Does this sentence make sense?If there is someone knows the answer. Please explain it in details.

"I've got a question that how old are you."

I realize this sentence has problems, however, that's just my feelings, I require evidence and theory which are able to support my sense. If there is any expert of grammar, please help me figure it out. Thank you.

英语又称介词的语言,在i've got a question 后一般跟三种介词,on,for,about,后跟名词性成分。
i've got a question本身主谓宾语都齐了,后面的东西实际上是给question的一种限制,根据限制的不同分别用不同的介词。
i've got a question for you. (常用)
i've got a question for everybody up here. (常用)
i've got a question on that.(常用)
i've got a question on the matter of how old you are.(不常用)
i've got a question about how old you are.(常用)
i've got a question about how you helped them to figure it out.(常用)
i've got a question for you ,how old are you?
2.要么加介词并把how old are you变成how old you are
i've got a quesion about how old you are(常用)

i've got a quesion on the matter of how old you are(不常用)
第1个回答  2008-10-31
sooooo easy~~

I've got a question that how old are you。

主句I've got a question
名词性从句that how old are you

that 引导的是同位语从句。
how old are you是做question的同位语。

----- 不好意思一下下,没仔细看~从句应为陈述句语序。
I've got a question that how old you are 。
第2个回答  2008-10-31
I wonder which situation is this sentence in? Because that various.
第3个回答  2008-10-31
I've got a question which is that how old you are.
是正确的完整的说法。同时,句中的 which 指代前面的 question, 句中的 that 指代后面的整个问题 how old you are.

which is 这个部分是可以省略的,省略之后就成了
I've got a question that how old you are.
第4个回答  2008-10-31
如果多看英文小说的话,写出来句子很多都是比较有哲学或者艺术类的,除非根据上下文才能体会其中的含义,所以你的句子要看放在什么样的语境里就会有不同的含义,但是写出来的句子语法一定要正确,应该是:I have got a question that how old you are. 除了几个很特殊的用法例外,从句后面的特殊疑问句的主语和谓语都应该是陈述句格式。
第5个回答  2008-10-31
I've got a question that how old you are ! 我觉得这里是倒装啊



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