


This course of the school is individualized course which the school designs , " makes to measure " by oneself . Its meaning includes: First , make national course and local course school originally melt , individualize, i.e. school and the teacher , through choosing , adapting , combining , supplementing , expanding etc., reprocess , recreate national course and local course , make it accord with the characteristic of student , school and community and need even more; Second , develop new course in design of school, i.e. the school is carrying on the scientific assessment to students' demand of this school, and fully consider relying mainly on school and teacher on the local community and foundation of school course resources, it aims at student's individual character specialty of development , various , course for students to choose to develop.

This text divides five most contents together. Chapter one introduction explain school this course develop the theory value studied and practise value, school course this develop domestic and international background and this subject for research key definition 4 problems of concept that study: Among them there are this course of schools and development of this course of the school in the definition of the concept , school course and physics discipline school course , school course this this this develop research case and school course this develop case research six concept , go on introduction of comparing with. Research approach and resource that this course of school of chapter two develops , operate mode and principle expound the fact action research law , high school physics discipline school content , school operation mode and principle 4 contents that course develop this that course develop this: School content that course develop this school key that course develop this, it reflect school idea and goal that course develops this directly. According to each school being different to run a school idea and resource terms, school content that course develops this demonstrate variety and difference. So, I, through case of this course of three physical schools which our school develops in the appendix, sum up and summarize two major kinds of course resources that suited this course of physical school and developed , i.e. scientific and educational and humanity is educational. Have pointed out in this chapter brief and concisly the mode developed is as follows, develop cooperatively, independent development and selecting for use making up to develop . Chapter this detailed argumentation school principle that course develop this divide into the goal leading nature principle finally, harmony principle , whole principle , diversified principle , suitable foring principle of interconnected system. Chapter three school this course value studied to develop analyze , explain in two respects, on one hand the special value that this course of physical school of high school develops : Fully excavate the social function of the teaching material, strengthen students' social responsibility; Give play to the moral function of the physics history, mould students' noble personality ; The research approach to combine physics, lead students to establish good scientific spirit ; Announce the harmony of the physical law is unified , implement aesthetic teaching.On the other hand has developed the general value studied and carried on simple but profound analysis to this course of the school, divide four respects: The foundation that this course of i.e. the school develops : Study the view in brand-new knowledge; The successful characteristic that this course of the school develops : Function educated in region ; The tactics that this course of the school succeeds in developing: Scientific teaching is designed; The mainstay that this course of the school develops : Teacher. Chapter four develop to school course this issue of the the course sum up and discuss on the basis of practising, there are nine following respects separately: School course this develop at first having a clear idea; This course of the school develops and must combine theory and practice together ; It is less likely to pay close attention to setting up corresponding organization and system; This course of the school will reflect this characteristic of the school when being developed ; This course of the school will be set up and encouraged appraising the mechanism when being developed ; School course this develop, have strong leader support; How this course of appropriate appraisal school develops the scheme; Function in this course at school of local educational administrative department is developed ; This course of the school wants necessary funds when being developed .

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