

把一年级到现在的练习册 翻看一下就行了,不用太多材料,认真复习,努力考试,听听老师的意见(采纳!!)
第1个回答  2013-12-04
第2个回答  2013-12-03

1. 冠词a, an,the的选择: 元音字母开头的单词用an,辅音字母开头的单词用a。
a, an在以下情况下用:①表示数量“一” ②表示一类人或物,不具体指哪一个。③用在固定词组中。the在以下情况下用:①特指某一个具体的人或事物。②上文中提过的人或事物。③用在世界上独一无二的事物前面。④用在乐器名词前面⑤用在序列数、形容词最高级以及方位词的前面。⑥用在惯用语中。
☆注意☆以下情况不使用冠词the:①在某些专有名词前面。②在季节、星期、节日、三餐、球类等前面。③名词前已经有this, that, his, our等定语时。④习惯用语。如by bike.
2. am , is , are的选择: 单数用is , 复数用are. I 用 am , you 用 are.
3. have , has 的选择: 表示某人有某物.单数用has , 复数用have. I ,you 用 have .
4. there is, there are 的选择:表示某地有某物,某人.单数用there is , 复数用there are.
5. some, any 的选择:肯定句用some, 疑问句和否定句用any.
6. 疑问词的选择:what (什么) who (谁) where (哪里) whose (谁的) why(为什么)when(什么时候)which(哪一个)how old (多大) how many (多少)how much(多少钱)
表示“一个”时用单数形式,表示“多个”时用复数形式。如 a computer, a room, an apple, five books, many bags, some desks等。
⑴如果单词结尾的字母是s, x, ch, sh的,通常要在单词后面加-es;如果单词结尾的字母是o的,一般在后面加-es构成复数。如bus--buses box---boxes class--classes dish--dishes watch--watches tomato--tomatoes hero--heroes.
⑵以字母y结尾的单数名词,而且y的前面不是元音字母,则要把y改成i,再加-es。如果是y的前面是元音字母的,就直接加-s。如story---stories baby--babies day--days boy--boys.
⑶以f, e结尾的单词,要把f, fe 改成v后加-es。如knife--knives wolf--wolves leaf--leaves shelf--shelves.
⑷一些不规则的名词复数。如goose--geese foot--feet tooth---teeth woman--women man--men child--children.
⑸还有部分单词的单复数形式相同。(注意:这些名词是可数名词)如fish--fish deer--deer sheep---sheep people---people.
②不可数名词(不可以计数的名词)如 water, air, ice等。
三年级:cake bread hot dog hamburger chicken Coke juice milk water tea coffee.
四年级:hair rice fish beef soup weather
五年级:homework house work cabbage pork mutton eggplant fish tofu grass lake air rain snow.
六年级:money vapour soil.
2.专有名词 (表示人名,地名等)如Mike, Beijing.
① 一般直接在动词的后面加ed:如 worked , learned , cleaned , visited
② 以e结尾的动词直接加d:如 lived , danced , used
③ 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed(此类动词较少)如 study – studied carry – carried worry – worried (注意play,stay不是辅音字母加y,所以不属于此类)
④ 双写最后一个字母(此类动词较少)如 stopped
B,不规则动词(此类词并无规则,须熟记)小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing – sang , eat – ate , see – saw , have – had , do – did , go - went , take - took , buy - bought , get - got , read - read ,fly - flew , am/is - was ,
are - were , say - said , leave - left , swim - swam , tell - told , draw - drew , come - came , lose - lost , find - found , drink - drank , hurt - hurt , feel - felt
四、动词现在分词详解 动词的ing形式的构成规则:
① 一般的直接在后面加上ing , 如doing , going , working , singing , eating
② 以e 结尾的动词,要先去e再加ing ,如having , writing
③ 双写最后一个字母的(此类动词极少)有:running , swimming , sitting , getting
五、动词第三人称单数(现在式)详解 动词的现在式的构成规则: ①一般情况,直接在动词后面加-s。如like--likes take--takes want--wants②以ch,sh,s,x,o结尾的动词,在动词后面加-es。如teach--teaches wash--washes go--goes③以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把y变为i再加-es。如study--studies try--tries carry--carries④be,have的现在式:be用is;have变为has。
什么 + 动词be (am , is , are ) + 形容词比较级 + than(比)+ 什么 ,如:
I'm taller and heavier than you. (我比你更高和更重.)
An elephant is bigger than a tiger. (一只大象比一只老虎更大.)
①一般的直接在词尾加er ,最高级加est如 tall - taller-tallest , strong - stronger-strongest ,
②以e结尾的,直接加r ,最高级加st如 fine – finer-finest ,
③以辅音字母加y结尾的,先改y为i再加er,最高级加est如funny - funnier-funniest
④双写最后的字母再加er,最高级加est如big–bigger-biggest,thin–thinner-thinnest ,hot-hotter
⑤多音节的形容词时,在形容词前加more,如 more beautiful , more expensive
good / well → better-best,bad/ill→worse-worst, many / much→more-most,little→less-least
☆注意☆ 比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西.
典型错误:My hair is longer than you.(我的头发比你更长.)
应该改为:My hair is longer than yours. 或My hair is longer than your hair.
比较级专项练习: 一,从方框中选出合适的单词完成句子 heavy tall long big
(1) How is the Yellow River (2) How is Mr Green? He's 175cm.
(3) How are your feet ?I wear size 18. (4)How is the fish? It's 2kg.
1.基数词(表示数量的多少,如one, two, three等);序数词(表示排列顺序,如first, second, third等。)
2.基数词变成序数词口诀:一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e, ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。解析口诀:one→first 1st, two→second 2nd, three→third 3rd这三个词变化特殊,要单独记;eight→eighth 8th, nine→ninth 9th, 八去t,九去e后再加-th; five→fifth 5th, twelve→twelfth 20th,五、十二把ve换成f再加-th;twenty→twentieth 20th, thirty→thirtieth 30th... 整十先把词尾y改为ie再加-th。两位数时则十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,如:twenty-first 21st。
3.时间的读法:如 6:00读作six或six o’clock;8:10读作eight ten 3:05读作three o five.
4.日期的读法:如 1997读作nineteen ninety seven; 2008读作two thousand and eight; 2013年2月25日写作February 25th 2013或25th February 2013 读作 February twenty fifth two thousand and thirteen.或 twenty fifth February two thousand and thirteen.
5.数学运算的表达:2+3=5读作two and three is five或two plus three is five.
人称 单数 复数
主格 宾格 主格 宾格
第一人称 I(我) me We(我们) us
第二人称 you(你) you you(你们) you
第三人称 he(他) him they(他,她,它们) them
she(她) her
it(它) it

