

Dream of Westward Journey Mobile: A Comprehensive Guide to Earning Money in Netherworld Department

In the realm of Dream of Westward Journey Mobile, the Netherworld Department is often hailed as the most lucrative profession. Its inherent earning potential is a result of its unique features and the demand for its services. Here's a detailed guide on how to maximize profits in this intriguing role.

Selling Temporary Talismans: Leveraging High Level Status

The temporary talismans of the Netherworld Department are a reliable source of income. Due to its smaller player base, their demand often surpasses supply. As an advanced Netherworld player, you can expect to sell your talismans at premium rates – a single high-level talisman could fetch up to 1000 gold coins, providing substantial returns with minimal effort. This is why investing in the profession can be more profitable than traditional crafting skills.

Equipment Quests: Profit in the Unseen Intent

Understanding market trends is key. High damage weapons are in high demand, making the Netherworld Department an opportune choice for equipment hunting. Focusing on clothes and weapons, which have higher chances of yielding valuable "double加" items, can lead to substantial profits. If you're fortunate, a rare high-damage weapon can fetch even more, as狮驼岭 players may eagerly seek it.

Storyline Quests: The Elite's Edge
如果玩家实力出众, engaging in high-level storylines can also be a lucrative venture. The Netherworld's unique advantage in these quests makes it a valuable contributor to the acquisition of expensive items like high-quality potions. This can translate into significant financial rewards.

To summarize, the Netherworld Department's profitability lies in its ability to capitalize on its strengths, especially when player level is a deciding factor. New servers can be advantageous for those looking to enter this profession and reap the rewards.

While this guide covers some essential strategies, there's always more to discover in the world of Dream of Westward Journey Mobile. Keep exploring and refining your approach to maximize your earnings in the Netherworld Department.




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