
内容最好生动有趣 且口语化 大约600字~可举例迪士尼 梦工厂出品的各知名动漫

Cartload : You are American, the U.S. and Asia Animation exchange of Principal Adviser to the United States in the development of track position is very well, Can you talk about the United States is how track industries from small to large and from weak to strong, ZTE access road? Zhang Xiaoji Security : The United States is a very attention to the protection of their cultural country. For example, the Christian culture is the backbone of an umbrella, other cultures around the trunk, the same as the umbrella bone unfolded. No matter how doing something unorthodox, it is inseparable from the mainstream culture. American culture is in the hands of the Americans, especially treasure of American culture, all pay attention to the protection of cultural, This can metaphor : the United States used the metaphor of a culture vessel, the American people are on board sailors, struggling in the water not dropped my boat. This is the first point. The second point that Americans have to track the spending habits of products, so they have two characteristics : one is a universal consumption, Whether you are a child or young adults, and even the elderly, have different levels of animation consumption, for example, an elderly birthday, the movie received a lot of cards, the elderly are very pleased, and some of his relatives no matter what age, what good thing to encounter, such as birthday, wedding With what, He sent some gifts at the same time, yeah, right, and such gifts may be derived from the animation. He is also to release this gift cards to send out animation, which is a characteristic. Another feature of life animation consumption. Especially from the 0 to 12 age group, in the United States, statistical, in this age of the crowd, They average 71 toys, and some have more. I can cite an example, a young girl, especially hyperactive and not concentrate on learning. Mother leading her to see psychological doctors, psychologists say, can you draw me to your house to see, child psychologists came to the room, only one, shut the door, told her mother, Please put your child's toys to less 5%. According to the mother the doctors made, and the children are learning a lot really good. There's a reason children are toys much of the excess (approximately 400), comes to an end with this, um, how she can concentrate on their studies? This is a characteristic. The second characteristic is that in the United States, animation extension almost infiltrate into the corner of each, for example, sell drugs, Not only sell drugs, also sell small articles of daily use, these small articles of daily use, there is a considerable amount of animation products, such as sick children. If you give him medicine at the same time, he could also proposed charges as just such as Mickey Mouse shirt. For instance, the stores sell glasses, glasses on the shelves, glasses are linked in some cartoon characters face, Reren cartoon characters are popular, and people passing through will not help more enjoyable, looking at the same time, they saw the glasses. In addition, spectacles store also placed many cartoon toys, glasses you bought at the same time, perhaps bought a playmate. In short, in the United States and merchants to provide consumers with all the consumer convenience, sometimes, you do not think of businessmen have you thought of everything. For instance, the cards seem very cheap, sometimes only 1,2 U.S. dollars, as your wife for a friend or a gift on the card write a few words, I will feel very warm, between classmates send a small gift as a gift card. According to what is said, the United States annual card sales volume reached 3 billion each year Americans spend almost 10 dollars, Therefore, the Americans animation consumption habits from the fundamental guarantee for the development track, it is a problem. Another key issue is, the United States domestic production of animation Its basic principle is : the lower the better production costs. and the greater efficiency is the better course. For example, when the company had the theme track