

曾获 院校级三等奖奖学金
2006/10:红色经典大型学习班会一等奖 | 院校级
2006/03:校模特大赛冠军 | 院校级
至今: 论文:企业诚信道德的分析 | 论文中心思想:搞好市场经济诚信道德建设,作为市场主体的企业是关键,同时企业诚信还可以带动个人和社会两个层面的道德建设。搞好企业诚信可以从细化企业诚信规则和加强行会作用入手

2008/03 -- 2008/06:沈阳华信会计培训中心

2008/03 -- 2008/09:沈阳华信会计培训中心
培训课程:会计基础 ,会计电算化(初级), 财经法规与职业道德

2007/09 -- 2007/12:吉林农业大学
培训描述:教材为《物流基础知识》和《助理物流师》课程具体包括物品采购、仓储管理、配送管理、运输管理、生产物流管理、国国际货运管理、物流信息管理、物流概述、物流运行系统、物流管理系统、物流装备与标准化、物流相关法律法规、职业道德 。通过这次培训,是我掌握了物流的具体运作流程,使所学过的理论与实践相结合,同时也使我的专业术语增强,物流行业专业英语提高。

2007/12: 大学英语四级
证书说明: 476分数使我提高了英语水平
2007/11: 助理物流师
证书说明: 教材为《物流基础知识》和《助理物流师》课程具体包括物品采购、仓储管理、配送管理、运输管理、生产物流管理、国国际货运管理、物流信息管理、物流概述、物流运行系统、物流管理系统、物流装备与标准化、物流相关法律法规、职业道德 。通过这次培训,是我掌握了物流的具体运作流程,使所学过的理论与实践相结合,同时也使我的专业术语增强,物流行业专业英语提高。

2008/08: 会计上岗证
证书说明: 学会了会计分录,得到了实际操作经验,学会了如何去当会计。

2008/04: 会计电算化证书
证书说明: 通过中级电算化的学习,使我掌握了财务软件和ACCESS的应用,ERP软件的简单应用,有了作财务方面的实战经验。

2008/01: 全国计算机等级三级A
证书说明: 该证书是由教育部颁发,这次培训使我了解了计算机基本知识,了解和掌握局域网、因特网的基本原理,熟悉计算机网络系统的组建方法和技术。使我具有三级网络技术的应试能力,以及具备网络管理项目和简单网络应用系统开发与维护的基本能力。让我能够较熟练地在金融单位、机关以及电脑公司等企业单位从事微型计算机网络的应用与维护工作

qq与众不同感谢你帮我翻译,不过大学英语四级 College English 4 还有计算机等级三及好象都不是这么翻译的,你这好象有翻译机的嫌疑哦,我在等等好答案 大哥大姐能认真点不,我找工作用!德惠都翻译成德国了!

