
In the city centre there is a free Market called “Trash and Treasure”, in which anything can be bought and sold, from waste materials to valuable second-hand objects. The prices are usually very low. It is held on Sunday. A lot of people go and try their luck in this market.

My home is not far from there. Sometimes I can even hear the customers bargaining (讨价还价)with the tradesmen. But I have been there to go shopping only once. I wanted to buy a television set, since I am a constant(不断的)TV viewer. But I was not lucky at that time. The first tradesman I saw was selling cassettes and recorders, which were shining in the sun and the prices were quite reasonable. It was difficult not to be struck. I examined one of the cassettes closely. It completely looked new and modern. On the box, the words “TDK, Made in Japan” has been beautifully printed . The man said that the cassettes were worth $5, but as a special favor, he would let me have it for $3. I shook my head and held out a finger showing that I was willing to pay one dollar and I would buy five. Signing to me wildly,the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous (不能容忍), but finally reduced the price to $2. Lifting my shoulder slightly I began to walk away. A moment later,he ran after me and thrust(强行塞入) five cassettes into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the five-dollar note l gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain. . . until I reached home. However, hard I tried, it was impossible to get any one of them to move in a recorder and to this day they have never recorded a single word.!

In the city centre there is a free Market called “Trash and Treasure”, in which anything can be bought and sold, from waste materials to valuable second-hand objects. The prices are usually very low. It is held on Sunday. A lot of people go and try their luck in this market.

My home is not far from there. Sometimes I can even hear the customers bargaining (讨价还价)with the tradesmen. But I have been there to go shopping only once. I wanted to buy a television set, since I am a constant(不断的)TV viewer.

But I was not lucky at that time. The first tradesman I saw was selling cassettes and recorders, which were shining in the sun and the prices were quite reasonable. It was difficult not to be struck. I examined one of the cassettes closely. It completely looked new and modern. On the box, the words “TDK, Made in Japan” has been beautifully printed .
但当时我运气不佳,我见到的第一个贩售者正在卖盒式录音带,那些盒式录音带被阳光照映地闪闪发亮而且价格似乎也挺合理的,相当地吸引人。于是我拿起了一个盒式录音带仔细地瞧了瞧。它看起来完全是新的而且很时尚,盒子上面印有“日本制造 TDK”的漂亮字样。

The man said that the cassettes were worth $5, but as a special favor, he would let me have it for $3. I shook my head and held out a finger showing that I was willing to pay one dollar and I would buy five. Signing to me wildly,the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous (不能容忍), but finally reduced the price to $2. Lifting my shoulder slightly I began to walk away.

A moment later,he ran after me and thrust(强行塞入) five cassettes into my hands. Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the five-dollar note l gave him. I felt especially pleased with my wonderful bargain. . . until I reached home. However, hard I tried, it was impossible to get any one of them to move in a recorder and to this day they have never recorded a single word.!
才一会儿功夫,他跑着追上我并强行将五个盒带塞入我的手中。虽然他不断地展开双手表示很无奈的样子,却很迅速地将我给他的五元美金钞票接了过去。我心里为我的漂亮谈判感到特别地高兴直到抵家门。 然而,我努力地试过了,买来的盒带无法转动,迄今为止,所有的盒带连一个字都录制不了。
第1个回答  2008-11-05
我家离那不远。有时甚至能听见顾客和商贩讨价还价的声音。但我仅去那儿一次。我想买台电视机,因为我是电视迷。但那次我并不走运。我看见一个小贩在那卖磁带和录音机。它们在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,而且价格非常合理。很难不为之所动。我仔细检查其中一合磁带,它几乎就是新的。盒子上“日本东芝制造”的字样印制精美。那人开价5美元,但作为特殊优惠卖给我3美元。我摇头,伸出一个指头说,我愿出1 元,而且还会买5合。他向我拼命地做手势,对我的出价表现得不能容忍,但最后把价降至2美元。我耸耸肩,走开了。稍后他追过来把5合磁带强行塞入我的手里。尽管他不断地绝望地摊手,他还是收下了我给他的5美元。对此我感觉特别开心,直到回家之前。然而,无论我怎样尝试,都不可能让期中任何一合磁带转动起来,而且直到今天依然没有录下一个单词!
第2个回答  2008-11-05
第3个回答  2008-11-05



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