design and screenplay, it may local production in the United States, The United States may not have local production, in Asia it can use half the cost of production completed, he will never in their production. Therefore, their products are completely animation market, according to the laws of the market economy. Meanwhile, they paid great attention to protecting its cultural track, while minimizing foreign, such as Europe, Japan's invasion, I said yes to less than one is not allowed to import, but the introduction of the quantity is very small. In short, they make full use of their production animation products. This is like one with its own seed, its own fertilizer, to hire cheap labor for them. He is the last of the harvest, said that the United States is an animated cartoon industry as a major power, it is not a coincidence. and I of the above mentioned enjoyed a close relationship, the problem is sporadic, I will discuss here. Zhang Xiao An Introduction : USA, the U.S. and Asia Animation exchange organizations Principal Consultant. 1982 graduated from the Beijing Film Academy (animation professional, college), in Beijing Branch shadow, Chinese television production center, and the Central Television unit. He is the first Chinese animation industry in the television cartoon creation one of the young directors. A distinctive style, with a rich culture of color. USA, the United States and Asia as cartoon bodies Principal Adviser, perform for the Chinese animation industry to provide professional consulting services and the promotion of Sino-U.S. cooperation animation project. His cartoon "I lost," was the first in 1989 China Television Animation Honor Award; animated short film "Jiapanweidi" is the 1994 National cartoon humor pieces sweetheart Award; Karaoke animation "Grandpa Deng meters of trees" in 1998 was China's first television program karaoke outstanding design award OK OK .
第1个回答  2008-11-25
车:你是美国人,美国和亚洲动画交流首席顾问到美国发展的轨道位置是非常好,能否请您谈一下美国是如何跟踪产业从小到大,从弱到强,中兴通讯的通路?张小济安全:美国是一个非常注意保护自己的文化的国家。例如,基督教文化的骨干是一个保护伞,其他文化的主干一样,伞骨展开。不管如何做一些非正统的,它是不可分割的主流文化。美国文化是掌握在美国人,尤其是珍惜的美国文化,都注意保护文化,这可以比喻:美国利用隐喻文化的船只,美国人民都在船上船员挣扎在水不放弃我小船。这是第一点。第二点是,美国人已经跟踪消费习惯的产品,所以他们有两个特点:一个是普遍的消费,无论您是儿童或年轻成年人,甚至老人,有不同程度的动画消费,例如,老人的生日,电影获得了很多卡,老人非常高兴,和他的一些亲戚,无论什么年龄,什么好事遇到,如生日,结婚有什么,他送了一些礼物在同一时间,是的,正确的,这种礼物可能是来自动画。他还公布这份礼物贺卡发送动画,这是一个特点。另一个特点动画的生活消费。尤其是从0到12岁年龄组,在美国,统计,在这个年龄段的人群,他们平均71个玩具,有的更多。我可以举一个例子,一个年轻的姑娘,特别是动,而不是集中精力学习。领先的母亲看到她的心理医生,心理学家说,你能不能吸引我到你家看到,儿童心理学家来到房间,只有一个,关上了门,告诉母亲,请把您的孩子的玩具,不到5 % 。根据医生的母亲了,和孩子们学习了很多非常不错的成绩。有一个原因儿童玩具大量过剩(约400 ) ,即将结束的这个,嗯,她如何能专心学习?这是一个特点。第二个特点是,在美国,动画几乎渗透延伸到每个角落,例如,出售毒品,不仅出售药品,还卖小日用品,这些小日用品,存在着相当大大量的动画产品,如生病的孩子。如果你给他的药品在同一时间,他也可以提出的指控只是如米老鼠衬衫。例如,商店出售的眼镜,眼镜的货架上,眼镜与一些卡通字脸, Reren卡通人物很受欢迎,人们通过将不会帮助更多的乐趣,希望在同一时间,他们看到了眼镜。此外,眼镜店也很多卡通玩具,眼镜你买在同一时间,也许买了玩伴。总之,在美国和商家向消费者提供所有的消费者方便,有时,你不觉得商人你想过的一切。举例来说,卡似乎很便宜,有时甚至只有1,2美元,作为你的妻子的一个朋友的礼物或在卡上写了几句话,我会感到很温暖,同学之间传送一个小礼物作为礼品卡。据讲,美国每年的卡销售规模达到30亿美元的美国人每年花费近10美元,因此,美国人的消费习惯动画的根本保证发展的轨道,这是一个问题。另一个关键问题是,美国国内生产的动画,其基本原则是:更好地降低生产成本。和更高的效率是更好的课程。举例来说,当该公司的主题赛道设计和电影剧本,它可能在当地生产在美国,美国可能无法在当地生产,在亚洲它可以使用一半的生产成本的完成,他将永远不会在其生产。因此,他们的产品是完全的动画市场按照市场经济规律。同时,他们十分重视保护其文化的轨道,同时最大限度地减少外国,如欧洲,日本的入侵,我说是不到一个是不允许进口,但引进的数量是非常小的。简言之,他们充分利用其生产动画产品。这就像一个自己的种子,自己的化肥,雇用廉价的劳动力为他们。他是去年的收成,他说,美国是一个动画产业作为一个大国,它不是一个巧合。我上述有着密切的关系,这个问题是零星的,我将在这里讨论。张晓介绍:美国,美国和亚洲的动画交流组织的首席顾问。 1982年毕业于北京电影学院(动画专业,大专) ,在北京分公司的影子,中国电视制作中心,中央电视台单位。他是第一个中国动画产业的电视动画创作的一个年轻导演。一个明显的风格,以丰富的文化色彩。美国,美国和亚洲的漫画机构首席顾问,执行为中国动画产业提供专业咨询服务和促进中美合作动画项目。他的漫画“我失去了, ”是第一次在1989年中国电视动画荣誉奖;动画短片“ Jiapanweidi ”是1994年全国漫画幽默作品心上人奖;卡拉OK动画片“邓小平爷爷米长的树” 1998年中国的第一个电视节目卡拉OK优秀设计奖行确定。
第2个回答  2008-11-24
American television animation of the 1950s featured quite limited animation styles, highlighted by the work of Jay Ward on Crusader Rabbit. Chuck Jones coined the term "illustrated radio" to refer to the shoddy style of most television cartoons that depended more on their soundtracks than visuals. Other notable 1950s programs include UPA's Gerald McBoing Boing, Hanna-Barbera's Huckleberry Hound and Quick Draw McGraw, and rebroadcast of many classic theatrical cartoons from Warner Brothers, MGM, and Disney

