的人或典型的客户谈论它的我们称这为一个推荐书广告的产品或服务的时候。 立刻我正在处理这一个推荐书广告。 我从一个女人有来自一个男人的一个推荐书和有一。 我也在这里有一张产品照片和我的副本。

这里是另外类型的广告。 我正在处理。 当一般在报纸中跑它决意非常像一个一般的报纸文章一样的神情。 广告的这一个类型。 被称为一篇社论风格广告。 副本典型地像一个一般的文章和然后开始改变到广告。 在中央或广告的结束附近某处复印。

你可能是觉得奇怪哪一类型的广告。 是最大多数的 effective.Actually, 没有人确实因为有这么多因素在广告中考虑。 有时我们制造二个不同的广告比较。 藉由在相同的出版中同时跑他们。 这叫做分散的奔跑。 通常你必须调音广告。 广告。 正在争取你的客户回应。 要做那的一个方法要把一个特别的密码放在折扣券,否则如果客户正在打电话给你那么你能让他要求一个特别的人。 这样,你能测量二个广告的效力。 一 outpulls 另一个。

术语 outpull 被用于广告指出广告。 以口吻争取客户是更有效的回应。
第2个回答  2008-12-14



当我们谈论的方式广告。看起来我们是指它的布局:这是计划如何所有内容的广告要看看。例如,这个广告有一个简单的布局。公告大标题,图片的eyecatching ,并仅使用了几句话的副本。



您可能不知道哪种类型的广告。是最effective.Actually ,没有人确切知道,因为有许多因素需要考虑的广告。有时候我们作比较,两种不同的广告。通过运行他们在同一时间在同一出版物。这就是所谓的分裂运行。通常你必须在广告的关键。知道哪些广告。是让您的客户作出反应。其中一个办法是把特殊代码的优惠券,或者如果顾客打电话给你那么你可以问他对某一特定的人。这样,您就可以衡量的有效性两个广告。看到其中outpulls其他。


给点分 啊 好多本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2008-12-14




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