
More ice melted front the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded,report scienstists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.

Researchers from the University of Colorado(UC) say that the speeding up melting appears to be linked to changes in Northern Hemisphere atmospherie circulation patterns. The study also found temperatures during the summer of 2002 were warmer than usual over much of the Arctic Ocean.
“It is likely that sea ice extent will continue to decline over the 21st century as the climate warms,” Researchers added. “With these trends, we may see a 20 percent reduction in the yearly average sea ice by 2050, and by then there might be no ice at all during the summer months.

The report was released on Saturday at the yearly fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, just one week after, an anouncement by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA) that sea ice is melting about nine percent faster than earlier research had showed, and could disappear entirely by the end of this century.

“This trend of disappearing arctic sea ice is one example of the environmental damage that can be linked to carbon dioxide emissions,” said Morgan, “When we have the means to reduce CO2 emissions and prevent further damage, we should do our best. National leaders must act now to improve energy efficiency and increase the use of renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, before it’s too late.

CU scientists judge that a change in the Greenland climate toward warmer conditions would lead to an increase in the rate of sea level rise, which will bring disasters to the human beings.

UC 科学家们的评论说,在格陵兰气候趋向更暖的条件下,(气候)变化将会导致给人类带来多种灾害的海水平面上升速度加大。
第1个回答  2008-10-13
“这可能是海冰的范围将继续下降, 21世纪的气候变暖, ”研究人员补充说。 “随着这些趋势,我们可以看到一个百分之二十减少,每年平均海冰到2050年,与当时可能没有冰在所有在暑假期间。
该报告发表星期六在每年秋季举行的美国地球物理联盟,只需一个星期前,一个anouncement由美国国家航空和航天局( NASA )的海冰融化约百分之九速度比以前的研究表明,和可完全消失了,到本世纪末
“这种趋势消失北极海冰是一个例子,对环境造成损害,可以与二氧化碳排放量, ”摩根说, “当我们有办法减少二氧化碳的排放,并防止进一步的损害,我们应该尽我们所能。国家领导人必须现在就采取行动,提高能源效率和增加使用可再生能源,像风能和太阳能之前,为时已晚。
第2个回答  2008-10-15
More ice melted front the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet this year than ever before recorded,report scienstists from the University of Colorado. The same team found that the extent of Arctic sea ice reached the lowest level in the satellite record in 2002, offering further proof that climate change is already changing the Arctic.

第3个回答  2008-10-13


“这可能是海冰的范围将继续下降, 21世纪的气候变暖, ”研究人员补充说。 “随着这些趋势,我们可以看到一个百分之二十减少,每年平均海冰到2050年,与当时可能没有冰在所有在暑假期间。

该报告发表星期六在每年秋季举行的美国地球物理联盟,只需一个星期前,一个anouncement由美国国家航空和航天局( NASA )的海冰融化约百分之九速度比以前的研究表明,和可完全消失了,到本世纪末。

“这种趋势消失北极海冰是一个例子,对环境造成损害,可以与二氧化碳排放量, ”摩根说, “当我们有办法减少二氧化碳的排放,并防止进一步的损害,我们应该尽我们所能。国家领导人必须现在就采取行动,提高能源效率和增加使用可再生能源,像风能和太阳能之前,为时已晚。




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