

1 选择合适的时态完成,注意和时间词last night ,ever,already的搭配时态。。

( )you ever( )[be] to china

i ( )already ( )[see] the film

2 i was watching TV ( ) the telephone rang

A while B when C since

3 could you please tell us what kind of work ( )you have got experience【经历、体验】

A at that B in which C which

4 this moring i had my finger( )when i was preparing breakfast.

A cutting B to cut C cut

5 i am going to buy mary a birthday gift.do you have( )in mind?

A special something B special anything C anything special

6 my father told me ( )his trip to xin jiang

A of B about C with

7 i've always enjoyed ( )

A swimming B to swim C swim

8 we used to ( )bicycles to go to work

A ride B riding C to ride

9 don't( )him. he is writing a letter now 不要打扰Him.他写信

A disturb to B disturb C disturbing [打扰,妨碍】

10 a car hit her when she was walking ( )the road

A through B across C on

11 A:have you typed the letter for me ?
B:( )

A yes,i have B yes,i do C yes, i have done

12 shirley ( )A BOOK about china last year but i don't know whether she has finished it.

A has written B write C was writing

13 选单词填空。have to ,must ,be allowed,mustn't,don't have to

i( )leave now.my sister is waiting for me

14 guilin is ( )the west of china

A to B at C in

1. have been 你曾到过中国吗?
have seen 我已看过这部电影.
2. B. 用when, 不能用while.如果主句从句都是用进行时用while.
3. B.
4. C. 过去分词做宾补
5. C. 注意修饰something, anything的形容词要放在这种词的后面,而不是前面.
6. B. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事.
7. A. enjoy doing sth.
8. A. used to do sth.过去经常做某事, 注意与be used to sth.的区别.
9. B. disturb是及物动词.
10. B. across 横穿 介词
11. A. Yes, I have.
12. C. was writing. 正常情况下时间为last year时用一般过去式,但过去进行时也可表示过去一段时间发生的动作
13. have to.
have to表示客观需要,因为我的姐姐在等我,因此不得不离开了.而must一般表示主观的必须.
14. C in
第1个回答  2008-10-22
Have you evern been to China?
I have already seen the film.

B. when
B in which
C cut
C anything special
B about
A swimming
A ride
B disturb
B across
A yes,I have.
C was writing

have to

C in
第2个回答  2008-10-21
1 选择合适的时态完成,注意和时间词last night ,ever,already的搭配时态。。

have you ever been to china ?

i have already seen the film

2 i was watching TV ( ) the telephone rang

B when

3 could you please tell us what kind of work ( )you have got experience【经历、体验】

A at that B in which C which

4 this moring i had my finger( )when i was preparing breakfast.
A cutting B to cut C cut

has sth. done使…被…
have my house repaired
have flower watered

5 i am going to buy mary a birthday gift.do you have( )in mind?
A special something B special anything C anything special

6 my father told me ( )his trip to xin jiang
A of B about C with
tell sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事-仅仅只是告知
tell about 有谈论和侃大山的含义

7 i've always enjoyed ( )
A swimming B to swim C swim
enjoy doing

8 we used to ( )bicycles to go to work
A ride B riding C to ride
used to do 过去常常做……
be used to doing 习惯于做……

9 don't( )him. he is writing a letter now 不要打扰Him.他写信
A disturb to B disturb C disturbing [打扰,妨碍】

10 a car hit her when she was walking ( )the road
A through B across C on
walk through road 沿着路的方向
walk across road 横穿
walk on road 上面

11 A:have you typed the letter for me ?
B:( )

A yes,i have B yes,i do C yes, i have done

12 shirley ( )A BOOK about china last year but i don't know whether she has finished it.

A has written B write C was writing

13 选单词填空。have to ,must ,be allowed,mustn't,don't have to

i( )leave now.my sister is waiting for me
have to

14 guilin is ( )the west of china

A to B at C in
to 表示在中国界外
in 中国境内的西边
第3个回答  2008-10-21
1.(Have) you ever (been) to china

I have already seen the film.

2.I was watching TV while the telephone rang.

3 Could you please tell us what kind of work in which you have got experience.

4. This moring i had my finger cut when i was preparing breakfast.

5. i am going to buy mary a birthday gift.do you have(anything special)in mind?

6. my father told me (about )his trip to xin jiang

7. i've always enjoyed (swimming )

8 we used to (ride )bicycles to go to work

9 don't( disturb )him. he is writing a letter now

10 a car hit her when she was walking (across )the road

11 A:have you typed the letter for me ?
B:(yes,i have)

12 shirley (write )A BOOK about china last year but i don't know whether she has finished it.

13 i(have to)leave now.my sister is waiting for me

14 guilin is (in)the west of china
第4个回答  2008-10-21
1 Have been
have seen
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 C
6 B
7 A
8 A
9 A
10 B
11 A
12 C
13 have to
14 C
第5个回答  2017-02-01



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