



以上是颜色词的大致的分类。 限于篇幅,本文主要探讨常用基本颜色词的翻译。

在所有语言中,颜色词除表示其具体实际的色彩外还由于不同国家的不同文化而具有丰富的涵义。而且应用范围也相当广泛。颜色虽是自然现象,但千百年来,不同的民族由于受自然环境,文化传统,风俗习惯以及民族审美心理及认识情感的影响,对颜色的观感不尽相同,对同一颜色有时会产生不同的联想,从而使同一颜色词在不同的民族形成不同的象征意义,而使颜色词独具引申意义和文化意义。 在众多的颜色词中最基本的莫过于red



与红色一词的喻意相反,是西方文化中的基本禁忌色,体现了西方人精神上的摈弃和厌恶。红色red可以用来表感情一样,黑色black也同样带有感情色彩,它可以表示“沮丧”“面带怒容,怒目而视” “不幸,灾难,厌恶,愤怒,阴沉”等.

开学第一天,学生称为black Monday

1873年9月13日,纽约股市暴跌,伴随着那年的世界性经济危机,巨商大厦们称为Black Friday

在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词.象征意义稍多一些.阿斯海姆在评析蓝色时说:"蓝色象水那样清凉。" 是“阴性或消极的颜色”。它能象征高贵、高远、深沉、严厉.



比如:a blue film不是指悲伤的电影,而是指其中含有淫秽内容,暗示或者描述性行为,相当于汉语中的“黄色电影”.

在英文中green是一个联想非常好的颜色词.它表示“春天,希望”之意,现在常常用在与环境有关的词语中。例如:green consumerism绿色消费,指的是消费者购买没有危害环境的产品。


西方文化中的绿色象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大的联系,是植物的生命色。阿思海姆说 :"绿色唤起自然的爽快的想法。"

它不仅象征着青春、活力. 而且表示新鲜.


A Brief Study on the translation of the colours

Colours have a closely relationship with human life and also it is an important field of the people’s understanding of the world. Colour contains not only physical attribute but also rich cultural connotation and extensible meaning. Therefor it is an key issue in the studies of language, culture and translation.There are a large number of expressions relate to colours which express a specific cultural connotation. You must clarify the actual meaning of the colours when translate the this kind of expression. Because sometimes they don’t means colours but with extended sense that convertes them into some other special meaning.

The number of English words about color is extremely rich. These words can be divided into three types. From the feeling perspective of color, the concept of the basic color is comparatively the same. Basic color words are those can express the color of the things such as red.

Tangible color words represent the colour by using the color of the natural objects.

These are the general classification of the colour words. Due to space limitations, this paper will mainly explore the translation of the basic color words.

In all the languages, colour words can show the specific and actual colour as well as ample connotation that producted by various cultures of different countries. Colours also have a wide range of applications. Although colour is a natural phenomenonm, because of the influence of the natural environment, cultural traditions, customs, national esthetic psychology and the cognition of the emtions in different nations though thousands years, the impressions of the it and the association of the same colour are diverse. And the same colour forms different symbolic meaning in different nations therefor colours have unique extended and cultural meaning. There is no basal example than “red” among the large numbers of colour words.

Furthermore, in English, the compound words and phrases with colour usually have especial meaning and idiom. These are the necessary in the translation of the colours. And here take all manner of colour as examples to give a brief explaination.

In English, people have almost the same association than in chinese. Or even complete the same in the meaning as well as in form.

With the opposite implication of red, “这块中文好像有问题” is a basicall incompatible colour in west culture and shows discard and hate of the west people’s spirit. As “red” could express emotion, “black” also has emotional colouring. It means “frustrating" distressed, glare," "unfortunate, disasters, disgust, anger, gloomy," and so on.”

Students call the first day of a session“Black Monday”

Because of the steep drop of the New York stock market on september 13, 1873. And the world-wide economic crisis accompanied that year. The business magnates called it “The Black Friday”

In English, “blue” is a word with wealthy meaning. Slightly more of them are symbolic meaning. When Asaheim evaluated blue he said “ Blue is as cool as the water”. It is "negative or negative colors." and a symbol of noble, visionary, deep, severe.

And it also has a meaning as “gloomy ”and “sentimental” which usually connecte with bad mood.

And it’s worth to pay attention on this point that some of the phrases with bule do not have the meaning of “bule”.

For example: “a blue film” doesn’t refer to sad movie but some movies contain pornographic content, imply or describe the sexual behavior. It is as the same as the nudie in chinese.