在校学习情况 In the school situation

曾获院校级三等奖奖学金 Institutions have been third-class scholarship
2005年9月-至今任担任吉林农业大学发展学院工商管理学院05级5班班级组织委员职务 September 2005 - has been appointed as the development of Jilin Agricultural University College of Business Administration 05 class 5 class member organizations
2005年9月-2006年9月学年吉林农业大学发展学院校大学生创业联合会组长职务 September 2005 -2006 academic year in September, Jilin Agricultural University students start their own business school IMD head of the Federation of duties
2006年获校模特大赛一等奖 2006 was a model school contest first prize
2006年暑假期间,参加了校组织的吉林农业大学发展学院赴德惠爱心援助团 During the summer of 2006, the school took part in the organization of Jilin Agricultural University College of development benefits of love Assistance Mission to Germany
在实践期间工作表现突出。 In practice, during the work stand out. 获先进个人荣誉称号。 Advanced by the honorary title of the individual.
2006年10月获得校优秀干部称号 October 2006 was excellent cadre school title
2007年9月份。 In September 2007. 联系中国移动通信长春分公司与我校学生会举行了“关注教育,移动由你”活动。 Contact China Mobile subsidiary and Changchun University students held a "concerned about education, moving up to you." 赠送我校价值3万余元设备 I give the school more than 3 million worth of equipment
2006/10:红色经典大型学习班会一等奖| 院校级 2006/10: classic red large classes will be first prize | level institutions
由校学生会主办各班参评红色经典大型学习班会,我主持创作并勇夺一等奖 School students from class to host large-scale classic red Shen Ping classes, I presided over the creation and won the first prize
2006/03:校模特大赛冠军| 院校级 2006/03: Model School Champions | level institutions
由校学生会主办的校模特大赛,我在里参与并获得一等奖,我参赛的衣服作品叫动感青春 School students sponsored by the school's Model Look, I take part in first and I play the works of clothing called youth movement
在校实践经验 Practical experience in school
至今: 论文:企业诚信道德的分析| 论文中心思想:搞好市场经济诚信道德建设,作为市场主体的企业是关键,同时企业诚信还可以带动个人和社会两个层面的道德建设。 So far: paper: the analysis of corporate integrity and moral | central thesis: a good job of building a market economy and moral integrity, as the market's main business is the key to corporate integrity at the same time can also bring personal and social level of ethics. 搞好企业诚信可以从细化企业诚信规则和加强行会作用入手 Companies can do a good job in good faith from the refining business rules and integrity will enhance the role of the starting line
培训经历 Training experience

2008/03 -- 2008/06:沈阳华信会计培训中心 2008/03 - 2008/06: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
培训课程:网络基础与应用,数据库应用,会计与管理型财务软件及EPR软件。 Training courses: network infrastructure and applications, database applications, accounting and financial-management software and software EPR.
所获证书:中级电算化 Received certificates: Intermediate Computerization
培训描述:通过中级电算化的学习,使我掌握了财务软件和ACCESS的应用,ERP软件的简单应用,有了作财务方面的实战经验。 Description of the training: The mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/03 -- 2008/09:沈阳华信会计培训中心 2008/03 - 2008/09: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
培训课程:会计基础,会计电算化(初级), 财经法规与职业道德 Training courses: accounting, accounting (primary), financial regulations and professional ethics
所获证书:会计从业资格证 Received certificates: their qualification certificates
培训描述:学会了会计分录,得到了实际操作经验,学会了如何去当会计。 Training Description: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2007/09 -- 2007/12:吉林农业大学 2007/09 - 2007/12: Jilin Agricultural University
培训课程:物品采购、仓储管理、配送管理、运输管理、物流相关法律法规。 Training courses: procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, logistics-related laws and regulations. 。 .
所获证书:助理物流师 Received certificates: Assistant Logistics Manager
培训地点:吉林农业大学就业辅导中心 Training Location: Jilin Agricultural University Employment and Guidance Center
培训描述:教材为《物流基础知识》和《助理物流师》课程具体包括物品采购、仓储管理、配送管理、运输管理、生产物流管理、国国际货运管理、物流信息管理、物流概述、物流运行系统、物流管理系统、物流装备与标准化、物流相关法律法规、职业道德。 Description of the training: teaching materials for the "knowledge-based logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. 通过这次培训,是我掌握了物流的具体运作流程,使所学过的理论与实践相结合,同时也使我的专业术语增强,物流行业专业英语提高。 Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.
证书 Certificate

2007/12: 大学英语四级 2007/12: College English 4
证书说明: 476分数使我提高了英语水平 Certificate: 476 points I raised the standard of English
2007/11: 助理物流师 2007/11: Assistant Logistics Manager
证书说明: 教材为《物流基础知识》和《助理物流师》课程具体包括物品采购、仓储管理、配送管理、运输管理、生产物流管理、国国际货运管理、物流信息管理、物流概述、物流运行系统、物流管理系统、物流装备与标准化、物流相关法律法规、职业道德。 Certificate: teaching materials for the "knowledge-based logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. 通过这次培训,是我掌握了物流的具体运作流程,使所学过的理论与实践相结合,同时也使我的专业术语增强,物流行业专业英语提高。 Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.

