

  中文:姓名: Pichaya Nitipaisankul
  พิชญะ นิธิไพศาลกุล
  别名(艺名): Golf
  生日: 1987年2月20日
  身高/体重: 170 cm. / 53 kg.
  兄妹: 2个哥哥(Sand,Bank),一个弟弟(Mike),一个妹妹(Ying)
  个人特征: 活跃,幽默 喜欢类型的女生:能体贴人的.有主见的..独特的..可爱的
  喜欢的颜色: 蓝,白
  特长: 吉他,画画, 英文,日文, Breakdance
  喜欢的科目: 美术
  喜欢的电影: <魔戒>
  梦想/目标: 成为一名歌手
  -Channel[5] "To Be Teen"主持
  - IMAGE VOLUME 16 / NO.10 03年10月
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "BED ROOM" 04年3月6号
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "IDEE SALE" 2004年4月7号
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> 2004年6月9号
  - magazine shoots: <I-SPY> NO.132 /2004
  - Interview: <TEEN > 04年7月12
  - magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #497期
  - magazine shoots: <I-SPY>9 NO.156 /2005
  - magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #510期
  - Intervie: "Wink up"(日本杂志) 05年3月
  - Interview: "Knock Knock"杂志. 05年6月号
  - 模特


  姓名: Pirath Nitipaisankul
  พิรัชต์ นิธิไพศาลกุล
  别名(艺名):: Mike
  生日: 1989年12月19日
  身高/体重:: 175 cm. / 57 kg
  兄妹: 3个哥哥(Sand,Bank,Golf),一个妹妹(Ying)
  个人特征: 安静,不爱说话
  喜欢女生的类型 :可爱.喜欢小孩的女生.她要很浪漫但同时也要很理性..最重要的是她要像我爱她那样的爱我.
  喜欢的科目: 美术
  喜欢的颜色: 白,灰,黄
  梦想/目标: 成为一名歌手
  过去的工作:: PATTAYA音乐节, For. Fan concert, AIS show, J-ASIAN POP concert
  - IMAGE VOLUME 16 / NO.10 03年10月
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "BED ROOM" 04年3月6号
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "IDEE SALE" 2004年4月7号
  - Interview: 杂志<IDEE> 2004年6月9号
  - magazine shoots: <I-SPY> NO.132 /2004
  - Interview: <TEEN > 04年7月12
  - magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #497期
  - magazine shoots: <I-SPY>9 NO.156 /2005
  - magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #510期
  - Intervie: "Wink up"(日本杂志) 05年3月
  - Interview: "Knock Knock"杂志. 05年6月号
  - 模特
第1个回答  2008-10-03
泰国组合 他们是G-Junior(Thai Jr),是泰国GMM公司的艺人 但是非J家所有


中文:姓名: Pichaya Nitipaisankul
别名(艺名): Golf
生日: 1987年2月20日
身高/体重: 170 cm. / 53 kg.

兄妹: 2个哥哥(Sand,Bank),一个弟弟(Mike),一个妹妹(Ying)
个人特征: 活跃,幽默

喜欢的颜色: 蓝,白
特长: 吉他,画画, 英文,日文, Breakdance
喜欢的科目: 美术
喜欢的电影: <魔戒>
梦想/目标: 成为一名歌手
-Channel[5] "To Be Teen"主持
- IMAGE VOLUME 16 / NO.10 03年10月
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "BED ROOM" 04年3月6号
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "IDEE SALE" 2004年4月7号
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> 2004年6月9号
- magazine shoots: <I-SPY> NO.132 /2004
- Interview: <TEEN > 04年7月12
- magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #497期
- magazine shoots: <I-SPY>9 NO.156 /2005
- magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #510期
- Intervie: "Wink up"(日本杂志) 05年3月
- Interview: "Knock Knock"杂志. 05年6月号
- 模特

姓名: Pirath Nitipaisankul
别名(艺名):: Mike
生日: 1989年12月19日
身高/体重:: 175 cm. / 57 kg

兄妹: 3个哥哥(Sand,Bank,Golf),一个妹妹(Ying)
个人特征: 安静,不爱说话

喜欢女生的类型 :可爱.喜欢小孩的女生.她要很浪漫但同时也要很理性..最重要的是她要像我爱她那样的爱我.
喜欢的科目: 美术
喜欢的颜色: 白,灰,黄
梦想/目标: 成为一名歌手
过去的工作:: PATTAYA音乐节, For. Fan concert, AIS show, J-ASIAN POP concert
- IMAGE VOLUME 16 / NO.10 03年10月
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "BED ROOM" 04年3月6号
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> - "IDEE SALE" 2004年4月7号
- Interview: 杂志<IDEE> 2004年6月9号
- magazine shoots: <I-SPY> NO.132 /2004
- Interview: <TEEN > 04年7月12
- magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #497期
- magazine shoots: <I-SPY>9 NO.156 /2005
- magazine shoots: <Tergubchun> #510期
- Intervie: "Wink up"(日本杂志) 05年3月
- Interview: "Knock Knock"杂志. 05年6月号
- 模特

