
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
1、 我最喜爱的课程是计算机。
2、 你是什么时候大学毕业的?
3、 玛丽靠写作为生。
4、 中国文学一定很有意思。

Page 17
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
1、一定要记得带纸和笔。(be sure to )
2、Jinglejing想申请哈佛大学的奖学金。(apply for scholarship)
3、简历当中还应包括要谋求的职位。(resume include job objective)
5、我已经通过了大学英语 级考试。

Page 28
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
5、你对我公司有什么了解?(know about)

Page 40
Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense.

1、 我最喜爱的课程是计算机。
My favorite course is computer course.
2、 你是什么时候大学毕业的?
When did you graduate ?
3、 玛丽靠写作为生。
Mary writes for a living.
4、 中国文学一定很有意思。
Chinese literature must be interesting.
This young mother has l lot of burden.

Page 17
1、 一定要记得带纸和笔。(be sure to )
Be sure to bring( your) paper and pen.

2、Jinglejing想申请哈佛大学的奖学金。(apply for scholarship)
Jingleijing wants to apply for the scholarship of Howard University.

3、简历当中还应包括要谋求的职位。(resume include job objective)
Resume should include the job objective you are applying for.

Since you have plenty work experience., I believe good luck will accompany you.

5、我已经通过了大学英语 级考试。
I have passed the Band (Four/f Six/) Of College English Test.
Page 28
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
What kind of position you are interested in?

You prefer work with others or work solo/alone?

Why do you think you are competent/fitted to/ suitable for this job?

What is your ideal salary/ wage?
What kind of salary do you have in mind?
5、你对我公司有什么了解?(know about)
How much do you know about our company?

Page 40
Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense.
We are going to Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We are heading for Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We are leaving for Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We set off to Nanjing tomorrow morning?
We will be back (at) 6 o’clock tonight.
We will be back (at) 6 pm.
We coming back at 6 pm.
He is not available tonight.
He is not free tonight.
They are starting a overall review next week.
He will come if you invited him.
How long will you be staying there?

I ask him immediately when he arrives.
Don’t bother/disturb him; he would be angry if you do
Don’t bother/ disturb him, otherwise he would get angry/mad.
第1个回答  2008-11-25
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
1、 我最喜爱的课程是计算机。 1, my favorite is the computer courses.
2、 你是什么时候大学毕业的? 2, When did you graduate from university?
3、 玛丽靠写作为生。 3, Mary make a living by writing.
4、 中国文学一定很有意思。 4, Chinese literature must be very interesting.
5、这位年轻妈妈的负担很重。 5, the young mother's shoulder a heavy financial burden.

Page 17 Page 17
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English. Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
1、一定要记得带纸和笔。 1, must be brought Zhi Hebi remember. (be sure to ) (Be sure to)
2、Jinglejing想申请哈佛大学的奖学金。 2, Jinglejing would like to apply for a scholarship at Harvard University. (apply for scholarship) (Apply for scholarship)
3、简历当中还应包括要谋求的职位。 3, which should also include curriculum vitae to seek the post. (resume include job objective) (Resume include job objective)
4、既然你有丰富的工作经验,我相信好运一定会伴随你的。 4, since you have a wealth of experience, I believe that good luck will be accompanying you. (accompany) (Accompany)
5、我已经通过了大学英语级考试。 5, I have passed the College English Test level.