2008/08: 会计上岗证 2008/08: accounting job card
证书说明: 学会了会计分录,得到了实际操作经验,学会了如何去当会计。 Certificate: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2008/04: 会计电算化证书 2008/04: Accounting Certificate
证书说明: 通过中级电算化的学习,使我掌握了财务软件和ACCESS的应用,ERP软件的简单应用,有了作财务方面的实战经验。 Certificate: through mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/01: 全国计算机等级三级A 2008/01: A three-level hierarchy of the National Computer
证书说明: 该证书是由教育部颁发,这次培训使我了解了计算机基本知识,了解和掌握局域网、因特网的基本原理,熟悉计算机网络系统的组建方法和技术。 Certificate: The certificate is issued by the Ministry of Education, the training made me understand the basic computer knowledge, understanding and knowledge of local area network, the basic principles of the Internet, with establishment of computer network systems methods and techniques. 使我具有三级网络技术的应试能力,以及具备网络管理项目和简单网络应用系统开发与维护的基本能力。 I have a three-network technology test, as well as a simple network management and network application systems development and maintenance of the basic capacity. 让我能够较熟练地在金融单位、机关以及电脑公司等企业单位从事微型计算机网络的应用与维护工作 Let me be more skilled in financial institutions, agencies and computer companies, such as micro-enterprises engaged in computer application and network maintenance
获得荣誉 Honor

沈阳市铁西区97——98届少儿国际象棋大赛第三名 Shenyang West District 97 - 98 session of the Children's Chess Championship for the third
第1个回答  2008-12-14
第2个回答  2008-12-20
In the school situation

Institutions have been third-class scholarship
September 2005 - has been appointed as the development of Jilin Agricultural University College of Business Administration 05 class 5 class member organizations
September 2005 -2006 academic year in September, Jilin Agricultural University students start their own business school IMD head of the Federation of duties
2006 was a model school contest first prize
During the summer of 2006, the school took part in the organization of Jilin Agricultural University College of development benefits of love Assistance Mission to Germany
In practice, during the work stand out. Advanced by the honorary title of the individual.
October 2006 was excellent cadre school title
In September 2007. Contact China Mobile subsidiary and Changchun University students held a "concerned about education, moving up to you." I give the school more than 3 million worth of equipment
2006/10: classic red large classes will be first prize | level institutions
School students from class to host large-scale classic red Shen Ping classes, I presided over the creation and won the first prize
2006/03: Model School Champions | level institutions
School students sponsored by the school's Model Look, I take part in first and I play the works of clothing called youth movement
Practical experience in school
So far: paper: the analysis of corporate integrity and moral | central thesis: a good job of building a market economy and moral integrity, as the market's main business is the key to corporate integrity at the same time can also bring personal and social level of ethics. Companies can do a good job in good faith from the refining business rules and integrity will enhance the role of the starting line
Training experience

2008/03 - 2008/06: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
Training courses: network infrastructure and applications, database applications, accounting and financial-management software and software EPR.
Received certificates: Intermediate Computerization
Description of the training: The mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/03 - 2008/09: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
Training courses: accounting, accounting (primary), financial regulations and professional ethics
Received certificates: their qualification certificates
Training Description: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2007/09 - 2007/12: Jilin Agricultural University
Training courses: procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, logistics-related laws and regulations. .
Received certificates: Assistant Logistics Manager
Training Location: Jilin Agricultural University Employment and Guidance Center
Description of the training: teaching materials for the "knowledge-based logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.

2007/12: College English 4
Certificate: 476 points I raised the standard of English
2007/11: Assistant Logistics Manager
Certificate: teaching materials for "basic knowledge of the logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.