“Green” in English has a wonderful association. It means “spring”, “hope” or something like that. Usually it will use with the word related to environment such as “green consumerism” which means customers buy products with no harm to the environment.

“Green” may have some bad meaning such as "jealous, childish, lack of training" in English.

Western culture about green’s symbolic meaning has much to do with green palnts like grass and trees. Esihaimu said: " Green raise the exhilarating idea of a natural."

It is not only a symbol of youth and vitality but also fresh.

In English, the symbolic meaning of purple also is compared with the emperor and religion. This is an interesting coincidence of culture.
第1个回答  2008-11-27
第2个回答  2008-11-27
Color and is closely related to human life, human understanding of the world is an important area. Color not only has the physical attributes, and a rich cultural connotation and extension of meaning. Therefore, it is the language, culture and translation studies is an important subject. In English, there are a large number of colors with the expression, the expression of a specific culture. With a color words in the translation of the expression of the way, we must understand its real meaning. Sometimes because of the color word does not mean that the color, but extended, the other converted into a special meaning.

English words in the color of the number of extremely rich. English words can be divided into three types of color
From the experience of color, the color of the basic concept of more or less the same. Basic color words are those that have been able to express things on the color of color words. In English, such as red

Color is kind word to use natural objects to represent the true nature of the color of the word.

These are the colors of the general classification of the word. Due to space limitations, this paper used to explore the basic color of the word translation.

In all languages, in addition to color word that the color of their specific conditions, but also because of different countries and different cultures have a wealth of meaning. But also a wide range of applications. Although the color is a natural phenomenon, but thousands of years, because of different national natural environment, cultural traditions and customs of the nation, as well as aesthetic and psychological understanding of the emotional impact of color perception is different, the same color will sometimes produce different联想,从而使同一颜色词在不同的民族形成不同的象征意义,而使颜色词独具引申意义和文化意义。 Among the many words of the color red is the most basic

In addition, the color words in English and with the composition of the compound with a color word or phrase often has a special meaning or usage, these are the translation of color can not be ignored when the word. The following words were on a variety of colors, for example a brief description.

English, people on the "black" generated by the association with the Chinese about. Some even in the formal sense and is fully reciprocal.

And the term of the metaphorical red on the contrary, Western culture is a basic taboo color, embodies the spirit of the West and get rid of the offensive. Red red can be used to form the same feelings, black with a black also emotional, said it "frustrating" "face with angry, glare," "Unfortunately, disasters, disgust, anger, gloomy," and so on.

On the first day of school, students known as the black Monday

September 13, 1873, the New York stock market, accompanied by Zhao Na-year world-wide economic crisis, business magnates are building known as the Black Friday

In English in blue is a very rich meaning of the color of the word. Some of the slightly more symbolic. Esihaimu in the assessment of the blue, said: "As blue as the water cool." "Negative or negative colors." It a symbol of noble, lofty, deep, severe.

On the one hand, in English with a blue "melancholy, sad," meaning, and often in a bad mood about

But one thing is worth noting that in some English phrases containing the word were not blue, "blue" meaning

For example: a blue film was not referring to the sad film, but which contain pornographic content, implied or describe sexual acts, the Chinese equivalent of "yellow film."

In English in green is a very good color word association. It said that "the spring of hope" was now often used in environment-related in terms. For example: green consumerism green consumption, referring to consumers not to buy products that harm the environment.

In English in the green can also be said that bad. It has a "jealous, childish, lack of training".

Western culture in the symbolic green with green vegetation there are a lot of color, color is the plant's life. Esihaimu said: "The Green readily raise the idea of a natural."

It is not only a symbol of youth and vitality. And that fresh.

English in the symbolic purple also will be compared with the emperor and religion. This is an interesting coincidence.
第3个回答  2008-11-29
第4个回答  2008-11-29
On the color words in English translation
Color and is closely related to human life, human understanding of the world is an important area. Color not only has the physical attributes, and a rich cultural connotation and extension of meaning. Therefore, it is the language, culture and translation studies is an important subject. In English, there are a large number of colors with the expression, the expression of a specific culture. With a color words in the translation of the expression of the way, we must understand its real meaning. Sometimes because of the color word does not mean that the color, but extended, the other converted into a special meaning.

English words in the color of the number of extremely rich. English words can be divided into three types of color
From the experience of color, the color of the basic concept of more or less the same. Basic color words are those that have been able to express things on the color of color words. In English, such as red

Color is kind word to use natural objects to represent the true nature of the color of the word.

