请教英语题,急,谢谢!1.Can you tell me what's the matter with you?宾语从句部分为什么不用陈述语序

Can you tell me what's the matter with you?宾语从句部分为什么不用陈述语序?
如果不用,它跟Can you tell me what your name is?用陈述语序的区别是什么?
同样类似的...wat's wrong with you?... what's the trouble with you?在宾语从句中的语序呢?非常感谢!!!

在can you tell me what's the matter with you 中,what就充当了主语成分,is是谓语,依然是陈述句语序,但是can you tell me what your name is中,your name 是主语,is是谓语,也是陈述句语序。
第1个回答  推荐于2018-02-12
Can you tell me what's the matter with you? 你能告诉我你怎么啦?
= Can you tell me wat's wrong with you?
=Can you tell me what's the trouble with you?

就是陈述语充,WHAT 是引导词也是从句的主语
what's the matter with you?你怎么样啦,是固定用法

如果你认为THE MATTER 是主语,那句子意思就变了,
句子就变成 Can you tell me what the matter is ? 你能告诉我是什么事吗?

Can you tell me what your name is? 是正确的。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-08-11
What's matter/What's wrong之类的做宾从不用陈述语序,特例



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