2008/08: accounting job card
Certificate: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2008/04: Accounting Certificate
Certificate: through mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/01: A three-level hierarchy of the National Computer
Certificate: The certificate is issued by the Ministry of Education, the training made me understand the basic computer knowledge, understanding and knowledge of local area network, the basic principles of the Internet, with establishment of computer network systems methods and techniques. I have a three-network technology test, as well as a simple network management and network application systems development and maintenance of the basic capacity. Let me be more skilled in financial institutions, agencies and computer companies, such as micro-enterprises engaged in computer application and network maintenance

Shenyang West District 97 - 98 session of the Children's Chess Championship for the third
第3个回答  2008-12-17
1楼的 你真棒~~看了一下,,还不错~~最佳答案昂~~
第4个回答  2008-12-14
In the school situation

Institutions have been third-class scholarship
September 2005 - has been appointed as the development of Jilin Agricultural University College of Business Administration 05 class 5 class member organizations
September 2005 -2006 academic year in September, Jilin Agricultural University students start their own business school IMD head of the Federation of duties
2006 was a model school contest first prize
During the summer of 2006, the school took part in the organization of Jilin Agricultural University College of development benefits of love Assistance Mission to Germany
In practice, during the work stand out. Advanced by the honorary title of the individual.
October 2006 was excellent cadre school title
In September 2007. Contact China Mobile subsidiary and Changchun University students held a "concerned about education, moving up to you." I give the school more than 3 million worth of equipment
2006/10: classic red large classes will be first prize | level institutions
School students from class to host large-scale classic red Shen Ping classes, I presided over the creation and won the first prize
2006/03: Model School Champions | level institutions
School students sponsored by the school's Model Look, I take part in first and I play the works of clothing called youth movement
Practical experience in school
So far: paper: the analysis of corporate integrity and moral | central thesis: a good job of building a market economy and moral integrity, as the market's main business is the key to corporate integrity at the same time can also bring personal and social level of ethics. Companies can do a good job in good faith from the refining business rules and integrity will enhance the role of the starting line
Training experience

2008/03 - 2008/06: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
Training courses: network infrastructure and applications, database applications, accounting and financial-management software and software EPR.
Received certificates: Intermediate Computerization
Description of the training: The mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/03 - 2008/09: Shenyang accounting Mandarin Training Center
Training courses: accounting, accounting (primary), financial regulations and professional ethics
Received certificates: their qualification certificates
Training Description: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2007/09 - 2007/12: Jilin Agricultural University
Training courses: procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, logistics-related laws and regulations. .
Received certificates: Assistant Logistics Manager
Training Location: Jilin Agricultural University Employment and Guidance Center
Description of the training: teaching materials for the "knowledge-based logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.

2007/12: College English 4
Certificate: 476 points I raised the standard of English
2007/11: Assistant Logistics Manager
Certificate: teaching materials for the "knowledge-based logistics" and "assistant logistics specialist," including the specific curriculum materials procurement, warehousing management, distribution management, transportation management, production and logistics management, the international freight management, logistics information management, logistics overview, logistics operation system Logistics management systems, logistics and equipment standardization, logistics-related laws and regulations, professional ethics. Through this training, I mastered the logistics of the operation of the specific processes, so that studied the theory and practice, but also to enhance my professional terms, the logistics industry to improve professional English.

2008/08: accounting job card
Certificate: Institute of the accounting entries, has been hands-on experience, learned how to when accounting.

2008/04: Accounting Certificate
Certificate: through mid-level computerized learning, so I have a financial ACCESS software and applications, ERP software for simple applications, as has been the financial aspects of the actual combat experience.

2008/01: A three-level hierarchy of the National Computer
Certificate: The certificate is issued by the Ministry of Education, the training made me understand the basic computer knowledge, understanding and knowledge of local area network, the basic principles of the Internet, with establishment of computer network systems methods and techniques. I have a three-network technology test, as well as a simple network management and network application systems development and maintenance of the basic capacity. Let me be more skilled in financial institutions, agencies and computer companies, such as micro-enterprises engaged in computer application and network maintenance

Shenyang West District 97 - 98 session of the Children's Chess Championship for the third



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