These are the colors of the general classification of the word. Due to space limitations, this paper used to explore the basic color of the word translation.

In all languages, in addition to color word that the color of their specific conditions, but also because of different countries and different cultures have a wealth of meaning. But also a wide range of applications. Although the color is a natural phenomenon, but thousands of years, because of different national natural environment, cultural traditions and customs of the nation, as well as aesthetic and psychological understanding of the emotional impact of color perception is different, the same color will sometimes produce different Lenovo, so that the same words in different colors of different nationalities to form a symbolic meaning, the word unique color by extending the meaning and cultural significance. Among the many words of the color red is the most basic

In addition, the color words in English and with the composition of the compound with a color word or phrase often has a special meaning or usage, these are the translation of color can not be ignored when the word. The following words were on a variety of colors, for example a brief description.

English, people on the "black" generated by the association with the Chinese about. Some even in the formal sense and is fully reciprocal.

And the term of the metaphorical red on the contrary, Western culture is a basic taboo color, embodies the spirit of the West and get rid of the offensive. Red red can be used to form the same feelings, black with a black also emotional, said it "frustrating" "face with angry, glare," "Unfortunately, disasters, disgust, anger, gloomy," and so on.

On the first day of school, students known as the black Monday

September 13, 1873, the New York stock market, accompanied by Zhao Na-year world-wide economic crisis, business magnates are building known as the Black Friday

In English in blue is a very rich meaning of the color of the word. Some of the slightly more symbolic. Esihaimu in the assessment of the blue, said: "As blue as the water cool." "Negative or negative colors." It a symbol of noble, lofty, deep, severe.

On the one hand, in English with a blue "melancholy, sad," meaning, and often in a bad mood about

But one thing is worth noting that in some English phrases containing the word were not blue, "blue" meaning

For example: a blue film was not referring to the sad film, but which contain pornographic content, implied or describe sexual acts, the Chinese equivalent of "yellow film."

In English in green is a very good color word association. It said that "the spring of hope" was now often used in environment-related in terms. For example: green consumerism green consumption, referring to consumers not to buy products that harm the environment.

In English in the green can also be said that bad. It has a "jealous, childish, lack of training".

Western culture in the symbolic green with green vegetation there are a lot of color, color is the plant's life. Esihaimu said: "The Green readily raise the idea of a natural."

It is not only a symbol of youth and vitality. And that fresh.

English in the symbolic purple also will be compared with the emperor and religion. This is an interesting coincidence.

Color and is closely related to human life, human understanding of the world is an important area. Color not only has the physical attributes, and a rich cultural connotation and extension of meaning. Therefore, it is the language, culture and translation studies is an important subject. In English, there are a large number of colors with the expression, the expression of a specific culture. With a color words in the translation of the expression of the way, we must understand its real meaning. Sometimes because of the color word does not mean that the color, but extended, the other converted into a special meaning.

English words in the color of the number of extremely rich. English words can be divided into three types of color
From the experience of color, the color of the basic concept of more or less the same. Basic color words are those that have been able to express things on the color of color words. In English, such as red

Color is kind word to use natural objects to represent the true nature of the color of the word.

These are the colors of the general classification of the word. Due to space limitations, this paper used to explore the basic color of the word translation.

In all languages, in addition to color word that the color of their specific conditions, but also because of different countries and different cultures have a wealth of meaning. But also a wide range of applications. Although the color is a natural phenomenon, but thousands of years, because of different national natural environment, cultural traditions and customs of the nation, as well as aesthetic and psychological understanding of the emotional impact of color perception is different, the same color will sometimes produce different联想,从而使同一颜色词在不同的民族形成不同的象征意义,而使颜色词独具引申意义和文化意义。 Among the many words of the color red is the most basic

In addition, the color words in English and with the composition of the compound with a color word or phrase often has a special meaning or usage, these are the translation of color can not be ignored when the word. The following words were on a variety of colors, for example a brief description.

English, people on the "black" generated by the association with the Chinese about. Some even in the formal sense and is fully reciprocal.

And the term of the metaphorical red on the contrary, Western culture is a basic taboo color, embodies the spirit of the West and get rid of the offensive. Red red can be used to form the same feelings, black with a black also emotional, said it "frustrating" "face with angry, glare," "Unfortunately, disasters, disgust, anger, gloomy," and so on.