「Golf & Mike」是全亚洲最大娱乐集团GMM当红超人气兄弟组合,两兄弟在2005年G-Junior的19位成员谁最受欢迎的投票中,囊括了近百分之七十五的票,因而在2005年11月12日,发行他们的第一张同名专辑「Golf & Mike」,发片不到一个月,即造成全泰国的轰动,不论是歌迷、乐评、媒体都极度喜爱及看好这两兄弟。然而在专辑中翻唱了世上第一支以”视觉系〃号称的乐队X-JAPAN的歌曲epilogue,也吸引了日本及韩国的唱片公司注意,在去年12月为止,就有7家分别在日本、韩国、台湾的唱片公司高层亲自拜访泰国的GMM总部,争取邀请「Golf & Mike」到各自的国家发展。

「Golf & Mike」

「Golf & Mike」
第一专辑在短短的2个月内就狂卖50万张,在泰国被谕为销售最快速最热卖的传奇专辑,进而马上推出专辑的MV VCD也再创佳绩;广告、演唱会、商品代言接接踵而来外,代表著两个人的卡通画像,也成为年轻人Hip Hop及嘻哈的代表,所印制的t-shirt及周边商品都是在各唱片行及曼谷的西门叮siam无所不见。

开放分类: 娱乐、音乐、日本、组合

山下智久与泰国兄弟文件组合GOLF及MIKE组成全新组合“kitty GYM”! 期间限定活动 “GYM”取自山下等3人的名前缀个字母,而“kitty”则是指4名稍后加入的jr,分别是Kis-My-Ft2的北山宏光、J.J.Express的伊野尾慧、A.B.C.的户冢祥太及Ya-Ya-yah的八乙女光。这个7人新组合更打破了杰尼斯事务所成立43年以来的历史,成为首个跨国合作的音乐组合,也是山下继“NEWS”、“修二と彰”后再次组队。他们会力挺富士电视台播放的“世界女子排球大赛”,还会唱主题曲。
这是由NEWS的队长山下智久(22)和KITTY GYM滴GOLF(19)和MIKE(16)限定组成的"GYM"乐队的首张单曲,是富士电视台2006年女子排球比赛的主题曲.主打"フィーバーとフューチャー"由A to Z H.U.B.作词,谷本新作曲."放课后ブルース"则是由山P自己作词作曲,山P独唱,第三首是KITTY GYM,剩下的两首则是合唱.


本人 稀罕DD 小MIKE!~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
第2个回答  2008-10-10
Johnny's Entertainment in Japan and in Thailand they are part of the group G-Junior on the GMM Grammy Label.
Members Pichaya Nitipaisalkul (Golf)
* Real Name: Pichaya Nitipaisalkul
* Nicknames: Golf
* Date of Birth: February 20th, 1987
* Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand
* Blood Type: B
* Height: 170 cm
* Weight: 53 kg
* Family: 2 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), 1 younger brother -Mike (Pirath) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo).
* Favorite Color: White, Gray
* Favorite Sports: Basketball, Ping Pong
* Favorite Animals: Siberian Huskies
* Fears: Ghosts, Electric Plugs, Alsatian Dogs
* Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Video Games
* Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Michael Jackson, Omarion, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Jay Chou
* Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School
Information: Golf is the third child of five. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 14. Golf is known to be loud and confident, as opposed to his much quieter brother. He is very talkative and friendly but gets serious about things like work. Unlike his brother, he is daring and doesn't worry as much and just likes to have fun and go crazy, especially when he is with his friends. He also likes to set goals for his future and try to reach them. His opinion of his attractive quality would be his sociable personality and his ability to make people laugh. He was nicknamed 'Golf' because when he was born, golf was starting to gain popularity in Thailand. Golf likes working with Mike because he likes being able to share everything with his sibling and when they fight, he won't talk to Mike until he apologises. Golf has a phobia of plugs because when he was young, he got a shock from plugging in a lamp and he hasn't been able to bring himself to plug anything in by himself since. His bad experiences include having a spider dropped on his head.

