关于礼貌的英语作文 1.如果你想和别人相处好,对别人有礼貌是很重要的. 2.当别人说话的时候不打断


Polite, is human to maintain normal social life asking people to abide by the minimum of ethics, it is the people gradually formed in the long-term common life and mutual exchanges, and to customs, habits and traditions, etc. fixed. For one person, a man of courtesy is ideological and moral standards, culture, communicative competence of external performance. In the communication, the concierge is a very important job, many activities, often through a variety of communication protocol activities undertaken. In general, all kinds of communicative activities, has a certain practice.
At the event, to be graceful demeanor, dignified and stable, look to natural and sincere, amiable, not sloppy. When the station, the body should not crooked east west, not leaning on the desktop or trust; when sitting posture should be upright, not Alice feet, legs shaking, and do not show the lazy way, lesbians do not sent away legs; travel time, footsteps to light, such as in case of urgent business may pick up the pace, but do not panic run; speak, gesture not too much, and do not laugh or cry loudly people. When talking, face to the natural attitude to be honest, civilized language to express to decent. Others when individual conversation with others, do not sit in front Minato. If things need to talk to someone, someone else should be finished. If urgent conversation but to leave, should greet each other, to apologize. When talking with foreigners, do not inquire about the situation of the other aspects of the private life of the age, history, marriage, salaries, clothing prices. Conversation with a foreigner, the best choice rejoiced at the news topic Lock Road, everyone will be interested in, such as sports competitions, theatrical performances, film and television, scenery spots, tourism, cooking snacks. Such topics make people relaxed and happy, can been generally welcomed. If foreigners take the initiative to talk we are not familiar with the topic, it should be all ears, seriously ask, do not pretend to understand, but do not take the initiative to talk about their little knowledge of the subject with foreigners.



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