



ISBN-13 书号 9781853261824
Author 作者 查尔斯·狄更斯(CharlesDickens)
Format 版本 平装
Pages Number 页数 848页
Publisher 出版社 Wordsworth EditionsLtd;New edition
PublicationDate出版日期 1998年4月1日
ProductDimensions商品尺寸 20开, 20开 12.9 x 4.2 x19.8cm
ShippingWeight商品重量 517 g
Language 语种 英语
Book De*ion
The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved worksofliterature in English and translations. This growing seriesisrigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes addedtonew titles.

This work is a tale of imprisonment, both literal and symbolic,thatemphasizes personal responsibility in all areas of life. Itdraws onDicken's own childhood experiences of the MarshalseaDebtor'sPrison, and is full of psychological insights combininghistoricaland social detail.

The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature
Novel by Charles Dickens, published serially from 1855 to 1857andin book form in 1857. The novel attacks the injustices ofthecontemporary English legal system, particularly the institutionofdebtors' prison. Amy Dorrit, referred to as Little Dorrit, isbornand lives much of her life at the Marshalsea prison whereherfather is imprisoned for debt. She earns meager wages atjobsoutside the prison walls, returning nightly to Marshalsea. Oneofher jobs is as a seamstress for Mrs. Clennam, whose sonArthureventually helps free Mr. Dorrit from prison. Arthur becomesadebtor himself and falls in love with Little Dorrit, butbecausetheir financial circumstances are now reversed, he does notask herto marry him. In the end miserly Mrs. Clenam is forced torevealthat Arthur is not really her son and that she had beenkeepingmoney from him and the Dorrits for many years. Little DorritandArthur are then free to marry.

About Author
David Gates is the author of the novels Jernigan and PrestonFallsand a collection of short stories, The Wonders of theInvisibleWorld. He writes for Newsweek and teaches at the NewSchool forSocial Research and Hunter College. He lives in Brooklynand inWashington County, New York.

About theAuthor作者简介
David Gates is the author of the novels JerniganandPreston Falls and a collection of short stories,TheWonders of the Invisible World. He writes for Newsweekandteaches at the New School for Social Research and HunterCollege.He lives in Brooklyn and in Washington County, NewYork.
第1个回答  2015-12-01
小杜丽(Little Dorrit)是英国作家狄更斯的长篇小说作品,发表于1855年—1857年。
第2个回答  推荐于2017-08-07



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