类别 单数 复数
人称 第二
人称 第三
人称 第一
人称 第二人称 第三
形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our your their
名词性物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
汉语 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他(她、它)们的
1.肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如:I'm a student. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital.
There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:00. I watched TV yesterday evening.
2,否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:I'm not a student. She is not (isn't) a doctor.
He does not (doesn't) work in a hospital. There are not (aren't) four fans in our classroom.
He will not (won't) eat lunch at 12:00. I did not (didn't) watch TV yesterday evening.
☆注意☆ 小结:否定句主要是在肯定句的基础上加上了否定词 "not".有动词be的句子则"not"加在be后面,可缩写成"isn't,aren't",但am not 一般都分开写.没有动词be的句子则要先在主要动词的前面加上一个助动词(do,does,did),然后在它后面加上"not",你也可以把它们缩写在一起如"don't , doesn't , didn't ).这三个助动词要根据人称和时态来选择,其中"does"只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而"did"只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用"did" .
如:Are you a student Yes, I am / No, I'm not.
Is she a doctor Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Does he work in a hospital Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.
Are there four fans in our classroom Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
Are you going to buy a comic book tonight Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.)
Will he eat lunch at 12:00 Yes, I will. / No, I will not(won't).
Are they swimming Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
Did you watch TV yesterday evening Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
☆注意☆ 小结:一般疑问句是在肯定句的基础上,
这三个助动词也要根据人称和时态来选择,其中"does"只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况,而"did"只用于一般过去时,不论主语是什么人称和数,都用"did" .一般疑问句有个重要的原则就是问和答要一致,即问句里的第一个单词(助动词)和简略答句里的这个词是一致的.
4,特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词(what , where , who , which , when , whose , why , how等)开头引导的句子.此类句子应该问什么就答什么,不能用"yes ,no"来回答.如:
What is this? It's a computer.
What does he do? He's a doctor.
Where are you going? I'm going to Beijing.
Who played football with you yesterday afternoon? Mike.
Which season do you like best? Summer.
When do you usually get up? I usually get up at 6:30.
Whose skirt is this? It's Amy's.
Why do you like spring best? Because I can plant trees.
How are you? I'm fine. / I'm happy.
How did you go to Xinjiang? I went to Xinjiang by train.
☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问,如: how many(多少(数量)), how much(多少(钱)), how tall(多高), how long(多长), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)
例句:How many pencils do you have I have three pencils.
How many girls can you see I can see four girls.
How many desks are there in your classroom There are 51.
☆小结:how many 用来提问可数名词的数量,主要有以上三种句式搭配,
How many + 名词复数 + do you have 你有多少……
How many + 名词复数 + can you see 你能看见多少……
How many + 名词复数 + are there… 有多少……
十、完全,缩略形式: I'm=I am he's=he is she's=she is they're=they are you're=you are there's=there is they're=they are can't=can not don't=do not doesn't=does not isn't=is not aren't=are not let's=let us won't=will not I'll=I will wasn't=was not
总结:通常情况下,'m即am,'s即is(但 let's=let us), 're即are ,n't即not (但can't=can not).



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