Pirath Nitipaisalkul (Mike)
* Real Name: Pirath Nitipaisalkul
* Nicknames: Mike
* Date of Birth: December 19th, 1989
* Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand
* Blood Type: B
* Height: 174 cm
* Weight: 57 kg
* Family: 3 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), Golf (Pichaya) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo).
* Favorite Color: White
* Favorite Sports: Basketball, Football, Ping Pong, Tennis, Badminton * Favorite Animals: Kittens
* Fears: Love, Bugs
* Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Working Out
* Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Tackey & Tsubasa, Lucifer, Gackt
* Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School
* Ideal Girl: Doesn't like to expose herself and loves him very much Information: Mike is the fourth child of five. Since he was a child, he always dreamed of being a singer or a superhero like Spiderman. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 11. He is known to not have much confidence and is mostly quiet and serious. He doesn't talk much and tends to worry a lot, especially about his image, according to Golf. Mike's opinion of his attractive quality would be his eyes, though he says he has never really observed himself. His nickname 'Mike' comes from their family business, Michel Angelo, which started when he was born. A nickname that he got from his friends was 'Het' (meaning mushroom) because his hair used to resemble a mushroom. A nickname that he would choose for himself would be 'Ling' (meaning monkey) because he was once told that he had a monkey face. Mike likes working with his brother because he says it's fun to always be with someone he can trust and when he and Golf fight, he is usually the one to say sorry and make up. Mike is scared of insects because they jump on him when he sleeps and he is allergic to dog hair. His bad experiences include being heartbroken at the age of 12. His favorite quote is "Do what you want others to do to you". He is very shy but loves to smile a lot even if he is a serious working guy. Information Pirath and Pichaya come from a musical family as their older brothers, who go by Sand and Bank, were also popular musicians in Thailand in the late 90s. When Golf and Mike were 14 and 11, they tried out for the group G-Junior. After a year of training they passed the audition and began working on their first album, GOLF-MIKE, released three years later. Golf & Mike debuted during Thongchai McIntyre's For Fan concert in 2002. After their debut, they traveled to Japan and participated in concerts with popular J-Pop groups NEWS and Ya-Ya-Yah. They covered Tackey & Tsubasa's Epilogue for their debut album as well as Yume Monogatari during concerts as they both idolize Tackey (Takizawa Hideaki). Their participation in the Japanese music scene did not end there, however as recently they were put into a group under Johnny's Entertainment with Yamashita Tomohisa called Kitty GYM. They were also due to perfom with ARASHI and G-JR in a J-Pop/Thai-Pop concert on October 7 at the Impact Arena, Bangkok, to celebrate Thailand's ties with Japan but the J-Pop group were sent back to Japan a few days prior to the concert date due to Thailand's current unstable political state. Korean stars they have interacted with include Byul. Though Golf and Mike are brothers, the third and fourth children of five respectively, their personalities are very different; they are 'like black and white', as Mike once said in an interview. Because they study in an international school and have spent time in Australia studying, they are fluent in English and can also speak some Japanese in addition to Thai. They enjoy normal teenage things, such as hanging around the Siam Center, a popular shopping center for teenagers in Thailand. Both are also interested in graphic design and art, as well as video games and manga and are very good at drawing. Their Golf-Mike logo was designed by Golf and the Golf-Mike monkeys were also drawn by him. They own a blog, however, due to their collective inability to type in Thai, they only write in English. Thailand Discography Albums * <2005.11.12> Let's Bounce * <2006.08.22> 10 Club (with G-Junior) * <2006.12.20> 365 Days with Golf & Mike * <2007.03.07> One by One Singles * <2005.??.??> Bounce VCDs/Other * <2006.04.10> LET'S BOUNCE * <2006.11.14> The Show Must Go On * <2006.12.20> 365 Days with Golf & Mike Photo Books * UNSEEN GOLF-MIKE * GOLF-MIKE THE BACKSTAGE SHOW Commercials * 12 Plus Cutie * Yamaha Fino * True Move Japanese Discography Singles * <2006.08.30> Fever to Future (with Kitty GYM) * <2007.06.27> Nippon Ai ni Iku yo (ニッポン アイニイクヨ; I'll Go Meet You in Japan) Awards * <2006> Seed Popular Artist of the Year Award * <2006> Channel Thailand Music Video Awards: Favorite Breakthrough Artist Award
第3个回答  2008-10-03




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