
“规范现场、挑战自我、提升素养、塑造形象”是5s的推行方针,其中挑战自我是一个很重要的环节,而坏习惯就是它要解决的问题。比如我们在办公室里经常随手放资料,在劳动现场使用工具后不能及时放回原处等等,这些坏习惯会给工作造成麻烦,降低工作效率。事实上,坏习惯的养成绝非一朝一夕之事,要改正也并非易事,因此成了5s推行中的大敌。为了将5s切实有效的进行到底,就要坚决告别坏习惯。而改掉坏习惯只有一简单的诀窍¬——多留一份心,事实正是如此,当你从办公桌边起身,准备去别处,回头看看,文具是否已经归位,文件是否已经放回原处,椅子是否已经摆好……;当你完成一件生产任务,低头看看,地面是否清洁,各种工具是否已经整齐地码放在工具箱里…… ,这些工作听起来很简单,但做起来未必容易。5s绝不是一种形式和应付检查,而最终是要培养一种意识,所以能否一直坚持下去就成为关键问题。

In view of this, we have not yet entered the true state of the implementation of 5s so far, we have not used to it.
45 weeks to implement lean manufacturing, production line 5s have significantly improved. Done through 5s, to achieve such objectives:
A. neat and orderly factories, is the spirit of the new look
B. To achieve self-management employees, we know that management is the most important factor
"Norms at the scene to challenge themselves and enhance the quality and shape the image of the" 5s is the implementation of the principle of self-challenge which is a very important link, and it is a bad habit to solve the problem. For example, our office often readily release information on the use of tools in working at the scene after the original back in time, and so on, these bad habits will cause trouble work and reduced efficiency. In fact, the bad habit of not develop overnight, should also not be easy to correct, it has become the enemy of the implementation of 5s. In order to effectively carry out 5s in the end, it is necessary to firmly bid farewell to bad habits. And give up bad habits, only a simple know-how ¬ - leaving more than a heart, this is exactly the fact that when you get up from the desk edge, ready to go somewhere else, look back, whether the stationery, paper has been back The original, has set up a chair ... ...; When you complete the task of producing one, look at the bow, the the cleanliness of the ground, a variety of tools have been neatly on the tool box code, ... ..., these sounds very simple, but do It may not be easy. 5s is not a form of inspection and to deal with, and the ultimate goal is to foster a sense, it has been able to carry on a key issue.
5s in the implementation process, as the above-mentioned just to name a few of these small ideas, small and large, see, this is a trivial thing, the accumulation that has given us the environment around us has changed dramatically.
We believe that 5s activity is bound to the future development of enterprises to create a favorable atmosphere for business in the tide of reform to achieve take-off to lay a solid foundation.




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