Hanna-Barbera's show, The Flintstones was the first successful primetime animated series in the United States, running from 1960-66 (and in reruns since). While many networks followed the show's success by scheduling other primetime cartoons in the early 1960s, including The Jetsons, Top Cat, and The Alvin Show, none of these programs survived more than a year in primetime. However, networks found success by running these failed shows as Saturday morning cartoons, reaching smaller audiences with more demographic unity among children. Television animation for children flourished on Saturday morning, on cable channels like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network, and in syndicated afternoon timeslots.

Primetime cartoons were virtually non-existent until 1990s hit The Simpsons ushered in a new era of adult animation. Now, "adult animation" programs, such as Aeon Flux, South Park, Family Guy, and Futurama are a large part of television.

Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion into a still drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion.

The phenakistoscope, zoetrope and praxinoscope, as well as the common flip book, were early animation devices to produce movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but animation did not really develop much further until the advent of motion picture film.

The first animated cartoon (in the traditional sense, i.e. on film) was "Fantasmagorie" by the French director Émile Cohl. Released in 1908.

One of the very first successful animated cartoons was "Gertie the Dinosaur" by Winsor McCay. It is considered the first example of true character animation.

Further information: Animation in the United States during the silent era
In the 1930s to 1960s, theatrical cartoons were produced in huge numbers, and usually shown before a feature film in a movie theater. MGM, Disney, Paramount and Warner Brothers were the largest studios producing these 5 to 10-minute "shorts".

Further information: Hollywood Animation: The Golden Age
Competition from television drew audiences away from movie theaters in the late 1950s, and the theatrical cartoon began its decline. Today, animated cartoons are produced mostly for television.
This list of animated feature-length films compiles animated feature films from around the world and is organized alphabetically under the year of release (the year the completed film was first released to the public). Theatrical releases as well as made-for-TV and direct-to-video movies are included.

In order to qualify for this list, films must be "over 40 minutes long and have animation in at least 75% of their running time, or have at least 40 minutes of animation in total." This list chooses to use the AFI, AMPAS and BFI definitions of a feature film. The Academy Award for Best Animated Feature requires that a film be at least 70 minutes long; however, this definition is historically inconsistent (for example, many films which are considered to be part of the Disney features canon are less than 70 minutes long, with the shortest length belonging to Saludos Amigos at 43 minutes). For marionette films like Team America: World Police, or films featuring non-animated puppets, see Films featuring puppetry.
第3个回答  2008-11-24




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