Page 28 Page 28
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English. Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.
1、您对什么职位最感兴趣? 1, you are most interested in what positions?
2、你喜欢和别人一起工作还是独自一人工作呢? 2, and you like to work with others or alone work? (prefer) (Prefer)
3、你为什么认为你适合这份工作? 3, Why do you think you fit the job?
4、你理想中的薪水是多少? 4, you have an ideal of how much salary?
5、你对我公司有什么了解? 5, you know what I have? (know about) (Know about)

Page 40 Page 40
Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense. Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense.
1、我们明天早晨去南京。 1, we have tomorrow morning to Nanjing.
2、我们今晚六点回来。 2, 6:00 tonight, we came back.
3、他今晚没空。 3, he does not want to spare tonight.
4、他们下周将进行总复习。 4, next week they will conduct a total review.
5、如果你邀请他的话,他会来的。 5, if you invite him, he will.
6、你要在那儿逗留多久? 6, you have to stay there long?
7、他一来我就问他。 7, on the one hand, I asked him.
8、不要打扰他,他会生气的。 8, do not bother him, he would anger.
第2个回答  2008-11-24
Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.

1, my favorite is the computer courses.

2, When did you graduate from university?

3, Mary make a living by writing.

4, Chinese literature must be very interesting.

5, the young mother's shoulder a heavy financial burden.

Page 17

Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.

1, must be brought Zhi Hebi remember. (be sure to)

2, Jinglejing would like to apply for a scholarship at Harvard University. (apply for scholarship)

3, which should also include curriculum vitae to seek the post. (resume include job objective)

4, since you have a wealth of experience, I believe that good luck will be accompanying you. (accompany)

5, I have passed the College English Test level.

Page 28

Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.

1, you are most interested in what positions?

2, and you like to work with others or alone work? (Prefer)

3, Why do you think you fit the job?

4, you have an ideal of how much salary?

5, you know what I have? (Know about)

Page 40

Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into English, using the future tense.

1, we have tomorrow morning to Nanjing.

2, 6:00 tonight, we came back.

3, he does not want to spare tonight.

4, next week they will conduct a total review.

5, if you invite him, he will.

6, you have to stay there long?

7, on the one hand, I asked him.

8, do not bother him, he would anger.
第3个回答  2008-11-26
我最喜爱的课程是计算机。My favorite is the computer courses.
你是什么时候大学毕业的?When you are a university graduate?
玛丽靠写作为生。 Mary makes a living by writing.
中国文学一定很有意思。 Chinese literature must be very interesting .
这位年轻妈妈的负担很重。 The young mother's shoulder a heavy financial burden.

1, must be brought Zhi Hebi remember.
2, Jinglejing would like to apply for a scholarship at Harvard University.
3, which should also include curriculum vitae to seek the post.
4, since you have a wealth of experience, I believe that good luck will be accompanying you.
5, I have passed the College English Test level.

1, you are most interested in what positions?
2, and you like to work with others or alone work?
3, Why do you think you fit the job?
4, you have an ideal of how much salary?
5, you know what I have?

1, we have tomorrow morning to Nanjing.
2, 6:00 tonight, we came back.
3, he does not want to spare tonight.
4, next week they will conduct a total review.
5, if you invite him, he will.
6, you have to stay there long?
7, on the one hand, I asked him.
8, do not bother him, he would anger.
第4个回答  2008-11-24
可是楼上有些翻译很搞笑,纸和笔竟然翻译成ji he bi,有些就翻译的很不自然。

1. My favourite subject is computer science.
2. When did you graduate from university?
3. Mary makes a living by writing.
4. Chinese literature must be very interesting.
5. There is a big burden on the young mother.

1.Please be sure to bring pens and papers.
2.Jinglejing would like to apply for the scholarship at the Harvard University.
3.Resume should also include your intended position.
4.Since you have plenty of experiences, I am sure luck will always accompany you.
5.I have passed the University English Aptitude Test.

Page 28
1. Which position most interests you?
2.Do you prefer to work with others or independently?
3.Why do you think you are suitable for this position?
4.What is your ideal salary?
5.What do you know about our company?

Page 40
1.We will go to Nanjing tomorrow morning.
2.We will come back at 6 tonight.
3.He will not be free tonight.
4.They will have reviews next week.
5.If you invite him, he will come.
6.How long will he stay there?
7.As soon as he comes, I will ask him.
8.Don't bother him, or he will get mad.



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