On the first day of school, students known as the black Monday

September 13, 1873, the New York stock market, accompanied by Zhao Na-year world-wide economic crisis, business magnates are building known as the Black Friday

In English in blue is a very rich meaning of the color of the word. Some of the slightly more symbolic. Esihaimu in the assessment of the blue, said: "As blue as the water cool." "Negative or negative colors." It a symbol of noble, lofty, deep, severe.

On the one hand, in English with a blue "melancholy, sad," meaning, and often in a bad mood about

But one thing is worth noting that in some English phrases containing the word were not blue, "blue" meaning

For example: a blue film was not referring to the sad film, but which contain pornographic content, implied or describe sexual acts, the Chinese equivalent of "yellow film."

In English in green is a very good color word association. It said that "the spring of hope" was now often used in environment-related in terms. For example: green consumerism green consumption, referring to consumers not to buy products that harm the environment.

In English in the green can also be said that bad. It has a "jealous, childish, lack of training".

Western culture in the symbolic green with green vegetation there are a lot of color, color is the plant's life. Esihaimu said: "The Green readily raise the idea of a natural."

It is not only a symbol of youth and vitality. And that fresh.

English in the symbolic purple also will be compared with the emperor and religion. This is an interesting coincidence.



第5个回答  2008-12-01
On the color words in English translation

Color and is closely related to human life, human understanding of the world is an important area. Color not only has the physical attributes, and a rich cultural connotation and extension of meaning. Therefore, it is the language, culture and translation studies is an important subject. In English, there are a large number of colors with the expression, the expression of a specific culture. With a color words in the translation of the expression of the way, we must understand its real meaning. Sometimes because of the color word does not mean that the color, but extended, the other converted into a special meaning.

English words in the color of the number of extremely rich. English words can be divided into three types of color

From the experience of color, the color of the basic concept of more or less the same. Basic color words are those that have been able to express things on the color of color words. In English, such as red

Color is kind word to use natural objects to represent the true nature of the color of the word.

These are the colors of the general classification of the word. Due to space limitations, this paper used to explore the basic color of the word translation.

In all languages, in addition to color word that the color of their specific conditions, but also because of different countries and different cultures have a wealth of meaning. But also a wide range of applications. Although the color is a natural phenomenon, but thousands of years, because of different national natural environment, cultural traditions and customs of the nation, as well as aesthetic and psychological understanding of the emotional impact of color perception is different, the same color will sometimes produce different Lenovo, so that the same words in different colors of different nationalities to form a symbolic meaning, the word unique color by extending the meaning and cultural significance. Among the many words of the color red is the most basic

In addition, the color words in English and with the composition of the compound with a color word or phrase often has a special meaning or usage, these are the translation of color can not be ignored when the word. The following words were on a variety of colors, for example a brief description.

English, people on the "black" generated by the association with the Chinese about. Some even in the formal sense and is fully reciprocal.

And the term of the metaphorical red on the contrary, Western culture is a basic taboo color, embodies the spirit of the West and get rid of the offensive. Red red can be used to form the same feelings, black with a black also emotional, said it "frustrating" "face with angry, glare," "Unfortunately, disasters, disgust, anger, gloomy," and so on.
On the first day of school, students known as the black Monday
September 13, 1873, the New York stock market, accompanied by Zhao Na-year world-wide economic crisis, business magnates are building known as the Black Friday

In English in blue is a very rich meaning of the color of the word. Some of the slightly more symbolic. Esihaimu in the assessment of the blue, said: "As blue as the water cool." "Negative or negative colors." It a symbol of noble, lofty, deep, severe.

On the one hand, in English with a blue "melancholy, sad," meaning, and often in a bad mood about

But one thing is worth noting that in some English phrases containing the word were not blue, "blue" meaning

For example: a blue film was not referring to the sad film, but which contain pornographic content, implied or describe sexual acts, the Chinese equivalent of "yellow film."

In English in green is a very good color word association. It said that "the spring of hope" was now often used in environment-related in terms. For example: green consumerism green consumption, referring to consumers not to buy products that harm the environment.

In English in the green can also be said that bad. It has a "jealous, childish, lack of training".

Western culture in the symbolic green with green vegetation there are a lot of color, color is the plant's life. Esihaimu said: "The Green readily raise the idea of a natural."

It is not only a symbol of youth and vitality. And that fresh.

English in the symbolic purple also will be compared with the emperor and religion. This is an interesting coincidence



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